Russ38, someone always has to say this and it is not relevent.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-11-2019, 12:21 AM
Russ38, someone always has to say this and it is not relevent. Originally Posted by 1inamillion
Russ was just tryin to see how the glass was half full n all. optimism-otherwise known as looking at the bright side-is indeed all that..

a city full of rats means the aliens haven't come for the rats yet. And if they haven't come for the rats, chances are, they're not comin for us either. so there's that. like einstein so smartly said, everything is relative, n whatnot..

sorry Op, what was the topic again? oh ya, stings. well here's my 2 cents. if a dude ever offers 300 for a cbj, he's a cop, just fyi (or he's a sorry-ass newb who's about to get his ass handed to him in a sling, after he pays 40 for screening..

pity the meek, for they shall inherit...absolutely effin nothing..)
boardman's Avatar
Sly Turner has had a series of setbacks recently. He needs a big win. 3 months of sting operations set up in June and Culminating in September will give him positive press in October when he needs it. He'll be able to point to all the work the department is putting into quashing trafficking. Doesn't matter that independent providers get taken down. The public is so brainwashed about trafficking they think any provider is caught up in it and needs to be rescued. Ole Sly will be a fucking hero come election day.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-11-2019, 10:10 PM
^^maybe we should call him Capt. Mayor Save-A-Ho..
Chlorine's Avatar
Turner is a piece of shit
ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
Here is some info I found, relating to the hobby.

From 6/7/19-present

20 females booked on hobby related charges
27 males booked on hobby related charges
Sly Turner has had a series of setbacks recently. He needs a big win. 3 months of sting operations set up in June and Culminating in September will give him positive press in October when he needs it. He'll be able to point to all the work the department is putting into quashing trafficking. Doesn't matter that independent providers get taken down. The public is so brainwashed about trafficking they think any provider is caught up in it and needs to be rescued. Ole Sly will be a fucking hero come election day. Originally Posted by boardman
Exactly. Also, it may be noted that accounts on here are also being obtained during these "events" and are being used to bait ladies/vouches/referrals ect… read in between the lines. This is happing quite frequently now. Stay alert & on your toes ! I hope that he does not get re-elected.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-13-2019, 08:15 AM
Exactly. Also, it may be noted that accounts on here are also being obtained during these "events" and are being used to bait ladies/vouches/referrals ect… read in between the lines. This is happing quite frequently now. Stay alert & on your toes ! I hope that he does not get re-elected. Originally Posted by TexasJess
jess i think providers have more trouble with le than hobbyists. i've never had anything close to a close call, mainly b/c legit ads jump off the page vs. sketchy ones, and i steer clear of amps and their ilk. what cop is gonna say in their "BP" ad, "please be freshly showered and my donation is for my time only. mention services and you'll be instantly blocked"..

screen screen screen. too many of my provider friends on sites similar to BP have been busted at one time or another.
boardman's Avatar
Here is some info I found, relating to the hobby.

From 6/7/19-present

20 females booked on hobby related charges
27 males booked on hobby related charges Originally Posted by ViViaN+redhead

ViViaN+redhead's Avatar
It's all public data. Check out the Harris County District Clerk website it shows all the charging instruments filed in the court starting with most recent. If you have trouble navigating (I did) just pm me I can be walk you through it. It's a very handy site to have access to. I just wish location of incidents were included, more specifically. I am able to see a general jurisdiction of what organization detained people but no deets on locations, which could be useful.

If anyone knows this to be incorrect, please show me because I can't figure that one out.

It's a very very useful website. Pm with questions please.