No President running for reelection with over 50% approval rating has lost reelection...

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Ooooo...edgy! Originally Posted by Lapdog
Check your PMs, bub.
PythonLeeJackson's Avatar
Trump's approval rating is nowhere near 50%
its barely over 40%

So I guess he's not going to get re-elected he?

Gee what a shame.

God knows what that 40% are thinking when they still support that MF criminal in the WH.

That guy that thinks the Virus "going away" its "rounding the corner" another dose of Crapola.

The guy that won't reveal his tax returns ......Hey Donnie, watcha hiding boy.
Bank accounts in China.
Putin calls him that "Useful idiot" ...Time to hang it up. go find a good hooker to cry on her shoulder.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump is going down so hard. Even scum balls like Cornyn are tryin to distance from his toxic ass.

TEXAS is seriously in play. And leading the nation in early voting, as well as young/first time voters.

I don’t know what the OP wrote because I have him on IGNORE, but it appears he’s been (forbidden topic) with a (forbidden topic) again. A skewed sense of reality is to be expected.

matchingmole's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Check your PMs, bub. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Check how much you post drunk and keep repeating yourself about nothing, bub. Just because you may not like what people say means absolutely jack shit. I don't care and they don't care. Get over it, clown.

Trump's gone. Get over it Trump Lovers. He's hardly worth your tears.
Lapdog's Avatar
Check your PMs, bub. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Uh, nothing new. Bub.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
yeah any posts by pflunk dbl 00 blackman and jammy are of the c'mon man type! Originally Posted by winn dixie

My view of Page 2 of this thread is blessed.
No earthly idea why I waited so long to take out the trash.

Lapdog's Avatar
Ooooo! I made the list! Thank you, thank you!
  • oeb11
  • 10-23-2020, 06:33 AM
I have a number of these DPST poster on ignore as well
saves wading through the yapping and other hateful nonsense they post!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Rasmussen is a single polling company out of 20+ and has been shown to over-sample Republicans in the past. In 2018, they were the only company to predict Republicans would hold the House. Here are some of the recent polls from some companies:

Rasmussen +4
Economist -9
CNBC/Change Reseaarch -12
Reuters -16
Quinnipiac -14
NY Times/Siena -8
Gallup -12

RealClearPolitics average from ALL polls -- -9.4.

It is also important to point out that on October 2nd Trump was at -6.8 according to RCP. Trump's approval rating is moving in the wrong direction.
  • oeb11
  • 10-23-2020, 06:42 AM
The only poll that matters is Nov 3.

Remember H....?????
Trump, - if not re-elected - will immediately be arrested with all his family on the Capitol steps after biden takes the oath of Office.
And Immediately remanded for 'Crimes against H..."!
matchingmole's Avatar
My view of Page 2 of this thread is blessed.
No earthly idea why I waited so long to take out the trash.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

matchingmole's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
My view of Page 2 of this thread is blessed.
No earthly idea why I waited so long to take out the trash.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You must like looking at everyone's on my do not see list l.

Line sub1
Print : user on ignore list
GOTO: line sub1

What point if internet qbasic was good for this dude.
Ripmany's Avatar
Base on what Trump 99% of polling company courrpt and falsely the poll to make him look bad, look like it with social media band.