What is your definition of a CLOCK WATCHER?

nebtex1's Avatar
To me a clock watcher is someone who is clearly in the business only for the $$$. She's the type of provider who is not likely to be GFE or into the "romance" portion of the encounter. She's the type who demands money upfront and counts it to make sure it is all there. She's the provider who has to check in (i.e. start the clock). She's the type of provider who will not go any further after a certain time period because you might run over the session if you don't complete on time. She is also likely to be a provider who doesn't allow MSOG. She is also probably a high volume provider.

A non-clock watcher is the type of provider who gets caught up in the moment and really enjoys the full aspect of the profession. She probably doesn't book back to back clients knowing things may run over a bit. Bottom line, the attitude is much more friendly and accommodating. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I agree ... a clockwatcher is not so much the actual clock watching and time reminder (although that is very annoying) ... is more about her attiude and whether she can relax and appear to be comfortable with the situation ... if she is intently trying to get you off (as opposed to letting it happen "naturally").

If I have a 1/2 hour appointment, I understand we need to get down to business in relatively short order ... but nothing pisses me off more then when you have a 1 hour appointment and she is rushing to get you off so you can be out the door in 15 to 30 minutes.

In those cases you should short her by paying for a 1/2 hour session. (Crossing a clockwatcher off your list goes without saying).
Many providers achieve the same thing by offering a "dinner date" package that has a significantly discounted hourly rate, but the expectation is you really have a nice dinner (& I'm not talking about room service) Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Since I don't travel in those circles, I can't speak from experience. However, the ads I've seen for a dinner date tend to be pretty high IMHO.

I have two convergent thoughts which I have never tested due to the cost of dinner dates: (1) it's a rip-off to pay for time just sitting at a table having conversation, and also pick up the dinner check (which, I would tend to believe runs several hundred dollars for two); and (2) it makes a nice complete evening.

Most dinner dates I see advertised start at 3 hours, and go up from there. And, if memory serves they start at around $$$$ per hour (I say "memory" because I tend to briefly look at the ad just long enough to confirm it is not w/in my budget, and move on).

There also seems to be two types of providers in this area: (1) the provider that starts at a 3 hour dinner date; and (2) the one that includes the dinner date in a more or less regular pricing structure.

But for me, looking at those ads is like standing in front of Tiffany's and peering in the window...it is as close as I'll ever get.
ANONONE's Avatar
The clock starts when she greets you hello & stops when you say goodbye. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
ATL. . .that is not gospel. Please be sure to offer such notions as just your opinion.

It is funny you bring that up. Because see, when folks like you try to make up "rules" it gives ladies some very ridiculous ideas. For instance, I once had a rather nasty exchange with a lady over this kind of silliness, that I think gents like you cause through enabling provider avarice.

I don't know about down south, but up here the drive-in is an endangered species:

Just as one of the last auto theaters in the area was closing, I thought it would be nice to relive the past one time and go for the movie experience. I even found one of my regular providers that was willing to do the poodle skirt and bobby socks costume:

She was really into the idea and I thought it would be awesome until we began to negotiate a price for this unique session. Her normal rate was $150.00 (this was a few years back). We were planning on just meeting there and pulling her car along side and jumping into my truck which had tinted windows and bedding in the back--I even thought about renting a van. It was less than four miles from her home, and a shorter commute than an outcall or incall, but she said she would have to charge me her prep time--dolling up in the poodle skirt, and drive time--one hour. Then when she checked the movie listing she said that for two movies and intermission, it would be about five hours. Then her drive home and clean up would be an hour, so the total date would be charged as seven hours, but she would cut me a "break" and only charge me $850.00.

When I choked back the profanity and calmly explained, I only wanted an hour session, and while I was willing to pay a little bit extra for the unique experience, that was more than I was prepared to pay for one hour. She began to argue about all the prep time and the time for watching the movies with me--not what I asked for--and seemed to want to debate the issue. I calmly explained that she was free to stay and watch the movies if she chooses, I wasn't really expecting that price structure. In fact, I wasn't sure I would stay and watch both movies. I explained it was more about the genre and the location--not the movies. She protested and said she really had wanted to see both movies for a while and wanted that to be a part of the date. WTF???

Not only did I not book for the special date, her attitude pissed me off so bad, I never booked a regular incall or outcall with her again.

That is shame, because I have always thought it would be hot to do this.

