Cornyn - Let them eat steak!

  • Tiny
  • 12-31-2020, 10:08 PM
Summers said the $2000 checks might/could overheat the economy. Even if the economy overheated, steps could be taken to cool it down. It's not like it will be the end of world if these $2000 checks go out. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Some of it will get to people who need it. But more will go to people who don't. I posted on this elsewhere -- the cutoff is based on the average for a household. So say you have some guy who pulls down $350,000 a year. He has a stay-at-home wife and three kids, so that's 5 people total. Average income including his toddlers is $70,000 per year. That family is below the $75,000 per person required to receive the check. So they get $10,000, being $2,000 per person.

As McConnell says, this is welfare for the wealthy. With national debt in excess of 100% of GDP and a huge budget deficit -- only World War II would rival our current defict -- we've got no business handing out free money to people who don't need it.

And as Summers said, the economy doesn't need it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
2000 dollar checks to households making 75k or less is welfare for the wealthy?

What about trillions of dollars to CEOs and politicians who fucked everyone over?

The stimulus should go to the people. Fuck politicians and monopolies, and foreign governments.

The faggot government owes me money, right now. Fuck them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
It's not like it will be the end of world if these $2000 checks go out. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Wait until President Harris gets the check book.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
4-8 years from now? I’ll gladly wait. By then the last vestiges of Trumpism should have been rooted out of DC, along with Satan worship.

Of course, she being a black woman just might re-ignite a certain element of our population. Right fellas?
change2chance's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we have left over money from the 1st row of checks, that's right I've always wanted a bunch of millionaires making decisions for me when they're not struggling anymore *sarcastic voice* and why don't you just say don't care about local businesses going under smh 600 not gonna make the economic needle move
Some of it will get to people who need it. But more will go to people who don't. I posted on this elsewhere -- the cutoff is based on the average for a household. So say you have some guy who pulls down $350,000 a year. He has a stay-at-home wife and three kids, so that's 5 people total. Average income including his toddlers is $70,000 per year. That family is below the $75,000 per person required to receive the check. So they get $10,000, being $2,000 per person.

As McConnell says, this is welfare for the wealthy. With national debt in excess of 100% of GDP and a huge budget deficit -- only World War II would rival our current defict -- we've got no business handing out free money to people who don't need it.

And as Summers said, the economy doesn't need it. Originally Posted by Tiny

I’m sure you misread how it works. The last stimulus didn’t work at all like that.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Multibillions of dollars to CEOs of monopolies and to corrupt politicians, but 2000 dollars to the poor and middle class is just going overboard, right? That's like welfare for the rich LOL.

Apparently, you have to be a hundred millionaire to get good welfare in USA. Otherwise, fuck you. You should be happy with what you got, right?

Sounds fair to me.

Yes, overlords. Let me lockdown my business, lay off all my employees, lose my healthcare and thank you for the 600 dollars, or the zero dollars, whatever. Just thank you for exerting your power to oppress me.
  • Tiny
  • 01-01-2021, 02:47 PM
I’m sure you misread how it works. The last stimulus didn’t work at all like that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I got it from this article in the Wall Street Journal, published December 31,

The House bill would increase the $600 checks to $2,000 ($4,000 for joint tax filers) with another $2,000 for each dependent regardless of age. All told the House bill would provide benefits to a family of five making up to $350,000 a year. The cost would add $463.8 billion to the national debt in addition to the $165.7 billion in checks that passed Congress this month. In other words, Democrats want to burden future taxpayers to write even bigger checks to affluent families today.

And you may be right, I haven't read up on the various pieces of legislation and how they work. Something like what I described appears to be Pelosi's original proposal. DPS Bernie Sander's and RST Josh Hawley are co-sponsoring a bill in the Senate that's probably not as ridiculous, and likewise what Trump proposed might not have been as over the top.

DPS = Democrat/Progressive/Socialist
RST = Republican/Socialist/Totalitarian

I'll post a bit more on this in Oeb's stimulus thread. He called me out on it too.
  • Tiny
  • 01-01-2021, 03:02 PM
Multibillions of dollars to CEOs of monopolies and to corrupt politicians, but 2000 dollars to the poor and middle class is just going overboard, right? That's like welfare for the rich LOL.

Apparently, you have to be a hundred millionaire to get good welfare in USA. Otherwise, fuck you. You should be happy with what you got, right?

Sounds fair to me.

Yes, overlords. Let me lockdown my business, lay off all my employees, lose my healthcare and thank you for the 600 dollars, or the zero dollars, whatever. Just thank you for exerting your power to oppress me. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
ST and lockdown lover.

According to Forbes the total Covid relief was 2.6 trillion back in October. Add another trillion for what just passed Congress and you're at 3.6 trillion allocated over the last 9 months. Contrary to what you say, I bet around half of that will go to individuals. 3.6 trillion is 18% of the economy!

When you were out of work should the government have kicked in and paid you unemployment benefits sufficient to keep you afloat until you found new work? Yes in my opinion. Should it have paid you so much that you were encouraged not to work, or is it the place of government to just hand out money to everyone regardless of need, so the politicians can buy votes? Hell no.

As a taxpayer, I resent this, the over-the-top payments to people and businesses, in excess of what they need. It's socialism.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
My rent was 2k bro they gave jack fucking shit fuck them.

Imagine getting a new job, being all excited, moving out to the big and expensive ass city, and then 6 months later, the government says "lock it down," and now you're fucked in the expensive ass place with no money coming in and your piece of shit leasing office wants you to buy out of your lease for some absurd price.

Why? Because of the dumb fucking government. Fuck them.
  • Tiny
  • 01-01-2021, 03:55 PM
my rent was 2k bro they gave jack fucking shit fuck them Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Well, it makes a lot more sense to pay enhanced unemployment benefits rather than just hand out money to everybody.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The enhanced unemployment is jack shit. I never even got what I was supposed to get because the system is all jacked up. They owe me money.

I'd rather they'd have fucked off completely than to shut people down and start handing them checks, anyway.

But fuck them. I'm Antifa now. I want to see it crash and burn. As long as the politicians crash and burn with it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Didn't other countries give their citizens free rent and shit after forcefully locking them the fuck down?

It's like in this country we are defending the government for fucking everyone over because we saved like one person's life, or something retarded.

Wtf is this shit? They need to pay for this. We need to hold them accountable for this bullshit.
  • Tiny
  • 01-01-2021, 06:30 PM
Didn't other countries give their citizens free rent and shit after forcefully locking them the fuck down?

It's like in this country we are defending the government for fucking everyone over because we saved like one person's life, or something retarded.

Wtf is this shit? They need to pay for this. We need to hold them accountable for this bullshit. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I don't know how each country's Covid spending breaks out for "free rent and shit" versus other expenditures, but we appear to have spent a decent amount compared to other countries:

Now that chart doesn't include the 1 trillion that Congress and Trump recently approved. That's 5% of our GDP and would take us up into second place, 18% of GDP, higher than Canada and lower than Japan.

Our GDP was up 0.3% in the first quarter of the year, down 9% in the 2nd quarter, and down 2.8% in the 3rd quarter. Those are all year-on-year numbers. You can argue, correctly, that 3Q GDP would have been worse without a lot of stimulus spending. Still the 18% of GDP we're spending is more than is justified IMHO. It's not well-targeted. The stimulus should have been helping people in your situation more, instead of handing out free money to businesses and people who didn't need it.

As to the saving one person's life argument, we've got big differences. I believe your approach, just ignoring the problem, hurts the economy and employment worse than what I favor. But we've been over that ad nauseam.