Well written, JS.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. !!
Apparentlys. Bambino didn’t understands the question, or chose nots to respond to the comments.
WHAT GERMAN COURT CONVICTED HITLER? What German Court even tried to stops him? NONE! The Germans were as complicit for Hitler’s atrocity as yous are for Trump’s.
You’re ignorant third world timbits, bambino... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
For our history challenged individuals, Hitler committed suicide.Let’s remember it’s your supreme leader who can’t be indicted while in office. And don’t forget the fat lying bastard has his piss boy Barr covering up his crimes and Moscow Mitch attempting to whitewash his trial.
Many Nazi's were rounded up, tried convicted, and sentenced. Hitler would have undoubtedly been one of them had he survived.
As it is, the TDS'ers out there can't even get a crime charged against Trump.
But what's really scary is the level of angst the lefty's are exhibiting with Trump and the fact they can't seem to convict him of anything, albeit not for lack of trying.s. Originally Posted by eccielover
Apparentlys. Bambino didn’t understands the question, or chose nots to respond to the comments.You’re the ignorant pig. Comparing anyone to Hitler is an insult to your people. That’s why they disowned you. Because you’re a stupid, lazy, disgusting pig. Trumps more Jewish than you are.
WHAT GERMAN COURT CONVICTED HITLER? What German Court even tried to stops him? NONE! The Germans were as complicit for Hitler’s atrocity as yous are for Trump’s.
You’re ignorant third world timbits, bambino... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Let’s remember it’s your supreme leader who can’t be indicted while in office. And don’t forget the fat lying bastard has his piss boy Barr covering up his crimes and Moscow Mitch attempting to whitewash his trial.
Anyone supporting the trump party is a Russian sympathizer who will go to war for their supreme leader. I believe the National Guard will have to quell the half assed Revolution of the trumptards.
That’s if the nursing homes give them a pass to out after bed check. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
...If the Republicans were smart a House Representative should have said "If Biden is elected I will submit impeachment papers immediately for his Ukranian quid pro quo."
1) IF there was a Quid pro quo was that illegal ?
Merry Christmas , happy holidays folks Originally Posted by rexdutchman
You dumbfuck... the Hitler sheep, just like the Trump sheep were responsible for Hitler trampling all over their constitution and murdering all the so called deplorables.The best thing about Trump...HE GETS UNDER YOUR SKIN
Now you deplorables are trying to do the exact same thing.
Hitler colluded with Russia too.
We are like in 1935 Germany. You deplorables are getting us there. Soon we'll be back discriminating against the gays, blacks, muslims and Mexicans. Originally Posted by WTF