Orange turd tells lie after lie after lie.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Anyway these episodes had the effect of making foreign leaders believe some guy who was bat shit crazy controlled the U.S. nuclear codes. Which perhaps was exactly what he wanted. Originally Posted by Tiny
Absolutely. Vaporizing Soleimani sent a message, fuck around and find out.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 08:06 AM
I hope President Trump does NOT run in 2024.

We have some younger, talented folks who will make quality Presidents.

among them - deSantis, cotton, Pence, and others.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Yea I hope florida boy runs
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It was NOT a million. It was 900,000!!!!!

LOL wtf fucking garbage.
It was NOT a million. It was 900,000!!!!!

LOL wtf fucking garbage. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Typical Trump embellishment. I mean if you want credibility at least use semi accurate numbers. Rounding up by 100,000 isn't even close.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Typical Trump embellishment. I mean if you want credibility at least use semi accurate numbers. Rounding up by 100,000 isn't even close. Originally Posted by royamcr
that's retarded and I highly doubt it was exactly 900,000, which means YOU'RE A BIG FAT LIAR OMG
  • Tiny
  • 08-20-2021, 01:34 PM
that's retarded and I highly doubt it was exactly 900,000, which means YOU'RE A BIG FAT LIAR OMG Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I believe McDingDong, like Eccieuser, deserves the title of Master Baiter. While Eccieuser is better at baiting, McDingDong has shown himself to be second to none at masturbation - see link to his Jow Biden thread below. His response to royamcr shows he's pretty darn good at baiting too.
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2021, 01:53 PM
Tiny - perhaps You should start a poll on the best 'master 'baiter' - for my vote - LM or 'r'
Both intransigent 'baiters' - with nothing redeeming ever to offer.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I'm a stroking champion. I could go 9 hours if I wanted to and beat the world record.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'm a stroking champion. I could go 9 hours if I wanted to and beat the world record. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

Masturbation duration record.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I believe McDingDong, like Eccieuser, deserves the title of Master Baiter. While Eccieuser is better at baiting, McDingDong has shown himself to be second to none at masturbation - see link to his Jow Biden thread below. His response to royamcr shows he's pretty darn good at baiting too. Originally Posted by Tiny

The $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget that was recently passed in the Senate lays the groundwork for a historic reconciliation bill that will be transformative for working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. It will be a long-overdue step forward in the fight for economic, racial and social justice. It will also create millions of good-paying jobs.

As Chairman of the Budget Committee, my hope is that the various committees will soon finish their work and that the bill will be on the floor and adopted by Congress in late September.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes it absolutely clear. The United States and countries throughout the world must move extremely aggressively in combating climate change if we are to prevent irreparable damage to our country and the planet. There is no time to lose. The future of the world as we know it is at stake.

Take a look around.

  • A huge fire in Siberia is casting out smoke for 3,000 miles.
  • Greece – burning.
  • California – burning.
    Oregon – burning.
  • Historic flooding in Germany and Belgium.
  • Italy just experienced the hottest European day ever.
  • July 2021 is the hottest month ever recorded.
  • Drought and extreme weather disturbances are cutting food production, increasing hunger and raising food prices worldwide.
  • Rising sea levels threaten Miami, New York, Charleston and countless coastal cities around the world in the not-to-distant future.

This is not a silly plot in some disaster movie. This is reality. This is what we are experiencing now, and it will only get much worse in years to come if we do not act boldly NOW.

This Reconciliation Bill, the details of which are still being written, will not do everything that needs to be done. But, by investing many hundreds of billions into the reduction of carbon emissions it will be, by far, the most significant step forward in our country's history in fighting climate change and will set an example of what other countries should be doing.

Here are some of the proposals that are currently in the bill:
  • Massive investments in retrofitting homes and buildings to save energy.
  • Massive investment for the production of wind, solar and other forms of sustainable energy.
  • A major move toward the electrification of transportation including generous rebates to enable working families to purchase electric vehicles.
  • Major investments in a greener agriculture.
  • Major investments in research and development for sustainable energy and battery storage.
  • Billions to address the warming and acidification of oceans and the needs of coastal communities.
  • The creation of a Civilian Climate Corps which will put hundreds of thousands of young people to work transforming our energy system and protecting our most vulnerable communities.

As you may know, the Budget Resolution was passed last Wednesday at 4:00 a.m., by a vote of 50-49 after 14 hours of debate. No Republican supported it, and no Republican will support the Reconciliation Bill. The Democratic Caucus will have to do it on its own.

