Ob1 misspell count.

winn dixie's Avatar
He doesn't have a very consistent history of spelling America correctly, either. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Yous dims want to spell it Amerika!

For obvious reasons
LexusLover's Avatar
Yous dims want to spell it Amerika!

For obvious reasons Originally Posted by winn dixie
I'm glad you drew the distinction between "dims" and "Dems"!

Nothing much worse than a LOW burning bulb in the room.
lustylad's Avatar
Yous dims want to spell it Amerika!

For obvious reasons Originally Posted by winn dixie
The dims are the party of slavery, racism, Jim crow and the KKK! They know this. Their heads explode whenever someone reminds them. So why do they keep memorializing their sordid history by spelling it Amerikkka?

Can someone please 'splain it to me?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Whirlaway was a worthy adversary. At least he could admit when he was wrong and he generally avoided using clearly debunked "facts".
These bitches don't know how to use the search function.
You can almost pinpoint the week ob1 had his stroke. And it's easy to point out the holes in their stories. Lying is still their typical suite but you have to love that note of desperation in their blather. It gets more shrill by the day, the closer we get to the election.
Are you stalking MM again, Oeb11?

Or is it IBHankering?

Or Whirlaway? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
lustylad's Avatar
Hey munchkin - just an urgent FYI.

Assup says he is stuck in traffic but should arrive shortly. He wants y'all to "hold off" for him!

Run along, assup. You're late for your Saturday circle jerk club meeting. Hurry! Dickmuncher is ready to start without you.

Originally Posted by lustylad

P.S. Don't forget to work on your geometry assignment after the meeting!
Hey munchkin - just an urgent FYI.

Assup says he is stuck in traffic but should arrive shortly. He wants y'all to "hold off" for him! Originally Posted by lustylad
Big mistake ll

The mere mention of assup’s name sent the whole group over the edge
lustylad's Avatar
Big mistake LL

The mere mention of assup’s name sent the whole group over the edge Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yeah, they've never been adept at "edging"! Zero self control.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I'll "splain" it to you but you're not capable of understanding it. Something you proved when you called protesters criminals.

This is a tactic the lying liars have used for some time because it the only way they can support their bullshit.
The guys who started the KKK happened to be democrats but the Democratic party didn't endorse them. The Northern Democrats fought on the side of the north.
That fact shows the war was between the slave and no-slave states. Not the Democrats and republicans.
Anybody with half a brain knows the parties switched positions in the 1960s. The Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed. The "Dixiecrats" joined the republicans, bringing all the traits that make the repubs the people they are today.

Rather than argue with a talking points guy, I'll hand you off to politifact and you can claim you're right (without supporting evidence) and they're wrong.
This is just another time you ran your mouth, ignoring proof your own pinhead "experts" can't refute.

"The KKK was formed by the Democratic Party." False

"No, the Democratic Party didn’t create the Ku Klux Klan"


The dims are the party of slavery, racism, Jim crow and the KKK! They know this. Their heads explode whenever someone reminds them. So why do they keep memorializing their sordid history by spelling it Amerikkka?

Can someone please 'splain it to me? Originally Posted by lustylad
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Another asshole that quotes himself and misquotes others.
It's always fun to prove you wrong.

Hey munchkin - just an urgent FYI.

Assup says he is stuck in traffic but should arrive shortly. He wants y'all to "hold off" for him!

P.S. Don't forget to work on your geometry assignment after the meeting! Originally Posted by lustylad
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Funny how he lived rent free in the empty space in your head. The douche-bag brigade housed and fed him for a year.
All y'all used his name (just assup, not all the names you use) 410 times in the last year.
Rent free. In your heads.

Big mistake ll

The mere mention of assup’s name sent the whole group over the edge Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2020, 01:31 PM
DPST control freak do want a United socialist states of Amerika - that is their plan
and for 'teh' DPST's - it is YOUR Spelling.

Hey Blue Meanie - how many 'teh'?????
Go back to the hall monitor job - it is all One can aspire to.
lustylad's Avatar
I'll "splain" it to you but you're not capable of understanding it. Something you proved when you called protesters criminals.

This is a tactic the lying liars have used for some time because it the only way they can support their bullshit.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Yes, and you've fully adopted the lying liar tactic, haven't you dickmuncher? I never called all protesters criminals and you know it. That's a stupid lie no matter how many times you repeat it. Repeating it only proves to everyone that you are a chronic compulsive congenital cocksucking lying liar!

Here we go again....

Everyone can see what a liar you are by reading the posts below. I actually took the time to address your lie and explain patiently how you can differentiate between peaceful protesters and criminal ones. I dumbed it down using 8th grade geometry and Venn diagrams. I even gave you a homework assignment, plus an incentive to complete it in order to advance your career as a community organizing street thug.

And all you can do is keep lying? You're such a disappointment, munchy. I see it in the look in your mother's eyes each time she whupped you after catching you jacking off in the closet.

..."protesters" who spraypaint, deface and set fire to public buildings, tear down public monuments, loot and burn down private businesses, and injure or kill hundreds of police officers are NOT criminal... Originally Posted by lustylad
Protesters aren't criminals. You don't know the difference between the 2. Only someone who is out of touch with a dictionary. Someone who thinks all protesters are criminals has his head up his ass. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What's your problem today, dickmuncher? Is your reading comprehension shot to hell again? Or are you flailing because you flunked 8th grade geometry?

