Supreme Leader Uses Tax Payer Dollars to Build a Wall Around His Beach House

rexdutchman's Avatar
The idiocy continues ,, and people swallow
lustylad's Avatar
I'd say Strokey is on to something here with his armchair psychology!

When a conservative is accused of being inconsistent - it bothers them. They invariably rethink their arguments to resolve any apparent conflict.

But when a libtard is shown to be inconsistent, they just shrug it off and pretend not to care. This always puzzled me.

But the truth is, as Strokey explains, the libtard is secretly painfully internally wracked by cognitive dissonance! Left unresolved, this will over time eat away at their innards.

So libtards are like ticking time bombs. Eventually these TDS-afflicted species will explode under the stress of living a miserably false public existence while thousands of unresolved conflicted private thoughts addle through their mushy brains.

Remember - if it weren't for double standards, libtards would have no standards at all!
It's not blame, you can't pull shit out of the air and place fault on one without looking at the other, if you spend 475k for a wall to protect my president I agree 👍. Why should I pay for security for a bunch of worthless rich kids with no clue or class just like there father. 🤔
lustylad's Avatar
So, the supreme leader gets to use our hard earned money to build a fence around one of his multi-million dollar houses. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Wasn't Nixon impeached, among other reasons, for misusing taxpayer money to improve his San Clemente home - supposedly for security?

I gotta say though, given some of the other serious offenses known to have been committed by the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, this one may not even rank in the top 10!

P.S. Is Hunter's art sale over yet? Did the Big Guy collect his usual 10%?
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2021, 08:49 AM
I'd say Strokey is on to something here with his armchair psychology!

When a conservative is accused of being inconsistent - it bothers them. They invariably rethink their arguments to resolve any apparent conflict.

But when a libtard is shown to be inconsistent, they just shrug it off and pretend not to care. This always puzzled me.

But the truth is, as Strokey points out, the libtard is secretly painfully internally wracked by cognitive dissonance! Left unresolved, this will over time eat away at their innards.

So libtards are like ticking time bombs. Eventually these TDS-afflicted species will explode under the stress of living a miserably false public existence while thousands of unresolved conflicted private thoughts addle through their mushy brains.

Remember - if it weren't for double standards, libtards would have no standards at all! Originally Posted by lustylad

LL - a thought - the liberal cultists - Genuinely Do Not Care about their hypocrisy.

It is SOP to them.

They Lie - it is what they Do.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I thought fences dont work? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fences don't work unless their manned by some kind of active defense. Otherwise anyone with a ladder can over come them.

Sadly no, fences don't really work.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wouldn’t call the Trump wall a fence, although it’s not really a wall either. Regardless, claymores would be better.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well, what's amusing is that the Delaware fence won't keep out sand lice, and btw, is clearly to late to save Joey from a zombie attack.

What I want to know is if the US govt is going to be reimbursed for the fence cost by the Chinese.
border fences work for what they are meant to do

slow down the hordes and drugs a bit

make the border patrol much more effective and able to do their job and not be babysitters

marshal most people to points of entry

and put a dent in fentanyl and other drug entry
lustylad's Avatar
border fences work for what they are meant to do

slow down the hordes and drugs a bit

make the border patrol much more effective and able to do their job and not be babysitters

marshal most people to points of entry

and put a dent in fentanyl and other drug entry Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought


All of that used to be obvious to everyone. Back when our politics weren't completely dysfunctional.

Nowadays the TDS-afflicted morons just keep repeating a dumb talking point like "walls don't work"...

or, if that doesn't resonate sufficiently with the trump-hating libtard mob...

"walls are immoral"


"walls are racist"...

as Pussyloosey puts it...

as she dishes out red meat for the dim-retard open-borders wingnuts!!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The boarder wall is manned by an active defense, anyway. So idk what kind of point nimgog was trying to make.

A fence or a wall is basically the first line of defense.
txdot-guy's Avatar
border fences work for what they are meant to do

slow down the hordes and drugs a bit
make the border patrol much more effective and able to do their job and not be babysitters
marshal most people to points of entry
and put a dent in fentanyl and other drug entry Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Strategically placed fences can be helpful in a layered defense strategy. However claiming to fence off the entirety of the southern border is simply ludicrous. Claiming Mexico was going to pay for it even more so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Strategically placed fences can be helpful in a layered defense strategy. However claiming to fence off the entirety of the southern border is simply ludicrous. Claiming Mexico was going to pay for it even more so. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
you do know that every prominent democrat including then senator Obama all ... all endorsed the Secure Fence Act of 2006, right? so what happened? Obama got elected and they did nothing.

then Trump got elected and now every one of these assholes claim its racist. just because Trump knew that securing the border was mandatory to keep out masses of ILLEGALS flooding in.

can you fence off the entire southern border? yes. but to do so would be spoiling some pristine land along the Rio Grande in places like Big Bend National Park, a place i've been to many times. i've camped at a spot right at the border along the Rio Grande. i could have waded the Rio into Mexico. not that i would but i could have.

there are other ways to secure areas like that. how do we know? why .. Obama said so! but DID NOT. one wonders why?

let's roll that footage shall we?

