Doesn’t LE have higher priorities?

Jadec5717's Avatar
You should

Jadec, good point.

I always lay low around superbowl time. We always have busts around superbowl, and have not had any busts this year.

May venture out the first week in March. Originally Posted by Fizley
ICU 812's Avatar
A naïve dream:

Now that we have a really lieral administration, I look for an executive order directing federal LE to ignore prostitution.

I look for federal prostitution laws that will bring us into line with Canada (like they want to do with gun confiscation).

Yeah, I know this is just my medication talking. Originally Posted by ICU 812

A second thought though . . . .

Everybody contact Bernie Saunders on this. He is trying to get stuff included into the stimulus bill just now. Well It Could happen.
What ever can make them the most money.
Everybody wants to make a name for themselves, get promoted, make more money, get the po-po award of the month etc.

The average cop trying to get ahead can park his car at 3AM, set his radar to trap cars doing 3+ PSL and respond to a few emails.

Which is going to meet those promotion objectives, busting a few +5 speeders or a working person, her pimp and maybe her two kids in tow at the cheap notel?

It is call the low hanging fruit, do what easiest and provides the greatest reward/benefit.