Females that don’t see blacks

JasminDelights's Avatar
My reasons sound quite odd considering what I do but out of respect for my dad I don't see AA also because I get nervous after a gun was pointed at me in a robbery. Originally Posted by yourdesire
Okay beautiful
I couldn't never minimize the trauma that you've been through but I want you to see it from other people's perspective in the sense that One Bad Apple shouldn't influence your overall perspective on all African American males. While I won't see a certain age group of African-American males I do not rule the whole race altogether. I have met some down to earth respectful a a gentleman in the hobby. I would not trade that friendship for anything in the world.
But I can understand how your fear of seeing those men have stemmed from incidents at a young age especially from your perspective given to you by your dad. I would hope that you won't hold on to that perspective just for your Dad.
Talk to Dallas there a Dove Bar in Particular we both love that is one of the sweetest chocolate out there.
I would think that how this world has evolved and how we've allowed racism to no longer to be a ruling factor in our day-to-day lives that you might consider seeing a fairly respectable AA gentleman. I'm definitely not saying see every day a gentleman that hits you up but what
I am saying that there are some fairly respectable AA gentleman in the hobby community that you may consider enjoying a nice dinner with before considering having them as company.
JasminDelights's Avatar
my No AA policy is
no arrogant assholes!

a gal has a right to choose who she feels comfortable seeing..nothing wrong about that....her choice should be respected......and besides,there are some great gals who "take up the slack" Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yes Ma'am!!!
I see AA but I don't see Those AA 's!!
We are women that have the right to choice and make decisions on who we do and don't see and I see AA but only after a certain age but I know they know how to respect me and my wishes.
I wouldn't say I take up the slack but I do take the fairly aged chocolate with a side of strawberries
sexxxymalia's Avatar
I, for one, WILL SEE AFRICAN AMERICANS!! As long as you can be screened and you are respectful, I will see whoever!!
yourdesire's Avatar
Jasmin I agree w/you 100% it's an issue I'm working on. As for my dad he's my hero but I never agreed w/him being racist. I'm happy to say he did let some of that go before he passed. I've met some very nice & handsome AA gents but turning around something that's been imbedded to your mind all your life takes time. I am confused myself because I have had white men do a whole lot more damage to me than any black man ever has but I was never forbidden to see white men.
Jsem if a gent claimed 1 race and showed up as someone else I'd turn you away for being deceptive. That would tell me you only care about getting what you want & are willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want regardless of anyone else's wishes. That's not someone I'm going to trust being alone with.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Well said, Miss Moon... Can we spank ya now?!? Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Absolutely!!!SPANK ME!!
Definitely Need one,
Definitely deserve one!!

I will see any one above a certain age limit.
With a kind demeanor and a HUGE Splash of Naughty.
jaman123's Avatar
Not all black men are robbers. So if it was a white guy that pointed a gun at you, you would not see white guys
Providers can decide the customers they prefer to see. Old, fat, short, tall, gender, national origin, and yes race. It's their business. So if a hobbyist doesn't prefer BBW that makes the hobbyist an "ism". Each party to the transaction can decline or accept for any and all reasons. Leave politics out of the hobby. Save it for Reditt.
JRLawrence's Avatar
[QUOTE=JasminDelights;106222878 6......... I won't see a certain age group of African-American males I do not rule the whole race altogether.........
But I can understand how your fear of seeing those men.....

I am saying that there are some fairly respectable AA gentleman in the hobby community that you may consider enjoying a nice dinner with before considering having them as company.[/QUOTE]
"ESPECIALLY during this time ( referencesing the INTENSE racial divide in our country)"
My freshmen year of college I had an asian guy who lived in the same dorm. as me: he was a total asshole, closed minded, and stupid. Up to that point in life, every asian person I had met had been a great person to be around.

The point: every race has it's share of ass holes. Starting the 8th grade, which was in the same building was the 4 high school grades, it was the first year after Brown vs. the board of education: so we has a number of black students enter the high school. I had never met a black child before, and all of the black students seems like everyone else. Until years later, I realized that the best students wanted to enroll in the white high school.

The point: there is a difference in what an individual desires, and has goals for. What an individual wants to work for makes the difference, not the race.

Then on to college: Years later I realized that there were very few black students in the science classes I took: the only ones who were black were the the few from Africa - not Americans. Why? because those classes were too tough for them to want to take. The easy classes had them present because they could get an easy degree.

Harsh, but true. There were very many Asian students in the science courses; but, no black American students. What the hell, we all wondered.

Since then I have seen black students who desire to accomplish something being criticized by others in their own race for caring a book or reading. Why?

I don't know all of the reasons for this. I have to move on with with own life. But, in the latter part of my live, I have become a part of a Chinese family, and I have seen a lot of Asian families from my trip to Nam. Their attitude is differently different from other races: compared to white people the asians just work harder.

