Bill Gates.......Communist China’s Useful Idiot

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
sportfisherman's Avatar
Bill Gates - true genius,artistry,and creativity.Solid undisputed body of work.In other fields comparable to the Beatles,Ray Charles,Jim Brown,Bill Russell,Willie Mays,Jack Nicholson,etc.

Whining Donnie Chump - not very bright,a loser in business for the most part,very good at self-promotion ( ie. bragging),marketing,and spin.In other fields comparable to the Monkees,any number of third tier athletes,Kim Kardashian,Jessica Simpson,or any no talent or marginally talented hypesters.

I'm with Howard Stern,how anybody can come forth to still defend this incompetent buffoon is unbelievable.You make up that 30%.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Just FYI ;

You guys China thing,WHO thing,Obama thing,Bill Gates thing,Media thing,Governor thing,States and Locals thing ; none of that shit is going to fly this fall.The electorate overall is stupid but not quite as stupid as the 30% dyed in the wool Chumpsters !!
Perhaps the Board of Directors of Microsoft should get BG in a room and explain to him that the vast majority of Americans are in no mood to be lectured on the good things China does.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Just FYI ;

You guys China thing,WHO thing,Obama thing,Bill Gates thing,Media thing,Governor thing,States and Locals thing ; none of that shit is going to fly this fall.The electorate overall is stupid but not quite as stupid as the 30% dyed in the wool Chumpsters !! Originally Posted by sportfisherman

if you say so, Joe

  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2020, 06:16 PM
Do any of you Chump idiots know how to spell Capitalist ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Yeah, I know how to spell capitalist - it's B I L L G A T E S.

I'm not so sure how to spell crony capitalist but think it starts with "D". Maybe DONALD or DEMOCRAT. I think Donald used to be a Democrat, I get confused.

The Chinese may (or may not) have lied about their numbers, and their laxity early on may have allowed this to get out of control. But there's no doubting they did a better job of responding to the new coronavirus and getting their economy going again than we have or will. Attribute it all to their police state if you wish but there are other reasons that many Americans, out of arrogance or ignorance, won't admit.
Yeah, I know how to spell capitalist - it's B I L L G A T E S.

I'm not so sure how to spell crony capitalist but think it starts with "D". Maybe DONALD or DEMOCRAT.

The Chinese may (or may not) have lied about their numbers, and their laxity early on may have allowed this to get out of control. But there's no doubting they did a better job of responding to the new coronavirus and getting their economy going again than we have or will. Attribute it all to their police state if you wish but there are other reasons that many Americans, out of arrogance or ignorance, won't admit. Originally Posted by Tiny
Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?

A few things:

1) Name the Democrat who had a plan that would have prevented this from happening and who proposed it back around the time Trump instituted the travel ban on China (late January). In fact, name ANY plan that would have made a difference. But you can't mention closing borders because that was opposed ACROSS THE BOARD by the left when Trump did it.

2) How has China restated their economy? They may be ending lockdown in Wuhan, but they are instituting a new one in a province near the Russian border. The Chinese economy has been highly inflated with endless 6% growth rates every year for 20 years. That house of cards is about to come crashing down - especially when the rest of the world starts moving their supply chains out of China.

3) Don't underestimate the US rebound. It won't be easy, but hatred for the lockdown is palpable in both political parties' rank and file. Both entrepreneurs and workers are chomping at the bit to get back to work. Bullshit petty issues will be put aside as people will be MOTIVATED to get things going again. Primarily because they are scared.
  • oeb11
  • 04-27-2020, 06:31 PM
Tiny - does that not concern you - in your own assessment 'China did a bettr job responding to the Wuhan virus (paraphrased).
Wonder Why - was that just happenstance and the response of a totalitarian society - Once the "Virus was out of the bag"
Or did China do so "amazingly well" and shut down their containment so much earlier - because they knew prospectively what they were doing

Would i put it past the Chinese to deliberately loose Wuhan virus on the world - given their economic issues - well - they made it worse short term - but China plays a long term game. And they seem to be in better recovery shape than America by a long shot - along with russia.

and - they are lining up new targets for China's Capitalist Imperialist Policy.

Gonna be interesting!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, I know how to spell capitalist - it's B I L L G A T E S.

I'm not so sure how to spell crony capitalist but think it starts with "D". Maybe DONALD or DEMOCRAT. I think Donald used to be a Democrat, I get confused.

The Chinese may (or may not) have lied about their numbers, and their laxity early on may have allowed this to get out of control. But there's no doubting they did a better job of responding to the new coronavirus and getting their economy going again than we have or will. Attribute it all to their police state if you wish but there are other reasons that many Americans, out of arrogance or ignorance, won't admit. Originally Posted by Tiny

if the Chinese lied about their numbers how did they do such a "great" job?
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2020, 07:35 PM
Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?

A few things:

1) Name the Democrat who had a plan that would have prevented this from happening and who proposed it back around the time Trump instituted the travel ban on China (late January). In fact, name ANY plan that would have made a difference. But you can't mention closing borders because that was opposed ACROSS THE BOARD by the left when Trump did it. Originally Posted by Revenant
I can't name a Democrat but I can name a Republican, George W. Bush. He took the potential for a pandemic seriously and prepared the nation for it. We backslid.

