Is everyone prepared for WW3??????

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The Ruskie's were just trolling Pudd'n Head by surrounding his piggy bank. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The Left needs a war to distract from their failed policies, likely at the expense of crushing the EU economies. But it seems Putin has a cooler and clearer head for things than does F Joe Biden. Plus, he is a very busy person. So busy, that on his was to go ride his horse without wearing a shirt to find a bear to wrestle, Putin only had time to post a single picture on social media to respond to all of F Joe Biden's ramblings.

LexusLover's Avatar
... clearer head for things than does F Joe Biden.

Those rocks have a "clearer head" than that demented goofball ever did! Or those who voted for him as well.
bambino's Avatar
... Those rocks? ... They look like DEAD rocks.

Shouldn't they be taken OFF the voter rolls before
the next election?? ...

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
They just appear to be dead like Biden. Is that the proper pronoun?
Precious_b's Avatar
World Wide Wrestling?

Oh. I thought thought this was gonna be about Vince M.

Wrong Federation.
bambino's Avatar
Moscow's Top Brass Accused of New 'WEAPON' - Sarcasm

While media and officials struggle to pinpoint an 'invasion' of Ukraine, Russia's diplomatic chiefs have apparently gotten fed up of near-daily hysteria.

RT has compiled some of the quotes grabbing the attention of MSM:

“Wars in Europe rarely start on a Wednesday.”
Russia’s EU ambassador, Vladimir Chizhov

I ask the “Mass media of disinformation” in the West “to reveal the schedule of our ‘invasions’ for the upcoming year. I’d like to plan my vacations.”
Foreign Ministry spox Maria Zakharova

“To the regret of many Western media, the war again failed to start. Fighting has erupted on their pages, but it has no relation to reality.”

“Western hysteria is still far from its culmination; we need to have patience, as the remission will not come quickly.”
Kremlin spox Dmitry Peskov

West is sadly “lacking basic upbringing” for trying to dictate or predict Russia’s plans.
FM Sergey Lavrov

Subscribe to RT
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
We are living life in the Babylon Bee. Kinda sad when you read one of their articles and it rings more true than our Lame Stream Media, while RT seems on top of their game.

Orange Man Great
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I like a lot of Mark Levin’s books, shows, etc, but he was an unapologetic war monger in his latest podcast. Fuck Ukraine, it’s a Nazi shithole. Let him send HIS kids to fight the Ruskies for no reason if he wants.
bambino's Avatar
RT. You mean Russian State Media. No wonder y’all are clueless. But I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised, the Kremlin praises the likes of Tucker so there’s that.
It's a trick fuck for Russia to get more American weapons. Those crooked Uk's are in this only to make a buck. Hunter's quartly pay check is due.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’d trust RT far more than CNN and the majority of other US media. You wanna duke it out with Russians so bad, 1b1, grab a rifle and stand a post. Fucking keyboard warriors are only slightly better than politicians, who never have and never will spend 2 seconds down range.
winn dixie's Avatar
RT. You mean Russian State Media. No wonder y’all are clueless. But I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised, the Kremlin praises the likes of Tucker so there’s that. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Good Grief
It's a trick fuck for Russia to get more American weapons. Those crooked Uk's are in this only to make a buck. Hunter's quartly pay check is due. Originally Posted by eddieg5212
... Too right, mate.

And IF Putin and Russia won't work with Hunter and
the (sleepy ) "big guy" anymore, then
Hunter STILL has his ties to China. ...

#### Salty