Seems an easier subject to bring up in nlNWA than little Rock. Originally Posted by JollypmThis LR girl wouldn't mind you bringing it up.
Can be a hard subject to broach with the ladies sometimes, pun kind of intended. It's a shame, because it's been on my bucket list for a while now. Maybe one day I'll be able to try it.Shall we do that the next time you come to LR?
Sure has been hot up in NWA, where I live, recently. Hasn't it? Originally Posted by SometimesScribe
That sounds like alot of fun but at the same time a bit much for a virgin ass. Unless you count a small massager. Originally Posted by JollypmFor virgin asses, I think starting out with prostate massage would be a better deal. Would familiarize you with the sensation without being overly intense for your first time.