Dems now love guns

txdot-guy's Avatar
The notion that democrats don't like guns is a right wing fantasy. There are plenty of democrats that like guns. We also happen to like gun laws. Plenty of Republican gun owners like gun laws as well. It's the gun nuts that insist on no gun restrictions at all and want to take their guns anywhere they want that is the problem as I see it.
I'm for absolutely zero restrictions, if you have the money to buy a tactical nuke, have at it.

On the other hand, in my mind, property rights trump all. If you don't want weapons on your property, that's your right. Hell, I don't allow Coca Cola products on my property.

Otherwise it's no one's business what I have on my person while I'm on public property.
So Glock, fair or fair, and your rights are the same as anyone's, correct?
I'm for absolutely zero restrictions, if you have the money to buy a tactical nuke, have at it.

On the other hand, in my mind, property rights trump all. If you don't want weapons on your property, that's your right. Hell, I don't allow Coca Cola products on my property.

Otherwise it's no one's business what I have on my person while I'm on public property. Originally Posted by GastonGlock

As long as that nuke goes off in your backyard I am fine with it.
So Glock, fair or fair, and your rights are the same as anyone's, correct? Originally Posted by reddog1951
yup, no one is greater or lesser.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The notion that democrats don't like guns is a right wing fantasy. There are plenty of democrats that like guns. We also happen to like gun laws. Plenty of Republican gun owners like gun laws as well. It's the gun nuts that insist on no gun restrictions at all and want to take their guns anywhere they want that is the problem as I see it. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Well said!

I wonder who's going down to the State Capitol this weekend. GG?
What's that old saying about the "little" guy driving a big truck and having big guns to make up for his short cummings??

I don't think any idiots will be at the Capitol anytime soon. They shot their big wad and got arrested for videos omg n wtf n smh
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The notion that democrats don't like guns is a right wing fantasy. There are plenty of democrats that like guns. We also happen to like gun laws. Plenty of Republican gun owners like gun laws as well. It's the gun nuts that insist on no gun restrictions at all and want to take their guns anywhere they want that is the problem as I see it. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You're a democrat LOL
Well said!

I wonder who's going down to the State Capitol this weekend. GG? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yep, me and some of the fellas are gonna gear up and head to the capitol for a love-in. Then we're gonna go grab some bbq and beers. Should be a good time.
  • oeb11
  • 01-15-2021, 11:54 AM
The notion that democrats don't like guns is a right wing fantasy. There are plenty of democrats that like guns. We also happen to like gun laws. Plenty of Republican gun owners like gun laws as well. It's the gun nuts that insist on no gun restrictions at all and want to take their guns anywhere they want that is the problem as I see it. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Biden's gun Czar 'beta beto' - ' and we are coming to take your guns" (2020)

Biden -' i will remove assault weapons from America " (2021)
Biden and teh DPST/CCP party are unable to understand an 'assault weapon" is a military weapon with full automatic fire capability and strictly regulated under the BATFE and

the NFA acts of 1934 and 1986 -
The domestic manufacture of new machine guns that civilians could purchase was effectively banned by language in the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 (also known as "McClure-Volkmer"). The language was added in an amendment from William J. Hughes and referred to as the Hughes Amendment.
Long title: An Act to provide for the taxation of ...

Enacted by: the 73rd United States Congress

Nicknames: National Firearms Act of 1934

Public law: Pub.L. 73–474

There are at least 18 million legally held AR-15 weapons in America.

Regardless of how scary and politicized those weapons are to DPST/CCP - they are not 'ASSAULT Rifles"
A fact senile biden is unable to comprehend - and the rest of teh DPST/CCP want all AR-15's confiscated to render the population unable to resist their marxist Revolution !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Biden's gun Czar 'beta beto' - ' and we are coming to take your guns" (2020)

Biden -' i will remove assault weapons from America " (2021)
Biden and teh DPST/CCP party are unable to understand an 'assault weapon" is a military weapon with full automatic fire capability and strictly regulated under the BATFE and

the NFA acts of 1934 and 1986 -
The domestic manufacture of new machine guns that civilians could purchase was effectively banned by language in the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 (also known as "McClure-Volkmer"). The language was added in an amendment from William J. Hughes and referred to as the Hughes Amendment.
Long title: An Act to provide for the taxation of ...

Enacted by: the 73rd United States Congress

Nicknames: National Firearms Act of 1934

Public law: Pub.L. 73–474

There are at least 18 million legally held AR-15 weapons in America.

Regardless of how scary and politicized those weapons are to DPST/CCP - they are not 'ASSAULT Rifles"
A fact senile biden is unable to comprehend - and the rest of teh DPST/CCP want all AR-15's confiscated to render the population unable to resist their marxist Revolution ! Originally Posted by oeb11
Actually, Chicken Little, Beto O'Rourke did NOT say that.

You did kinda "quote' it, but didn't reference it because he didn't really say it like that, did he?

How many guns were confiscated under President Obama?

How many should have been taken off the streets under Herr Trump?

You have demonstrated you're incapable of a logical, sensible discussion on this subject.

But keep waving your threats around. They're doing us ALL a lot of good, oeb11.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep, me and some of the fellas are gonna gear up and head to the capitol for a love-in. Then we're gonna go grab some bbq and beers. Should be a good time. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Where you going for bbq?


Come on now rider lol. You know the clueless on here have no clue