A Guess at the true death rate in Texas

I'm actually still interested and sadly this will never be studied, but how many people are not getting early diagnoses or routine follow ups to diagnose early stage conditions as result of the lockdowns and Dr's cancelling many checkups and well visits, which goes toward your people who oevereat, smoke, drink and do not exercise.

Will the death toll amongst those end up surpassing the virus itself due to the lock downs and panic being spread as a result. Originally Posted by eccielover
I agree that would be a good area for study.
I know. The bottom line is, there is a disease that is being exploited to be highly contagious and life threatening so that the hearts and minds of the people can be shaped to accept what ever directives the Government wishes to implement. Thus Social distancing, wear a mask in public, stay in side ect. The end result usher in a "New World Government". Originally Posted by Levianon17
I believe that is the end goal.
If he had Covid 19 before he fell off the horse....sure it would be counted Originally Posted by matchingmole
LOL - true!
Sounds like your assistant governor, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer (Yssup Rider?)
Nice try - I am absolutely positive you know it is the Lieutenant Governor, not the assistant Governor.
I believe that is the end goal. Originally Posted by friendly fred
It can be reversed or avoided all together if the people would stop complying with the stupid shit the Government keeps imposing on people. That's why people need to wake up and realize the Government doesn't have the average citizen's best interest in mind. This shit with these fucking masks are becoming a fashion statement. Pretty soon people won't compliment each other on their shoes, shirt or pants but rather the mask they wear. People are getting more and more idiotic with each passing day. This pandemic has not only ruined the economy but society as well.
It can be reversed or avoided all together if the people would stop complying with the stupid shit the Government keeps imposing on people. That's why people need to wake up and realize the Government doesn't have the average citizen's best interest in mind. This shit with these fucking masks are becoming a fashion statement. Pretty soon people won't compliment each other on their shoes, shirt or pants but rather the mask they wear. People are getting more and more idiotic with each passing day. This pandemic has not only ruined the economy but society as well. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Society was well on its way to be ruined by all the gay people out there...and liberals - same thing, I know.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It can be reversed or avoided all together if the people would stop complying with the stupid shit the Government keeps imposing on people. That's why people need to wake up and realize the Government doesn't have the average citizen's best interest in mind. Originally Posted by Levianon17
if you feel this way, why don't you indict Trump as part of this conspiracy? it was his National Emergency that kicked off the great majority of stay-at-home orders, and to this day he advocates a slow opening of the economy. is Trump part of the problem? why not?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He certainly is, but it’s pretty expected when supposed experts told him 2mil+ we’re going to die. Time to admit shutting down the country was an epic fuck up and reverse course.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He certainly is, but it’s pretty expected when supposed experts told him 2mil+ we’re going to die. Time to admit shutting down the country was an epic fuck up and reverse course. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
why are guys giving Trump a pass today? I get that he might have fallen for the initial hysteria, but if a number of Whore Board Posters have it figured out, why is Trump still on the slow opening of the economy train?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
why are guys giving Trump a pass today? I get that he might have fallen for the initial hysteria, but if a number of Whore Board Posters have it figured out, why is Trump still on the slow opening of the economy train? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

weren't yous yelling about keeping the lock down in place? social distancing? wearing masks? now you think Trump can order Governors to open up? or order them to keep the lock down in place?

yous is one confused trump troll

Jacuzzme's Avatar
why are guys giving Trump a pass today? I get that he might have fallen for the initial hysteria, but if a number of Whore Board Posters have it figured out, why is Trump still on the slow opening of the economy train? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think he believes that shutting it down saved uncounted lives, and he doesn’t want it to come raging back. Summer will help if it ever gets here, NIH tests show sun and heat kick covid’s ass. Bigly. Mandatory wet t-shirt contests from Key West to Boston is our only hope.

The strippers could wear masks?
I think he believes that shutting it down saved uncounted lives, and he doesn’t want it to come raging back. Summer will help if it ever gets here, NIH tests show sun and heat kick covid’s ass. Bigly. Mandatory wet t-shirt contests from Key West to Boston is our only hope. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I would support the wet T-shirt contests on the condition all the contestants are skinny girls with enthusiastic smiles.

I'm counting on the heat and humidity to kill COVID-19, hopefully...
Chung Tran's Avatar
weren't yous yelling about keeping the lock down in place? social distancing? wearing masks? now you think Trump can order Governors to open up? or order them to keep the lock down in place?

yous is one confused trump troll

BAHAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
grow up if you can.. do you want to remain a 13 year old boy forever?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
grow up if you can.. do you want to remain a 13 year old boy forever? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

if yous say so
if you feel this way, why don't you indict Trump as part of this conspiracy? it was his National Emergency that kicked off the great majority of stay-at-home orders, and to this day he advocates a slow opening of the economy. is Trump part of the problem? why not? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You want me to single out Trump? This is a Global issue.The stay at home orders were initiated by the "CDC" and the "WHO". At this point and I've said it before, I question everyone in Government on both Federal and local levels. If you Liberals would stop focusing on just Trump and look at the total picture with this Pandemic you'll see more than just a Virus. You'll begin to see a total breakdown in our form of Government and Society in general. The majority of the citizens of this nation are part of the problem.