bitten insulting black women now...the fucking racist!! Where is BLM when you need them??

  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 07:42 AM
Thank you - YR /multiple handles

do get some professional help !
HoeHummer's Avatar
What happened to ignorings me, Ramboebsy? Please try and do it again. A professional grief counselor may be able to help you over the emotional collapse you must feel. The sense of loss that accompanies a complete atrophy of morals and values. Must be hard to compete with, eh?

Are yous planning to lock and load again today?
rexdutchman's Avatar
On point yes , even Hoeys pointed that fact out in the debate OH BUT WAIT dont look here
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who ya gonna call? BLM? Antifa? Welp, great question. It might be that they are having phone problems. Sure would be a shame if: Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests

...fascinating news has emerged that confirms US federal intelligence officials have, for months, been quietly identifying the participants and leaders of both Antifa and BLM terrorist organizations, including wealthy donors who are funding these operations. It turns out that Trump's DHS has been using sophisticated phone "cloning" hardware to impersonate the phones of Antifa and BLM extremists in order to eavesdrop on their phone calls and texts. Through this technology, they have assembled a complete organizational structure and hierarchy map of the leaders involved in today's left-wing terrorist operations. More importantly, this information is being readied for a nationwide takedown of illegal insurrectionists once the Insurrection Act is activated. All this is being confirmed by numerous media investigative efforts, including those of anti-Trump publisher The Nation, which reported: While in Portland, an interagency task force involving DHS and the Justice Department used a sophisticated cell phone cloning attack — the details of which remain classified — to intercept protesters' phone communications, according to two former intelligence officers familiar with the matter. Indy media outlet News Thud further reports that the collection of this information points to an "October surprise" during which left-wing terrorists may face sweeping arrests: So the DHS and the FBI have been listening to Antifa and they know who in the media and in politics they have been talking to. You can tell by reading the report from The Nation, the left is getting real nervous about this because it is the number one report on their website as of the writing of this post...

Nah, probably just another one of those danged Right Winger conspiracy theories. Yeah, that's the ticket. Conspiracy theory. Maybe one of those Q-y Dude things. Sure would be a shame if your phone # got caught up in a sweep like that though. Dang shame, more like. I would be wondering about that anytime there was a loud knocking on my door for sure. But then... I'm not worried about that. Sleep well one and all, except for those that won't be sleeping all that well now. Probably a bad time for a knock-knock joke... Will save that jail house humor for later.
Yous are all deluded, eh?

More important that any teh talk of civil war or hurling epithets at others, why not start sharing your actual plans for action once the AMERICAN people overthrow your piece of shit dictator?

Where are yous going to go? What are yous going to do?

At least Obama was a black man, so yous could be angry about that. But Biden is not.

Yous going back to Ireland? Germany? Douchebaggistan?

The mass exodus of WSNDs will be unprecedenteds. And yous are not allowed in Canada.

Yous think mexico let you in?

LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
What does your post have to do with bitten being a racist...NOTHING!!
Now post more stupid shit with your YR handle.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
a better clip of Joey's love for the "stupid bastards" of the "dull bunch" brigade

Trump called John McCain a loser once ..

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
think dhs/fbi will use the kkk act as part of the take down?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
think dhs/fbi will use the kkk act as part of the take down? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The KKK kinda hits them where they sleep, between the sheets. Most Demonicrats forget their history of their own party. This where it will get interesting IMHO and why I think SanFranNan and other old timers are back tracking on Burn it all Down. They know about the Insurrection Act and whom would wield nearly unlimited power if enacted. Although the Freak-Show contingent of the party (Ihlar, AOC, Talib et al) didn't take basic civics classes. I see no need to educate them now.

Doing the weather map math, we have a few fronts forming, that if they come together we could see a Devasating Storm:
  • Detailed surveillance and insight into insurrectionists and their cash flow, i.e. who is paying who to perform what
  • I'll just say this as: Durham et al, writ large
    • Side note Barr had previously mentioned historical precedence to avoid the 60 day window prior to a National election
    • He has never, ever, said anything about Nov 4th-Jan21st
  • Deploying the US military to help distribute the COVID vaccine across the country. (Did ya'll forget to remember that?)
  • Declare an Insurrection
Of course, one would have to believe that it is the people involved in the system that are corrupt, as opposed to the system itself being defective. Regardless, in their last glimpse of freedom, they will blame the Storm on climate change.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Sad but true , still the media has ignored Joeys and hoes background
  • oeb11
  • 09-29-2020, 08:44 AM
WYID - are the DPST's corrupt - how about the $1Billin China put into hunter's accounts.

That is Corruption.
Biden is the corrupt and senile incompetent POTUS candidate in modern times.

Still - you are correct - IMHO - pelosi is already openly proposing open resistance and insurrection and violence if Trump wins.

Pelosi proposes the same open resistance, violence and insurrection to forward harris marxist revolution if Trump Loses.

Either way - the DPST's plan violent revolution in America.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The KKK kinda hits them where they sleep, between the sheets. Most Demonicrats forget their history of their own party. This where it will get interesting IMHO and why I think SanFranNan and other old timers are back tracking on Burn it all Down. They know about the Insurrection Act and whom would wield nearly unlimited power if enacted. Although the Freak-Show contingent of the party (Ihlar, AOC, Talib et al) didn't take basic civics classes. I see no need to educate them now.

Doing the weather map math, we have a few fronts forming, that if they come together we could see a Devasating Storm:
  • Detailed surveillance and insight into insurrectionists and their cash flow, i.e. who is paying who to perform what
  • I'll just say this as: Durham et al, writ large
    • Side note Barr had previously mentioned historical precedence to avoid the 60 day window prior to a National election
    • He has never, ever, said anything about Nov 4th-Jan21st
  • Deploying the US military to help distribute the COVID vaccine across the country. (Did ya'll forget to remember that?)
  • Declare an Insurrection
Of course, one would have to believe that it is the people involved in the system that are corrupt, as opposed to the system itself being defective. Regardless, in their last glimpse of freedom, they will blame the Storm on climate change. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'd like to see Barr take another shot at the KKK act but don't think that will happen.

the only problem with the KKK act is that the supreme court in the 1870 - 1880's said it was unconstitutional. it would have been used against communists in the 20th century.

bear in mind, this was a biased white supreme court who did everything under the sink to deny blacks their civil rights. I would not respect any flawed precedent that court made regarding black civil rights and in the manner how they protected KKK and other racists.