BAHHAAAAAAAAA not even close to completed.

and Mexico did pay for the wall .. their wall at their border. they call them troops. but .. you knew that, right??

Trump did get Mexico to build a wall — of its troops on its own southern border

It might not be a concrete barrier overlooking the Rio Grande, but Mexico's president has given Trump a big helping hand with immigration enforcement.

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.Henry Romero / Reuters
Jan. 21, 2020, 2:23 PM CST

By Julio Ricardo Varela

Donald Trump has actually kept the main promise of his 2016 campaign, because Mexico is paying for a "border wall." The only thing is that it’s not a physical wall and it’s not on the southwest border: It’s a wall of Mexican National Guard members on the border between Mexico and Guatemala, working to keep Trump's promises to the American people in the name of Mexican national security... and capitulation to their northern neighbor.
That wall was put to the test after thousands of Honduran migrants arrived at a bridge connecting southern Mexico and Guatemala on Saturday, clashing with Mexico's National Guard after Mexican authorities shut down the bridge and attempted to stop the migrants from making unauthorized entry elsewhere in the border region by promising those that registered for asylum in Mexico that they could obtain jobs there.

“I prefer love and peace,” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said in 2019, in response to Trump's then-threats to close the U.S.-Mexico border unless Mexico acted aggressively on immigration enforcement. That “peace and love” turns out to look a lot like appeasing Trump, rather than providing assistance to people fleeing systemic poverty and violence from the neighbors to the south.
Mexico, of course, already has a history of cooperating with the United States on immigration enforcement, but it appears they have doubled down on it with Trump. It cannot be a coincidence that we are seeing images of Mexicans confronting migrants on its southern border only a week after the Congress passed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement to replace NAFTA. It seems that, when trade is involved, López Obrabor will choose the economy first — even though he won the presidency two years ago on a leftist, populist and essentially anti-Trump platform.

But López Obrador is not the only one allowing Trump to do whatever he wants to do in the region. The Trump "wall" of agreements to enforce American immigration policy for us extends well into Central America, and includes new third party agreements to upend the process for migrants to receive asylum in America that we have made with Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador — where political leaders desperate for American aid are more than willing to criticize the American president one minute and enforce his policies the next.
Trump's ability to get others to do his dirty work speaks to how the U.S. can still play the bully around its own backyard.

And while the virtual wall expands south, the real one is being constructed, at least in small sections, in the American southwest. From the looks of how acquiescent Central American leaders have been to Trump's demands, however, the physical wall might not actually be needed.
Never mind that those who flee places like Central America are doing it because decades of U.S. foreign policy has created the unstable, violent and poverty-stricken environment that makes a dangerous trek of thousands of miles, much of it on foot, to an uncertain end seem preferable to remaining at home. In El Salvador alone, more than 75,000 people died in a years-long civil war fomented by the United States in the name of stopping communism; our actions in much of Central America during the Cold War followed the same pattern. It is a stain on American history, and we as a country have never come to terms with the long-term damage we inflicted on the region.

Mexico is not just being asked to play the role of Trump's virtual wall against Central American migrants; Mexican migrants are now falling victim to the other walls Trump has been building. Yes, even as Mexico continues its role as Trump’s enforcer, the U.S. has begun using its agreement with Guatemala to send Mexican asylum-seekers detained at the U.S. border to that third country.
So what are we left with? For all the crowing by liberals that Trump has not built his wall and Mexico has not paid for it, he's proven that he doesn't have to. The president has, in the end, been able to push an immigration policy that criminalizes the people who need the most help from Americans. The irony is that, much like with his vaunted career as a supposed real estate magnate, Trump didn’t need to build very much to accomplish his stated goals. His ability to get others to do his dirty work — even those leaders who said they wouldn't help at all — speaks to how the U.S. can still play the bully around its own backyard with no consequences.
At least, there have to date been no no short-term consequences for Trump. But that could always change — if Americans really cared, and if they are ready to vote him out in November.
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2021, 07:23 PM
Fences don't work unless their manned by some kind of active defense. Otherwise anyone with a ladder can over come them.

Sadly no, fences don't really work. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

So - why are U paying for fences around fiden's/Bernie's ill gotten homes - as they 'don't work"????
winn dixie's Avatar
Supreme Leader Uses Tax Payer Dollars to Build a Wall Around His Beach House

Build it. And they will come.