That means that we must demand that EVERY Democrat supports a Reconciliation Bill that is strong on climate change. No wavering. No watering down. This is the moment. The future of the planet is at stake.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Who's the master?
  • Tiny
  • 08-20-2021, 09:48 PM
The $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget that was recently passed in the Senate lays the groundwork for a historic reconciliation bill that will be transformative for working families, the children, the elderly, the sick and the poor. It will be a long-overdue step forward in the fight for economic, racial and social justice. It will also create millions of good-paying jobs.

As Chairman of the Budget Committee, my hope is that the various committees will soon finish their work and that the bill will be on the floor and adopted by Congress in late September.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report makes it absolutely clear. The United States and countries throughout the world must move extremely aggressively in combating climate change if we are to prevent irreparable damage to our country and the planet. There is no time to lose. The future of the world as we know it is at stake.

Take a look around.

  • A huge fire in Siberia is casting out smoke for 3,000 miles.
  • Greece – burning.
  • California – burning.
    Oregon – burning.
  • Historic flooding in Germany and Belgium.
  • Italy just experienced the hottest European day ever.
  • July 2021 is the hottest month ever recorded.
  • Drought and extreme weather disturbances are cutting food production, increasing hunger and raising food prices worldwide.
  • Rising sea levels threaten Miami, New York, Charleston and countless coastal cities around the world in the not-to-distant future.

This is not a silly plot in some disaster movie. This is reality. This is what we are experiencing now, and it will only get much worse in years to come if we do not act boldly NOW.

This Reconciliation Bill, the details of which are still being written, will not do everything that needs to be done. But, by investing many hundreds of billions into the reduction of carbon emissions it will be, by far, the most significant step forward in our country's history in fighting climate change and will set an example of what other countries should be doing.

Here are some of the proposals that are currently in the bill:
  • Massive investments in retrofitting homes and buildings to save energy.
  • Massive investment for the production of wind, solar and other forms of sustainable energy.
  • A major move toward the electrification of transportation including generous rebates to enable working families to purchase electric vehicles.
  • Major investments in a greener agriculture.
  • Major investments in research and development for sustainable energy and battery storage.
  • Billions to address the warming and acidification of oceans and the needs of coastal communities.
  • The creation of a Civilian Climate Corps which will put hundreds of thousands of young people to work transforming our energy system and protecting our most vulnerable communities.

As you may know, the Budget Resolution was passed last Wednesday at 4:00 a.m., by a vote of 50-49 after 14 hours of debate. No Republican supported it, and no Republican will support the Reconciliation Bill. The Democratic Caucus will have to do it on its own.

That means that we must demand that EVERY Democrat supports a Reconciliation Bill that is strong on climate change. No wavering. No watering down. This is the moment. The future of the planet is at stake.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

Who's the master?
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I thought I was immune to your baiting but I guess not. I'm only human. And I'm not putting up with this shit any longer. STOP GLORIFYING SMOKING! Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. EACH YEAR.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I thought I was immune to your baiting but I guess not. I'm only human. And I'm not putting up with this shit any longer. STOP GLORIFYING SMOKING! Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the U.S. EACH YEAR. Originally Posted by Tiny

But it makes me feel sooo good.
  • Tiny
  • 08-20-2021, 10:21 PM
But it makes me feel sooo good.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That French bitch is DEAD. You know why she’s dead? Because she SMOKED! LOON!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
That French bitch is DEAD. You know why she’s dead? Because she SMOKED! LOON! Originally Posted by Tiny

Getting back on topic:

The Cognitive Dissonance of America: Writing Through the Terror of Trumpland

The Trump years were like a big-budget theatrical production of cognitive dissonance, mainly because many of us were only in the audience, watching the process work on nearly half the country, powerless to stop it. At each stage of his nomination, election, and presidency, we were asked to believe increasingly impossible things in order not to see what was right before our eyes. I say “we,” but again, not really all of us—one of the most significant changes in these past years is that a major political party stopped talking to Americans in general, and instead only talked to their Americans, wrapping those self-selected folks in patriotism for going along with the demanding wackiness of the storyline. From the beginning, in order not to face consequences for their lack of preparation, their criminal and near-criminal behavior, their open flirtation (if not outright use) of a foreign power’s meddling in the election, a conspiracy had to be born. The “deep state” gave way to “Obama spying” and eventually to straight-up “Dems are blood-sucking child molesters.”