What have we lost so far.

Oil companies are not drilling like they were because shareholders want a ROI , not more debt and wells.

Trump through out plenty of your so called virtual money himself.

Hell he was running trillion dollar deficits even before Covid.

Crime has increased mainly because of Covid .... as it has increased in both red and blue states.

You should be better td at lying as much a SC you do of it but you're hardly better than a parrot. A oeb11 reboot. Originally Posted by WTF
... If ya say so, Pap.

### Salty
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  • 02-18-2022, 09:01 PM
... If ya say so, Pap.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Go help Barelycorn find his lost brain.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who’s Pap?
Okay, more gross stupidity. Oil companies are looking for more ROI...the price of oil has doubled. How's that for ROI? Why are we now buying Russian oil? Why was the Keystone pipeline shut down? Why did Biden do this to us?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-19-2022, 06:40 AM
Okay, more gross stupidity. Oil companies are looking for more ROI...the price of oil has doubled. How's that for ROI? Why are we now buying Russian oil? Why was the Keystone pipeline shut down? Why did Biden do this to us? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Omg....such nativity.


While buybacks and dividend hikes have been announced across sectors suddenly flooded with cash, the oil majors’ approach follows a simple logic. Rising oil prices driven by reopening economies and surging demand has pushed up profits, which has helped majors pay off the debt accumulated during the COVID-19 bust far earlier than expected.

Rather than plowing those returns back into reversing 2020’s steep operating cuts, investing in production growth—or even bumping up their investments into transitioning toward clean energy—they have instead largely chosen to prioritize keeping investors on side.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What’s naive is thinking open government hostility towards the energy industry doesn’t effect prices.
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  • 02-19-2022, 07:01 AM
What’s naive is thinking open government hostility towards the energy industry doesn’t effect prices. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
What's naive is thinking that oil companies want 40 dollars a barrel oil

Do you think as an investor in big oil that I give a fuck about you crying about the price of gas?

I say bring on triple digits!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-19-2022, 07:11 AM
Why are we now buying Russian oil? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Because of stupid sanctions on Venezuela.

Why was the Keystone pipeline shut down? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You need to study up. The Keystone was not shut down.

The 2nd Keystone pipeline from Canada was canceled. You know that terrible Canada with its leader cracking down on truckers
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Do you think as an investor in big oil that I give a fuck about you crying about the price of gas? Originally Posted by WTF
Except that I never did that. I’m sure there’s oil companies in my sep, but I actually give af about what happens to the average family.
adav8s28's Avatar

Trump through out plenty of your so called virtual money himself.

Hell he was running trillion dollar deficits even before Covid.

Crime has increased mainly because of Covid .... as it has increased in both red and blue states.
Originally Posted by WTF

Trump wanted a second $2,000 check to go out to anyone who paid their taxes the year before and made less than $75,000 the year before. He wanted that to happen his last full year in office. Sen Mitch McConnell would only let $600 go out. Biden got elected, the dems took control of the senate (V.P.Harris breaking a 50 50 tie) and the dems got the other $1400 to go out via a budget reconcillation bill. Just ask Gadfly's friends in Michigan.

Yes, Trump increased the deficit to nearly a Trillion dollars (984 billion) before CoVid hit. Obama gave to Trump a deficit of 585 billion. So, you are correct on both points.

We lost a really really corrupt and incompetent pos trumpy lol n omg n wtf.
I don't even have to read stupid shit to make fun of stupid

Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Now we have one that you like. Still corruption and incompetence, lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-19-2022, 12:39 PM
Except that I never did that. I’m sure there’s oil companies in my sep, but I actually give af about what happens to the average family. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
We are talking about two different things. I'm talking about investments and you seem to be worried about charity.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Charity? More like millions of families trying to decide between heating their house or eating. It’s not illegal to be a self centered pos that doesn’t care if their countrymen suffer, so you do you, but some of us do.

A sep ~is~ an investment, btw. I haven’t the slightest clue what point you’re trying to make.
Whatever point it is, he doesn't know either.
Guess it’s sucks to be poor. We’re earing 7/lbs crawfish and steaks. I’m doing just fine. I say to y’all struggling “get a better job”