Instead I wrote a story off the fantasy, sold it for a couple hundred bucks to a magazine, and went and saw two other providers that I knew she disliked and wrote some of my best reviews ever--they were justified, but I took extra time on them and made them fantastic.

My point to all this is, that perhaps more than anything else, this clock watching attitude will bring out the rat bastard in even the nicest guy.

On the flip side, I have had several great experiences with providers that just wanted to do something different than the hotel scene. In fact, one lady met me for a late fall weeknight camping session. We had the whole park to ourselves. We had so much fun playing by the campfire, in the camper, and then in the deserted shower house that she ended up staying one more night. Price tag: $500.00 for essentially an extended overnight and several rounds of furious woodland play and she refused a dime more, saying it was so much fun she would love to do it again, some time.

It goes to show you that there really are two different types of ladies out there.

We never got the chance to do anything that elaborate again before she retired, but I did see her regularly. What so many ladies fail to see is that sometimes they can gain more in the end by making the customer happy. While I would never attempt to tell a lady how to do her business plan, I would think repeat business is important to all providers.

And for the record. . .MY OPINION. . .is that unless we are talking about a dinner date or some other special arrangement, the fee paid covers BCD action--not warm up chit chat and pillow talk after that is done out of choice, not booking.

Gents should be very respectful of time, but that is a two-way street. If we went with ATL's code, I m afraid there would be some ladies out there that would pad the session with a great deal of wasted time in hopes of guilting a gent into an paying for an extended session.
atlcomedy's Avatar
@ CT - maybe "significantly discounted" is still misleading. Just because Barney's is having a "sale" doesn't mean it is affordable One's personal finances aside, it really becomes a choice: Would you rather have say 3 one hr. dates with a quality provider or one longer one? & It is right to consider extra costs like the dinner itself and a hotel room. That said I've never had anything close to a "clock watching" dinner date.

@ ANON - I wish more gals were "cool" like your positive experience & just view it as "hey, I'm getting a pretty good fee for a couple of hours, lets just roll with it and make everyone happy." The only defense I have for your "dress up girl" is in some circles anytime you want to do anything other than standard hotel date some whole different pricing structure seems to apply. You have to admit playing dress-up & doing it at the drive in falls in the realm of fetish/fantasy
ANONONE's Avatar
The only defense I have for your "dress up girl" is in some circles anytime you want to do anything other than standard hotel date some whole different pricing structure seems to apply. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I would have been fine with a premium--perhaps even double. Triple seemed a bit out of it though. More than anything it was the attitude. Maybe I am wrong, but for me that is what this clock watching thing is about.

We all know they are keeping time in some form. . .just don't make it so obvious, or mean and nasty.

@ CT - maybe "significantly discounted" is still misleading. Just because Barney's is having a "sale" doesn't mean it is affordable One's personal finances aside, it really becomes a choice: Would you rather have say 3 one hr. dates with a quality provider or one longer one? & It is right to consider extra costs like the dinner itself and a hotel room. That said I've never had anything close to a "clock watching" dinner date. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Given those 2 choices, I would opt for the 3 1-hr dates. But the reason is personal: I'm at an age where multiple pops are not an option.

[BTW, here is an open challenge to any provider who would thinks she can give me multiple pops, and would like to try!!! If you think you can do it, PM me, and we'll communicate about it.]

So, for me, I would have a much better time with 3 1-hr dates, with sufficient time in between dates to "recover." LOL
We all know they are keeping time in some form. . .just don't make it so obvious, or mean and nasty.

Originally Posted by ANONONE
I don't need them to keep an eye on the clock. I do very well on my own, but that's just me. Can't tell you the number of times I've been embarrassed by a provider looking at me and saying, "Are you watching the clock?" Then she laughs at my embarrassment.

However, I should be able to easily reach my goals in 1 hr. [Done it in a half hour too, but really don't like the rushed nature of that session.]
A clockwatcher cares more about time than giving/receiving pleasure. It goes both ways BTW. SW
ANONONE's Avatar
I'm at an age where multiple pops are not an option. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I feel your pain CT. Getting old sucks. On the upside, I have pretty good control, but once that pop happens, it is goodnight Irene. I can think of only two providers in the last decade that have been able to make Mr. Happy smile twice in the same session. When it happens, I tip generously, because it is so rare.

