wants ta ...knows whats a trump ...victory be like?

Willie Wanker's Avatar
This is a good post here.

I also find if funny when some of the support attempts to point out that Trump is a Republican. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Trump is a Libertarian, regardless of his party label. He was registered democrat, but he has nothing in common with them now. Maybe 20 years ago when the party was moderate.
The Republicans have become more unified under Trump, especially the younger reps. Mitch has outstayed his welcome imo.
Mitch has outstayed his welcome imo. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Hopefully Mitch will be there for a long time. He is the one getting the Judiciary balanced by loading the courts with Constitutional Judges. Now if we could just get education somewhat back to the middle and stop indoctrinating our youth that you no longer have to work for anything things would be ok.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Hopefully Mitch will be there for a long time. He is the one getting the Judiciary balanced by loading the courts with Constitutional Judges. Now if we could just get education somewhat back to the middle and stop indoctrinating our youth that you no longer have to work for anything things would be ok. Originally Posted by tbear4u77
So true about the state of education. So much damage is already done. The poison media is making matters even worse. It's so insane. With all of the wokeness, antifa, cancel culture, identity politics, etc. They're doing their best to replace order with chaos. It makes me sick. However, if they won an election, it will be one term of chaos, . That will be enough to convince these numbskulls how wrong they were. Eventually, order always wins.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
So true about the state of education. So much damage is already done. The poison media is making matters even worse. It's so insane. With all of the wokeness, antifa, cancel culture, identity politics, etc. They're doing their best to replace order with chaos. It makes me sick. However, if they won an election, it will be one term of chaos, . That will be enough to convince these numbskulls how wrong they were. Eventually, order always wins. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I agree with everything except the last two sentences.

It also surprises me that the communists haven't really started with the horror stories about what happens if Trump wins again and gets to replace Ginsburg with an arch-conservative and upsets the balance of the Supreme Court for the next generation or so.

This would be a legacy far beyond the epic skirmishing with the media and drunk Nancy.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Ha ha. I'm not going to assume that Nancy's an alcoholic. She may be into xanax, or need her dentures resized. But something's definitely off. Her ticks, mouth movement, and behavior at the SOTU was bizarre.

One thing's for sure. We're living through a very unique and exciting time in American politics. The upcoming election is going to be insane.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Ha ha. I'm not going to assume that Nancy's an alcoholic. She may be into xanax, or need her dentures resized. But something's definitely off. Her ticks, mouth movement, and behavior at the SOTU was bizarre.

One thing's for sure. We're living through a very unique and exciting time in American politics. The upcoming election is going to be insane. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
I find the mainstream media manipulation of these oatmeal-brained unaware voters to be disturbing.

The victory lap these pieces of shit will take if one of the globalists wins will be genuinely nauseating and may never end.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Exposing media bias is one of Trump's best moves. They don't even try to hide it or candy-coat it anymore. That in itself opened many eyes, and continues to. The journalists at the press briefings are rude and contentious. Their bias is blatantly obvious. So much for umbased media, it never existed.
What bothers me the most is what the MSM is not reporting. Crime stories are ignored, unless ot meets a certain racial profile.
The media would have us believe that white people are responsible for most of the hate crimes in this country.Thats completely untrue, and the statistics prove it. Candace Owens has done a great job calling out the media on that. Larry Elder as well.

Wait a minute, reality check. Why am I talking about politics in an escort site forum? Meh, fuck it. 🤪
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm here to scout whores and shoot the shit.