So Now What On Impeachment?

HedonistForever's Avatar
cooked, meaning impeachment is inevitable. I said conviction is not going to happen. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

So just to satisfy my curiosity, do you think impeachment hangs on these few days of testimony because because you seem to suggest that the testimony of Bolton and Mulvaney would sink Trump but without their testimony they might not be able to? I think it was a forgone conclusion before this began.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Since we are all so bored, maybe this will lighten the mood.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You and yours cried the hearings weren't public. And you still don't know 47 repubs had access to the witnesses during the closed hearings. Or lying.

Which is it? Lying or ignorance?

Then and now you lie about the repubs were unable to ask questions when they were given as much time as they wanted during the closed hearings.

First you said things were moving too fast. Now it's moving too slow.

You got what you wanted....and now you bitch. You keep changing your stories.

Lots of fox viewers home during the day. I guess they work at night.

How many bowl games/NFL playoff games before Christmas and how many NFL games are on a weekday during the day?

If you don't like it don't watch.

And do you really think even fox wouldn't cover the hearings for any reason?

You should pick a lie and stick with it. You're confusing trump.

Over the past three days Schitt has replayed the same testimony he's already had but with the Republicans able to ask questions and on TV.

So? No new "bombshells." The Dim witnesses are difficult to look at. They are routinely torn new assholes.

This is going on through Christmas? I don't think so. Football playoffs and Bowl games will crush it.

I read were the President's approval rating went up 2% and Fox is leading in the Impeachment Inquiry viewers. Nervous Nancy better pull the plug soon.

At least the Dim are identifying their undercover agents for elimination. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Munchmasterman's Avatar
1 person as opposed to most people subpoenaed in the trump administration?

Good trumpy equivalency.

Maybe we could bring in Obama to answer that one.

White House political director refuses to testify

President Obama's top political adviser in the White House, David Simas, will defy a subpoena to appear before a House oversight committee Wednesday, setting up a political and legal confrontation over the scope of executive power.
As an immediate adviser to the president, Simas "is immune from congressional compulsion to testify on matters relating to his official duties and will not appear" at Wednesday's hearing, White House Counsel Neil Eggleston said in a letter to Congress Tuesday.
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., had sought to compel Simas to testify about the White House Office of Political Strategy and Outreach, which Obama reestablished in January. Specifically, Issa wants to know what the White House was doing to ensure it complies with civil service laws forbidding executive employees from engaging in political activity.
He said Wednesday's hearing would go on with or without Simas.
Issa said the White House was flouting previous court rulings that said White House officials don't have absolute immunity from testifying. In 2007, the Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed White House Counsel Harriet Miers to testify about the controversial firings of U.S. Attorneys. An appeals court upheld the subpoena, but said Miers didn't have to discuss privileged information in response to questions. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Thank you for pointing out that no matter what evidence is presented, repubs have decided that they will put party before country.

True trumpys.

By "cooked" you mean that if those two testified 20 Republican Senators would vote to convict? Aren't you on record saying that isn't going to happen? So what do you mean "cooked"? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
LexusLover's Avatar
Thank you for pointing out that no matter what evidence is presented, repubs have decided that they will put party before country.

True trumpys.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Thank you for demonstrating that no matter what evidence is presented, you DimWittedLoons have decided that they will put party before country.

True DimWits!
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 09:25 AM
LL- +1

DPST prty is their country - and all else are mortal enemies to be disposed of - per Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Saddam, and Kim.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Once again you project.

What evidence has been presented to refute the given testimony?

You're the lexusliar. trump himself has made the "5th avenue blah, blah, blah," statement about convicting him.
Unwavering, blind subservience is an observable trait of the trumpys.
Your claim is based on your view which needs little to no evidence or proof for you to embrace it.

The Flynn case alone is full of examples.
Examples are something that gets in the way of your bullshit. As do links and facts.

Thank you for demonstrating that no matter what evidence is presented, you DimWittedLoons have decided that they will put party before country.

True DimWits!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You're entitled to your opinion regardless of your lack of ability to see any viewpoint other than your own or let alone read minds.

Both you and ll have levels of hubris that clearly demonstrate the arrogance of ignorance.

Examples available upon request.
LL- +1

DPST prty is their country - and all else are mortal enemies to be disposed of - per Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Saddam, and Kim. Originally Posted by oeb11
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 09:44 AM
You're entitled to your opinion regardless of your lack of ability to see any viewpoint other than your own or let alone read minds.

From the self-expert on what everyone else in America thinks.

Neither you nor any of the DPST believe in the right to an opinion contrary to yours, free speech, or protection of rights under the Constitution.

Schiff and nadler are prima facie evidence of this in their slanted lying approach in their committees.

It iwl eventually come to light.

and the socialist flag is "RED: - not blue, mmm

by who? Pencil-neck?

the hearings are in the early stage. too soon to declare the outcome. I know your side has been flailing from the beginning, declaring "nothing burger" shit, and what not.

of course Trump won't be found guilty after impeachment. everyone knows that, yet you guys seem scared shitless of the process.. refuse to let witnesses appear.. why is that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Why did democrats begin the impeachment inquiry if they know President Trump won't be convicted? They are taking a big risk politically and I don't see much of an upside. This impeachment inquiry is only going to supercharge Trump supporters. Makes no sense to me.