Just observations: I don't think anyone really has any answers for this. When I comes to the blacks, the one real problem is the plain fact that they get cheated out of a decent education in the inner city schools. Those schools have problems and are a result of the control by the Democrats Party who hold power over the education of blacks by close association with the local school boards, and the teachers union.

It is unfair and needs to change. I favor, and support with my own contributions, the new charter schools that offers a better chance for the children of the inner cities.

We all see the cause of the problems, but that doesn't mean anyone is racist. It also doesn't solve the problem.
I’ve read a few of the comments and I see that because it is not a topic one the 10 people who comment on this board prefer I’m told I shouldn’t ask this question or to ask a happier question.

I understand some who aren’t affected by the ban on Blacks don’t care to discuss it but maybe some new guys have questions.

If people wonder why so few women are on this board and why the same guys are always the ones commenting just look at the hostility towards individuals when they ask questions.

As for the original question I find it important.

As someone said if a white guy points a gun, gives a female a STD (because as I’ve heard many have passed STDs), or beats, robs l, or harms a female does she ban all white guys.

I think my whole question was why are white guys seen as angels and never bannable vs other races are banned immediately.

I also think white guys are seen as more vulnerable to being scammed and robbed and that to me is unfair to them.
Also I asked this question because one of the favorite young providers used to see black guys, she actually preferred them but then she got with another well known provider from here, who post her Saturday pics, and next thing you know they look alike, her rates increased, and they both have no AA policies.

I know she has a “manager” and I am guessing their manager doesn’t allow them to see blacks.

I have always guessed that the manager feels white guys prefer females who have not been touched by black guys and that almost seems right because the female didn’t have many reviews but then once she switched her look to look like the other provider and changed her rules her reviews were multiple reviews per day for a while.

It was just more out of curiosity of what others have seen.
DallasRain's Avatar
i grew up in a very small rural town in texas that was so prejudiced that there was 2 sides if town..the white side and what was called the " colored side"...... there was even a white side funeral home and one for the other side of town! and its still that way!!! uggghhhhh cmon people its 2020!!
i hated it.... my mom would get so mad at me cause i would sneak out w my black friends and roam the town!!!!. I LOVE ALL PEOPLe,except pedophiles,rapist and murderers!!! !!!
I have a theory that all colors in the crayon box matter!! like my lil grandson said " nana,everybody should be at peace and be happy getting along".... wise kid!

but i do say that its a gals choice to see who she wants and should be respected!...that is cool by me....-and ill happily take up the slack lol!!
JasminDelights's Avatar
Jasmin I agree w/you 100% it's an issue I'm working on. As for my dad he's my hero but I never agreed w/him being racist. I'm happy to say he did let some of that go before he passed. I've met some very nice & handsome AA gents but turning around something that's been imbedded to your mind all your life takes time. I am confused myself because I have had white men do a whole lot more damage to me than any black man ever has but I was never forbidden to see white men.
Jsem if a gent claimed 1 race and showed up as someone else I'd turn you away for being deceptive. That would tell me you only care about getting what you want & are willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want regardless of anyone else's wishes. That's not someone I'm going to trust being alone with. Originally Posted by yourdesire
Much love to you beautiful! I know its not a walk im the park. I myself have quite a bit of trust issues but I completely agree with you - If I'm told your Asian and your clearly AA or Indian ... I kinda just kindly thank them for thier drive and ask them to leave... and yes sadly I've done that because as you said they have no regards for my wishes and can bluntly lie to get what they want they aren't the companions Id want to be associated with.
I agree on the note of some men of caucasian race have done just as much dirt as men of other race but we don't hold them to the same standards
I promise your not the only gal that has standards like that
My doubles gal that I keep under the radar she REFUSES TO SEE WHITE MEN! Seriously she won't be a part of interracial love. Like it doesn't matter how much chaching she just won't ever part take in it.
She feels as if she lowers her worth by being with a race than inslaved her grandparents and ancestors. I don't argue with her I just respect her wishes. That all we can do. Women have the right to say who we want to open ourselves up to.
JasminDelights's Avatar
"ESPECIALLY during this time ( referencesing the INTENSE racial divide in our country)"

The point: there is a difference in what an individual desires, and has goals for. What an individual wants to work for makes the difference, not the race.

Since then I have seen black students who desire to accomplish something being criticized by others in their own race for caring a book or reading. Why?

We all see the cause of the problems, but that doesn't mean anyone is racist. It also doesn't solve the problem. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
There needs to be a cultural emphasis on education! I do acknowledge that growing up different races got made fun of for our perseverance in school studies and "sucking up" to ensure we got the help In the classes we needed.
It's different now but even then there's many changes that have come about and quite a lot of acknowledgments that took place for different races to recieve the respect and acknowledgment they deserved
dumars's Avatar
In many cases the simple fact is a manager, driver, boy friend, pimp don’t want a “brother” sticking his “Ho”! Then there is the 59 year old, grey haired granny who is a straight up racist! I am sure she is not alone!!!

I once told a black guy that some gals don’t wanna fall in love with the BBC!