Biden misplaced his mask!!!!

bambino's Avatar
What joint session? It looked like a couple dozen people. A couple dozen retards is more accurate, everyone in the room vaccinated, yet spread 20 feet apart and wearing masks. Political theater with a large helping of fear porn. Nobody takes biden, the few times when he can actually string enough words together to create a sentence, seriously.

He can try to take credit for President Trump’s accomplishments all he wants, but the fact is, if you’re dumb enough to believe covid was actually a grave threat, that Trump’s action on the virus saved the world.

Frankly, we’d have been better off doing nothing. Do you know why the Amish weren’t ravaged by coronavirus like everybody else? They don’t watch television. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Or Homeless people. You would think Cali would have needed highlifts and tri axles to scrape all those fuckers off the streets. Not to mention all the illegals. They’re sleeping on top of each other. But they get a plane ticket to anywhere they want to go. Yep, a deadly scourge alright.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sounds like your kinda camping trip bambinq!

I’m sure “those fuckers” are happy to be the object of your disgust. They spent their whole lives trying to live up to your expectations. You should invite a homeless family into your tent! But make them wear masks.

It kind of had the feel of open mic night on Wednesday.
LexusLover's Avatar
i am soooo relieved that our fearless leader Corn POOP Mumbler Biden found the mask he doesn't need being vaccinated and outdoors! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I'm beginning to believe the "vaccine" causes an early onset of dementia and/or accelerates the depth and severity of it.

So why is it that they are insisting children get vaccinated with the shit ... and then wear masks? Rebreathing one's air consumption is "healthy"? Who made that up?


After a human breathes in Earth's air (roughly 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen), he or she exhales a mixture of compounds similar to the air inhaled: 78 percent nitrogen, 16 percent oxygen, 0.09 percent argon, and four percent carbon dioxide. Some scientists suggest that exhaled air contains as many as 3,500 compounds, most of which are in microscopic amounts. There is some variability in this, however. Air quality can affect both the content of what humans both breathe in and breathe out, a concern some conservationists worry about when it comes to industries and automobiles releasing potentially harmful gases. Similarly, some doctors suggest that monitoring the chemical content of an air a human exhales can be a useful diagnostic tool in catching respiratory ailments.
So as each breath is "re-inhaled" how much does the oxygen reduce and the impurities or unhealthy gases increase? You PARROT puppets check with CNN!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Experiment vaccine and masks apparently cause more idiotism , just look around
bambino's Avatar
The Senile bastard had his face diaper in his pocket!!! What a doofus.
bambino's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
The Senile bastard had his face diaper in his pocket!!! What a doofus. Originally Posted by bambino
Yeah shitting in it. Sick fuck wont even notice if he puts it around his mouth.
duh this aint puddin

LexusLover's Avatar
At some point even the most intellectually restricted fool who voted for him will be compelled to admit they fucked up....actually FUCKED UP!
bambino's Avatar
At some point even the most intellectually restricted fool who voted for him will be compelled to admit they fucked up....actually FUCKED UP! Originally Posted by LexusLover
9 out of 4 Biden voters already regret it!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
At some point even the most intellectually restricted fool who voted for him will be compelled to admit they fucked up....actually FUCKED UP! Originally Posted by LexusLover

why do u thinck i post all those "Biden regrets" posts from twittybird?

there's another reason, right Yssup Rider?

9 out of 4 Biden voters already regret it! Originally Posted by bambino

The Senile bastard had his face diaper in his pocket!!! What a doofus. Originally Posted by bambino
I wonder how many times Joe has said "Jill where's my mask?" And Jill said "On your face!"

I wonder how many times Joe has said "Jill where's my mask?" And Jill said "On your face!"

Doofus. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Hahahahaha...........No doubt about it.
adav8s28's Avatar
what's your pointless point?


1. so which is it? this week at least, the CDC and St. Fauci the flatulent say a fully vaccinated person is immune. are they lying? of course a few weeks back Farting Fauci was saying wear two masks because decades of study showed most generic masks offer little protection to others.

2. let me cut you off at the knees Captain Obvious .. unless you have a surgical grade heavy cloth mask (or N95 grade industrial mask) that can be tied tight to block any exit points for exhaled droplets most masks people are wearing are not very effective. why is Joey wearing one, outdoors and vaccinated?

obviously your reply will be "Corn Poop Biden is leading by example!"

4. by casting doubt about the effectiveness of the very vaccine he's jabbering everyone should get.

Brilliant! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
1. A fully vaccinated person can still become infected and spread the CV19 virus to others. A fully vaccinated person should not get very very sick from CV19. (The messenger RNA in the vaccine teaches your immunity system how to make the antibody to neutralize the SPIKE protein portion of the CV19 virus).

2. N95 mask is the best. Most people don't wear them, they are difficult to purchase, especially last year. The KN95 mask is second best. Most stores don't have them. The quick trip in Dallas has them for $3.99 for one. They block out 90 percent of all small particles. The generic blue mask only blocks out between 30 - 70 percent of small particles (depending on who makes it) so if you wear that one, you should use two. A very good link on masks was posted already, don't have time to look for it.

3. Joe is wearing the mask because the mask does a better job of preventing the person that wears it of spreading any germs to others. He is fully vaccinated, so he will not get sick if he were to get infected.

4. The vaccines based on the messenger-RNA (Ribose Nucleic Acid) concept are very effective. I believe there has only been one death in the USA of a fully vaccinated person. That person got infected with a mutant know as BB17 mutant? that originated in Great Britan.

Thank you valued poster.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The only Pandemic in this country is Idiotism