I do think there is quite a bit of fear among democrats when the investigations concerning the Russian story and the election in 2016 becomes public. Since the investigation has become a criminal investigation we will probably see some indictments. I'm thinking impeachment is a way for democrats to muddy the waters and deflect from their own wrong doing.

Unwavering, blind subservience is an observable trait of the trumpys.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

I think you misunderstand President Trump supporters. They are not following him blindly he represents issue that they are fully supportive of. As a Trump supporter his policies are a reflection of what I strongly advocate. If this weren't the case I would have never voted for him. There are a lot of closet Trump supporters which tells me they like what he's doing.
on why people support trump:

trump is a complicated individual

if one says, I like his policies but I don't like his style or his new yorkish rudeness, I would say that its not possible to sever those two things completely

for without his personality he would have never survived the last three years

he wouldn't have so strongly put the media in their lying place

he wouldnt have destroyed political correctness like he has

he wouldn't have fought for border protection like he has

I think he's changed the way Washington operates for the good, opening its hatred of the American people for the world to see

he wouldn't have called out china or tried to restore manufacturing or gotten us out of the paris accords or the trans pacific partnership agreement or achieved energy independence and been the strong nationalist he is

I think you have to take the rough to get the strong an d good

no president has done the good trump has done in my memory

has he made America great again? I'd say if he hasn't , its not from lack of trying

he isn't hated any more than any other republican president has been hated by the left and the media, he just fights back and the clash is heard and it seems he's hated more but there's one thing for sure, he has attained, due to his success, their eternal enmity
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 01:44 PM
Why did democrats begin the impeachment inquiry if they know President Trump won't be convicted? They are taking a big risk politically and I don't see much of an upside. This impeachment inquiry is only going to supercharge Trump supporters. Makes no sense to me.

I do think there is quite a bit of fear among democrats when the investigations concerning the Russian story and the election in 2016 becomes public. Since the investigation has become a criminal investigation we will probably see some indictments. I'm thinking impeachment is a way for democrats to muddy the waters and deflect from their own wrong doing. Originally Posted by Yachtmaster

The most concise and accurate couple of paragraphs about the subject i have read.

Thank you - YM.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think you misunderstand President Trump supporters. They are not following him blindly he represents issue that they are fully supportive of. As a Trump supporter his policies are a reflection of what I strongly advocate. If this weren't the case I would have never voted for him. There are a lot of closet Trump supporters which tells me they like what he's doing. Originally Posted by Yachtmaster

I don't like Trumps personality, I don't like his behavior, I don't like his tweets, I thought his tweet in the Yovanovitch hearing was a good example of a man who has no filter and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut for his own good.

What I do like is my 401k, literally every economic indicator through the roof, I like most if not all of his foreign policy decisions. I like his trade war with China and if we could stop all trade with China, I would be for that too. I like his stance on immigration and if all the predictions by climate fanatics come true, that wall will come in handy when 10's of millions of people decide to head north. I like Conservatives on the SC who understand that their job is to read the Constitution and apply what it says not what they "feel". You don't let "what will happen if I vote this way or that way" in your decision making. You vote what the law says and leave it to the Legislature to make laws. If the American people don't like a SC ruling, the Constitution provides a way to amend it like has been done now what 26 times?

As one astute poster wrote "if Hillary had been elected, impeachment in the Republican House would have stared on day one because she broke all the laws Trump is being impeached for". I detest hypocrites in both parties but Democrats happen to be ruling in that regard today. Before the election, the number one answer to name one word to describe Hillary turned out to be "liar". So my choice in 2016 was one liar or the other. Yes Trumps lies. He lied about the crowd at his inaugural. He is a narcissistic, boastful, arrogant, belligerent man that I would gladly replace tomorrow for someone who agreed with every policy initiative he has put forth but that person does not exist. That person didn't exist in the 16 people he went up against. I literally had no other choice unless I wanted someone who would not do what I wanted them to do.

I didn't vote for Trump because I like him, I voted for him because what he has proposed, I agree with. Simple as that.

I will not be voting for anybody that supports judges offering their feelings and not the literal reading of the Constitution and it's amendments. I will not vote for anybody that thinks there are 37 genders to choose from. I will not vote for anybody that thinks a man who thinks he is a female can compete against real women in athletics and will not agree that anatomical males who are "confused" can't share a bathroom with female children. I will not vote for anybody that believes in open borders, free anything for illegals other than deportation though I am sympathetic to the so called dreamers. I will not vote for anybody who thinks they can take away choice in health care options like the crazy Progressives who have the Democratic party so worried, people are coming out of the wood work to oppose Bernie and Warren and their ilk.

I certainly will not vote for anybody claiming they want to give Socialism a try.