He will rise up, but never seems to pop a second time, and being respectful of ladies I will usually tell the that is is not expected, or if we do try for a second time, I become a clock watcher and let her know it is okay to stop, because we may go for another hour or two before he will cooperate, and I don't want to make her sore. Besides being an old fart, I am usually too gassed to perform longer even if I am erect.
He will rise up, but never seems to pop a second time Originally Posted by ANONONE
Don't have a problem with "rising again"...Vitamin V works like a charm. As a matter of fact, most providers expect Mr. Happy to shrink when I pop. When Mr. Happy is still erect, (most) want to go for the second pop. That's when I tell them it probly aint gonna happen.

Still looking for that provider who thinks she can do it and is willing to try.

So far, no one has PMd me to take up the gauntlet.
I'll keep this simple. Extra time for the guys should be like tips for the gals: never expected, always appreciated.
THANK YOU TEXAST and ALTCOMEDY! You both are very intelligent and bring the CORRECT insight to this thread.
Well said, TexasT! I would like to provide a little perspective for some of the gents viewing or participating in this thread. Even though it may seem that a lady always in it just for the money when she is aware of the time, you don't know what experiences prompt her to be so aware. I have had clients stay so long that I literally end up handing them their clothes and telling them to leave! I've also had clients come to expect that extra 10 or 15 minutes, which means that not being a "clock-watcher" actually requires me to give them an extra 30 minutes. People like this force us to protect our time more than we would like to have to. I used to give extra time to most gentlemen, but the actions of some of them have ruined it for everyone. It leads to more headaches than you might think.
I do not condone a lady making you feel like she wants you out the door as soon as possible, though. I do want to say that if a lady seems to be a clock-watcher to you, don't see her! As long as she gives you the time you paid for, then I believe that she is technically in the right.
I am going to say this calmly, and with a level head. In all honesty, I have no idea why you even put this thread in "General Discussion". It seems that the majority of you have made up your minds on how the ladies should run their businesses.

I think that you forget that this is first and foremost a business for the escorts.

When I book an hour massage with "Massage Envy" at 1pm, my appointment starts at 1pm and ends at 1:55. When my massage therapist says, "Ok, hun, time's up", I say thank you, pay her, tip her, and leave. My feelings are not "hurt" if she does not chit-chat before and after, nor would my feelings be "hurt" if she were to decline to have "dinner with me".

I would like to consider most of you as intelligent people, and therefore you realize that this is a business transaction. So, once you’ve stayed your allotted time, I am going to thank you, ask you if you had a nice time, and wave goodbye. Otherwise, as a customer, what incentive do you have to book an hour appointment with me if you “know” that I’ll let you stay a half hour overtime? Why not just book the half hour?

Furthermore, as the consumer, you have the right in deciding HOW your time is going to be spent. If you wish to spend the entire hour drinking coffee and telling me about your day, then hey, its YOUR hour.

Many of you suggested that its the woman's attitude which dubs her as a "clock-watcher". Sure, ok. I am not going to remind you at 15 minute intervals how much time you have left. I am going to do my very best to please you and send you home very satisfied.

She's the type who demands money upfront and counts it to make sure it is all there. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Sir, I for one have been "burned" countless times by NOT counting the money. Please reference this thread http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=24365 When you go to Wal-Mart and pay the cashier, are you “offended” when s/he counts the money you gave him/her? NO! This is no different. Please be respectful of a lady’s right to protect herself. This does not make her a bad person. This keeps the transaction honest.

ATL. . .that is not gospel. Please be sure to offer such notions as just your opinion. It is funny you bring that up. Because see, when folks like you try to make up "rules" it gives ladies some very ridiculous ideas. For instance, I once had a rather nasty exchange with a lady over this kind of silliness, that I think gents like you cause through enabling provider avarice. Originally Posted by ANONONE
Sir, I have a few heated words that I would love to share with you. But as a lady, I have decided, instead, to inform you that the above quote reflects your true feelings about women, especially providers. Apparently, we aren’t “intelligent” enough to operate businesses on our own and develop protocol for how we are going to be compensated. Thank you for that tid-bit. I will alert as many females as I possibly can that we just should NOT be in the workforce, and should remain at home, barefoot and pregnant.
BrittanyLennox, thank you. I was going to leave that particular post alone, but I'm glad you didn't. None of us should have to put up with such insults to our intelligence and capability.