2) How has China restated their economy? They may be ending lockdown in Wuhan, but they are instituting a new one in a province near the Russian border. The Chinese economy has been highly inflated with endless 6% growth rates every year for 20 years. That house of cards is about to come crashing down - especially when the rest of the world starts moving their supply chains out of China. Originally Posted by Revenant
You mean restarted? I'll reply to The Waco Kid below. The Chinese economy over the last 20 years has been a great success story, moving hundreds of millions out of poverty. Will it come crashing down? Probably not. Right now their economy is weathering the coronavirus a lot better than ours. If it does crash it will more likely be because of debt, not because the rest of the world stops trading with China. Since the tariffs, instead of exporting toys to the USA they're exporting more toys to Europe, and other parts of Asia have taken up the slack by selling to the USA. The world was already moving parts of supply chains out of China before the Trump Trade Wars.

3) Don't underestimate the US rebound. It won't be easy, but hatred for the lockdown is palpable in both political parties' rank and file. Both entrepreneurs and workers are chomping at the bit to get back to work. Bullshit petty issues will be put aside as people will be MOTIVATED to get things going again. Primarily because they are scared. Originally Posted by Revenant
You're probably right.
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2020, 07:39 PM
Tiny - does that not concern you - in your own assessment 'China did a bettr job responding to the Wuhan virus (paraphrased).
Wonder Why - was that just happenstance and the response of a totalitarian society - Once the "Virus was out of the bag"
Or did China do so "amazingly well" and shut down their containment so much earlier - because they knew prospectively what they were doing

Would i put it past the Chinese to deliberately loose Wuhan virus on the world - given their economic issues - well - they made it worse short term - but China plays a long term game. And they seem to be in better recovery shape than America by a long shot - along with russia.

and - they are lining up new targets for China's Capitalist Imperialist Policy.

Gonna be interesting! Originally Posted by oeb11
Yeah it concerns me Oeb. Our response should have been a lot better. It was worse though in some other countries, Italy and Spain perhaps.

I don't see how this could have been planned, to screw the USA. Wuhan and Hubei in China were on their knees and the Chinese were scared shitless it would spread to the rest of the country. There are other countries, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, that did as well as China on the medical front in combating the virus. South Korea and Taiwan did as well on the economy too I think.
  • Tiny
  • 04-27-2020, 07:42 PM
if the Chinese lied about their numbers how did they do such a "great" job? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How do we know they lied? Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. They went back and raised their numbers for Wuhan, to include additional deaths that weren't counted as Coronavirus initially. My guess is they lied, the numbers are higher than they reported, but still much lower than ours per capita.

As to the economic numbers, you look at satellite photographs, read company reports, follow the western press with boots on the ground and it sure looks like they're getting back to semi-normal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How do we know they lied? Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. They went back and raised their numbers for Wuhan, to include additional deaths that weren't counted as Coronavirus initially. My guess is they lied, the numbers are higher than they reported, but still much lower than ours per capita.

As to the economic numbers, you look at satellite photographs, read company reports, follow the western press with boots on the ground and it sure looks like they're getting back to semi-normal. Originally Posted by Tiny

what number are they reporting? this report says 4,642. that is completely fucking false. add a zero for Wuhan ALONE. how can a nation of 1.4 billion .. where it originally started in the first place .. have such an order of magnitude lower death rate than .. Italy? let alone the USA?



Guangdong Province
























I can't name a Democrat but I can name a Republican, George W. Bush. He took the potential for a pandemic seriously and prepared the nation for it. We backslid. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yeah, I saw the Bush video too. And I was/am a Bush supporter.

But he didn't actually DO anything except make a speech and buy small amounts of supplies. And Obama did nothing either.

Fifteen years after Bush made that speech, we still have no national stockpiles of masks, ventilators, or PPE. Most of what little shit we did have was made in China - a national disgrace. We also have limited hospital bed capacity.

But, I also doubt that the death toll would have been impacted even if we had 10 times the equipment that we do have.

No place in the country has exceeded its hospital capacity. That includes NYC itself. The Javits Center was never used. The USNS Comfort was little used. If we HAD exceeded capacity, we would be in much worse shape. But the social distancing worked/is working.

Cuomo loudly complained about a potential ventilator shortage in NYC, but within a week was offering excess ventilators to other states. It turned around that fast.

The little publicized bad news about this pandemic is that the disease was already widespread by the time we realized we already had in the US. So the first wave of patients were doomed to get it.

The other little publicized news is that the ventilators made no difference in most cases. I read yesterday (can't find article) that about 80% of the intubated patients died anyway. Or maybe it was 80% of the dead were intubated patients. Either way it was bad.

The lethal factors were age and obesity - and ventilators made very little difference.

So, all those trying to blame Trump for the 50K dead do not know what they are talking about. If Hillary won in 2016, there are still 50K dead, except now all the Trump supporters would be blaming Hillary for the dead.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Perhaps the Board of Directors of Microsoft should get BG in a room and explain to him that the vast majority of Americans are in no mood to be lectured on the good things China does. Originally Posted by Jackie S

he's not with microsoft any more....