Due to a lack of African American Violence, Biden directing FDA to ban Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

Everyone needs to understand that them type people have the highest rate of late stage lung cancer. Sometimes it's in our interest to protect some types from themselves. I'm also a supporter of banning people from buying chips and soda water with their food stamps because that's why they kids are fat. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Why just ban Menthol? Ban Cigarettes period. Vaping is a safer alternative. Nothing is being burned so there's no smoke, no ashes, no filters to discard, no smell. The only thing Vaping and Cigarettes have in common is the Nicotine. Nicotine although addictive it isn't toxic. It's very similar in chemical composition to Caffeine in Coffee. Cigarettes are only restricted in certain places but that hasn't prompted a lot of people to quit, people continue to smoke.
Why just ban Menthol? Ban Cigarettes period. Vaping is a safer alternative. Nothing is being burned so there's no smoke, no ashes, no filters to discard, no smell. The only thing Vaping and Cigarettes have in common is the Nicotine. Nicotine although addictive it isn't toxic. It's very similar in chemical composition to Caffeine in Coffee. Cigarettes are only restricted in certain places but that hasn't prompted a lot of people to quit, people continue to smoke. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Controversial opinion: How about we don't ban anything because it's not the governments' job to tell people what they can do with their bodies.
i started smoking filterless kools at the age of 6
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You mean they didn’t take away strawberry soda?

How about tap dancing?

The entire premise upon which this thread was written is offensive.

But I expect no less from the OP.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Controversial opinion: How about we don't ban anything because it's not the governments' job to tell people what they can do with their bodies. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Like Abortion?

Controversial opinion: How about we don't ban anything because it's not the governments' job to tell people what they can do with their bodies. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Well that's the way Governments operate. They tell the people what to be afraid of and who to blame. Then they try to convince the people they have the solution.
Like Abortion? Agreed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Works for me.

Well that's the way Governments operate. They tell the people what to be afraid of and who to blame. Then they try to convince the people they have the solution. Originally Posted by Levianon17
And that's why we have guns, to shoot them when they pull that shit.
I try to stay rational and not be overly swayed by political dogma from either side.

I'm against banning menthol cigarettes, simply because I think it's an "excuse" to do "something". Even though I smoke, I would entertain banning cigarettes based on public health hazard and cost of care for related disease borne by the public in one form or another. Seat belts, air bags, other automotive safety regs and helmet laws (yes, I know controversial) are examples that have likely reduced societal health care costs by behavior modification (won't try to prove).

Ban cigarettes and I'll likely quit, but may will grow their own. While we're at it, let's ban alcohol (might be nearly as bad), although that worked well 100 yrs ago.

So, I say no ban on menthol. Blanket cigarette ban...open for debate, but a political and individual rights nightmare, even though it might be wise in terms of health care costs to the economy.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Like Abortion?

Agreed. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
A baby is technically not your own body, depending on how you look at it, but I understand your point. I wouldn't be too upset if abortion was legalized, but they shouldn't be portraying those who do such things as strong or respectable.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Everyone needs to understand that them type people have the highest rate of late stage lung cancer. Sometimes it's in our interest to protect some types from themselves. I'm also a supporter of banning people from buying chips and soda water with their food stamps because that's why they kids are fat. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Whole lot of broke white people, most of the one I grew up with were like the Gallaghers and Milkovichs on Shameless broke as fuck and with do you in a minute ( What can I do you out of today my friend) or they were involved in mob stuff in my very diverse Italian and eastern European Western New York neighborhood of the 60s-70s, but I guess those guys were making money so it doesn't count.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
This is like making flavored alcohol illegal. It's the parent's responsibility to raise their children, not the government.

If they really wanted to help people they'd make education and medical care affordable. Not fucking ban flavored cigarettes. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You are seriously clueless why they want to ban menthol cigarettes, has nothing to do with children, but has a lot to do with addiction to nicotine, with menthol making nicotine addiction easier to get hooked on and harder to get off.
You're right if you want to harm yourself fuck just do it. you don't think that tobacco companies put warnings on cigarette packs for your safety, LOL... it's to keep you from suing them, you can't say you didn't know this may harm you since they tell you so on every single pack this shit is bad for you, that's why no one is suing them these days since they been doing this since the late 60's, you have to been a smoker before then to be able to sue, and most of them are dead now who could.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A baby is technically not your own body, depending on how you look at it, but I understand your point. I wouldn't be too upset if abortion was legalized, but they shouldn't be portraying those who do such things as strong or respectable. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
No matter how you look at it, it IS legal.
Let's not divert this thread on abortion. Start another one....I have a plan
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Well that's the way Governments operate. They tell the people what to be afraid of and who to blame. Then they try to convince the people they ARE the solution. Originally Posted by Levianon17


I try to stay rational and not be overly swayed by political dogma from either side.

I'm against banning menthol cigarettes, simply because I think it's an "excuse" to do "something". Even though I smoke, I would entertain banning cigarettes based on public health hazard and cost of care for related disease borne by the public in one form or another. Seat belts, air bags, other automotive safety regs and helmet laws (yes, I know controversial) are examples that have likely reduced societal health care costs by behavior modification (won't try to prove).

Ban cigarettes and I'll likely quit, but may will grow their own. While we're at it, let's ban alcohol (might be nearly as bad), although that worked well 100 yrs ago.

So, I say no ban on menthol. Blanket cigarette ban...open for debate, but a political and individual rights nightmare, even though it might be wise in terms of health care costs to the economy. Originally Posted by reddog1951

as they have for centuries. did you know that European society had no concept of smoking tobacco before discovering the "new world" and smoking tobacco with "native" American Indians? .

those gotdam Indians!

pfunkdenver's Avatar
He posted facts. I think you’re confused. Originally Posted by bambino

He posted links to opinions.

Not the same.