Let's try again, douchebag. How about if we start by drawing a nice little Venn Diagram. Remember how much fun they were in 8th grade?

Start with a big circle. Let's call it circle A. Circle A is the universe of all protesters.

Now we'll draw a smaller circle. We'll call it circle B. Circle B contains all protesters "who spraypaint, deface and set fire to public buildings, tear down public monuments, loot and burn down private businesses, and injure or kill hundreds of police officers".

Circle B is a subset of Circle A.

In our fun little Venn Diagram, Circle B falls entirely inside of Circle A.

Everyone in Circle A is a protester. Everyone in Circle B is a protester AND a criminal. A criminal is someone who commits crime.

Not everyone in Circle A is a criminal. Some people lie in Circle A but fall outside of Circle B. They are called peaceful protesters.

Now for your homework assignment, little drunken munchkin boy:

Tell the class how you think the radical left in this country can lie and distort and manipulate every so-called peaceful demonstration so that the boundary between Circle A and Subset B is blurred to the point where it cannot be defined precisely enough for us to pluck out the criminals and toss them all in jail.

Think carefully, dickmuncher.

If you get an "A" on this assignment, your future as an Antifa leader will be assured! So try to lay off the sauce until you can figure it out.

Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
The guys who started the KKK happened to be democrats but the Democratic party didn't endorse them. The Northern Democrats fought on the side of the north.
That fact shows the war was between the slave and no-slave states. Not the Democrats and republicans.

Wow. The KKK didn't start until AFTER the Civil War. Following reconstruction, the Democrats ruled the South and the KKK ruled the Southern Democrats. No need for any formal "endorsement". Elected dims would just tell the grand wizards or local dragons (privately) they will look the other way whenever it's time to dispense a little extra-legal Klan "justice". Sometimes those elected dims WERE the KKK. They just changed uniforms at night. Kinda like the relationship between the dims and BLM/Antifa today. Your VP candidate Kamala Harris is helping to raise bail money for BLM/Antifa criminals - so they can get sprung from jail immediately after being arrested.

Anybody with half a brain knows the parties switched positions in the 1960s.

The "Big Switch", right? It's actually the Big Myth. Watch Dinesh d'Souza's video below. And learn!

The Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed.

They couldn't get it passed without overwhelming Republican help. A higher proportion of Republicans than Democrats voted for the CRA in both the House and the Senate. Don't believe me? Here is the voting record:

Civil Rights Act of 1964 roll call vote breakdown by numbers:

House of Representatives:
Democrats for: 152
Democrats against: 96
Republicans for: 138
Republicans against: 34

Democrats for: 46
Democrats against: 21
Republicans for: 27
Republicans against: 6

% of Republican Reps voting for: 80%
% of Democrat Reps voting for: 61%

% of Republican Senators voting for: 82%
% of Democrat Senators voting for: 69%

The "Dixiecrats" joined the republicans, bringing all the traits that make the repubs the people they are today.

Nope. The only Dixiecrat who switched parties back in the 60s/70s and became a Republican was Strom Thurmond. All other prominent Dixiecrats stayed with the Democratic Party to their graves. We've gone over this many times in this forum, so I don't why you need to be constantly corrected. Oh wait, I do know - it's because you're a chronic compulsive congenital cocksucking lying liar!

Let's invite Dinesh D'Souza to make another appearance as an eccie guest speaker and straighten out your lies!

Start @ 32:30 to hear him debunk the Big Switch. Then be sure to go back and listen to the rest of his excellent expose of the sordid and disgusting history of the dim-retard party!


Rather than argue with a talking points guy, I'll hand you off to politifact and you can claim you're right (without supporting evidence) and they're wrong.
This is just another time you ran your mouth, ignoring proof your own pinhead "experts" can't refute.

Politifact? What a surprise! Go back and read everything I just posted... it's full of "supporting evidence" and "proof". Who's running his mouth now?

Too bad I never claimed the dim-retard party "formed" or "created" the KKK. But I understand why you have to reach for a straw man argument as a rhetorical device to cover up your shame and inability to suppress the truth about the racist history of your party.

"The KKK was formed by the Democratic Party." False

"No, the Democratic Party didn’t create the Ku Klux Klan"

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

I'm not done with you yet. I'm just pausing here so you can finish your geometry assignment!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
DPST control freak do want a United socialist states of Amerika - that is their plan
and for 'teh' DPST's - it is YOUR Spelling.

Hey Blue Meanie - how many 'teh'?????
Go back to the hall monitor job - it is all One can aspire to. Originally Posted by oeb11
Ladies and gentlemen,

More evidence in support of MMM’s theory.

Shrill, incoherent blather, getting more shrill by the day.

Seek help.
lustylad's Avatar
Where's munchy? Isn't he the OP?

If anyone sees that little twat, please tell him to hurry up and hand in his geometry assignment. Otherwise antifa will force me to give him an "F" grade.

Now for your homework assignment, little drunken munchkin boy:

Tell the class how you think the radical left in this country can lie and distort and manipulate every so-called peaceful demonstration so that the boundary between Circle A and Subset B is blurred to the point where it cannot be defined precisely enough for us to pluck out the criminals and toss them all in jail.
Originally Posted by lustylad