provider screening

lilylivered's Avatar
Some girls make it so difficult that you don't want to even see them.
I am definitely not going through all that Originally Posted by pillowlips
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
Some girls make it so difficult that you don't want to even see them.
I am definitely not going through all that Originally Posted by pillowlips
Doovester has a point. All the energy u put forth in this thread, u coulda already sent her the info she requested.
The proper reply when you've given enough information and they ask for more.

Attachment 872304
Its not like I didn't end up seeing someone else.
I don't think your gonna have a good time if someone is asking for that much info.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-23-2020, 05:03 AM
I guess I need a provider to answer. I sent a text to a local provider to see for the first time. I supply my email , eccie handle Originally Posted by pillowlips
My opinion is that she is a dumb ass hooker who has no clue how to screen.I definitely understand when they ask for a pm from eccie or if they are visiting. This provider was not and should of had the contact info already if she knew what she was doing. Originally Posted by pillowlips
Well, if your goal is to make it so that it's sufficient for providers to need little more than your ECCIE handle to screen you, then my guess is you're well on your way.
jokacz's Avatar
Screening is so quaint.

Brianna4you asked me for a reference a couple years ago.

Before that it had been 10 years since anyone asked for one.

Ben Franklin seems to suffice.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-23-2020, 06:26 AM
Before that it had been 10 years since anyone asked for one. Originally Posted by jokacz
And how many of them now wish they had been a bit more discerning?

Oh, i kid, i kid.
jokacz's Avatar
And how many of them now wish they had been a bit more discerning?

Oh, i kid, i kid. Originally Posted by Doove

Only the ones that worked Niagara Falls Blvd with their pimp in the parking lot.
rooster's Avatar
Some girls make it so difficult that you don't want to even see them.
I am definitely not going through all that Originally Posted by pillowlips
They are fine with that. Plenty o' simps lining up to hand out their info...

There ain't no rhyme nor reason to this. Some of the most stable gals out there don't screen at all. And some of the ones with...tendies...act like they wanna see your credit score...

It’s hilarious when a girl wants to see your business card, drivers license or the like. Homie don’t play that tune.

And what Rooster said is right. Many or most of the best never check.
Some of the most stable gals out there don't screen at all. Originally Posted by rooster
Now that you mention it, very true. Many rely on their spidey sense or "alternative" methods.
The last screening I can recall was over 10 yrs ago with Anita G.
jokacz's Avatar
Now that you mention it, very true. Many rely on their spidey sense or "alternative" methods.
The last screening I can recall was over 10 yrs ago with Anita G. Originally Posted by Charno3

That's interesting because Anita prided herself on her "alternate" methods.

BTW the best Mod we ever had around here.
Now that you mention it, very true. Many rely on their spidey sense or "alternative" methods.
The last screening I can recall was over 10 yrs ago with Anita G. Originally Posted by Charno3
She did that to me too.
jokacz's Avatar
Speaking of Anita reminded me of the M&G she threw. That had to be a million years ago because everyone was still on speaking terms. When was the last time Naughty Nikki, Erica Hall, Hanna, and LynnPL (ElleW) were in the same room and no shit was stirred? JonBalls and Jen from Syracuse made such a cute couple, too bad her screams weren't more convincing. Enough reminiscing, back to reality and the era of Escort Babylon trash.
Whil I agree that screening but there's ways of getting around it I had to be screen a for Ms.karen. If you're worried about them knowing your real name you just take a license put your picture on the license and away ago at work for a few of them. Can't really find ID that says munchies