Biden lays a trap for Trump by picking Harris???

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Does giving her a disparaging name help to make you less afraid of her? Originally Posted by Lapdog

does it make you more afraid that Biden's going to flub up his debates with Trump and lose?

i wouldn't know myself but i hear crow is tough and stringy. make sure you chew it thoroughly!
Lapdog's Avatar
Shit. My cockatoo could probably beat Trump. I know he could crush him in a debate, anyway.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Q) Do you know how to get the sound of a pin dropping to the floor in a crowed press conference, held in a large room heard by everyone in the room without amplification?

A) Ask the following question at the next Joe/Blow joint press conference:
MS Harris: As a former top cop in California and based upon your support of the #METOO movement, as evidenced by your statements during the Kavanau hearing, can you assure women victims of sexual assault that you will have their back and believe them and treat their assault claims seriously? Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself; I'm Tara Reade.
Harris should be an inspiration to all women on how to use your god given assets to get ahead.

Just be willing to suck the dicks of as many influential men as needed Originally Posted by Jackie S
I am noting the irony of discussing this line of thought on this board.

Carry on.
We need to see her birth certificate and trumps top secret tax returns. Idiot in chief has gone from reading like a forth grader to a first grader. The speech writers have to keep out big words and not make him walk too far. Putin has a lot of work to do to reappoint the trump family
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
UC - please elaborate on Harris' husband.

Thx! Originally Posted by oeb11

her husband is white
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This is just another perturbation in the triggered field. It propagates at the speed of light and absorbed via social media and mainstream news networks by those coupled to the field. Some will be promoted to the triggered excited state. Others will be unaffected and remain in the ground state. Some may even be demoted to the ground state upon interacting with the perturbation.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We need to see her birth certificate and trumps top secret tax returns. Idiot in chief has gone from reading like a forth grader to a first grader. The speech writers have to keep out big words and not make him walk too far. Putin has a lot of work to do to reappoint the trump family Originally Posted by Tsmokies

considering Biden has the vocabulary of a kindergartener .. advantage Trump!

the fact that you cling to this disproven claim that Russia helped Trump get elected is testament to your gullibility. the leftist media needs fools like you. the rest of us .. not so much

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
handsy and his whore. what a pair!!!
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Harris should be an inspiration to all women on how to use your god given assets to get ahead.

Just be willing to suck the dicks of as many influential men as needed Originally Posted by Jackie S
So has it worked for you
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So has it worked for you Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates

how's your trans & cross dressing thread going in Another Realm?

goodman0422's Avatar
They are an un-winnable team so I would call it more of a sacrifice than a trap. The attempt at voter fraud will only be to prevent embarrassment.
They don't have anyone that can go against Trump this year except maybe Michael.
I don't think they want it. I dont believd they would have shit canned the economy if they hoped to inherit it. (Though I will admit, I didn't think they could get this low.)
LexusLover's Avatar
They are an un-winnable team .... Originally Posted by goodman0422
That's why the "mail-in" ballots ....

.... and their "he won't leave" bullshit!

Critical thinkers recognize the CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers accuse others of doing what they HAVE DONE or WILL DO .... kindergarten psychology recognizes it as "deflection" ....

Perfect example: Russian "Collusion" ...

The Bitten Administration!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That's why the "mail-in" ballots ....

.... and their "he won't leave" bullshit!

Critical thinkers recognize the CommunistSocialistLiberalAntiT rumpers accuse others of doing what they HAVE DONE or WILL DO .... kindergarten psychology recognizes it as "deflection" ....

Perfect example: Russian "Collusion" ...

The Bitten Administration!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

operative word is transference.
LexusLover's Avatar
operative word is transference. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Actually, what has been ongoing is an effort to paint the Trump administration with their own foolishness and failures in an effort to hide their mischievous and illegal behavior .... and at the same time claiming the positives generated during the current administration were the result of their efforts while in office.

It deflects from their illegal and failed behavior.....because now the current loons running for POTUS & VP .... have to wrap themselves in the eight years of Obaminable's do-nothing spend-thrift behavior ..... and COLLUSION ....