IF We Build It - They Will Come

winn dixie's Avatar
folks in maarthas vineyard are the same border crisis deniers! Funny what happens when it knocks on their doors.

Its spelled h y p o c r i t i c a l

sends them to a camp bahahahahhahahahahhahaha
... Too Right, mates! .... NOW - that Elisabeth Warren is calling
me plan horrific and mean-spirited. ...

Here I am - surely trying to make America a better place
and bring Diversity - and the liberals complain! ...

Me good mate Berry has mentioned that The National Guard
is already moving the border-crossers away.

Hmmmm... I'm gonna talk to president Trump and see IF
we can still build the High rises there for low income people.

And still make "Salt-ti-Largo" a reality! ...

#### Salty
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  • 09-18-2022, 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by berryberry
I heard MV banned together and helped them.

My question is why is DeSantis flying immigrants from TEXAS , anywhere?

... Guv. DeSantis said that he surely plans to ship MORE
border-crossers to Martha's Vineyard! .... Even-that
Elizabeth Warren got more bad comments for this -
"Repulsive and Cruel"... so much said for liberal compassion. ...

... I did some checking and a good analyst from Breitbart News is
saying that "M.V." can take another couple MILLION settlers there.

Hmmmm... Not sure IF we'll have enough building capital for
THAT MANY settlers, but let's get "Salt-ti-Largo" off the ground.

Thanks for your support, mates. ... Make Martha's Vinyard GREAT Again!

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Hey Salty - I think it's time for Moochelle to do her part and build that housing for illegals on her land on Martha's Vineyards

berryberry's Avatar
May even Obummer will feed them (or wait, is he just calling them breakfast tacos? like Jill Biden did)

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Racist comment. Or ignorant. Either way, buddy boi, tacos are Mexican.

DeSantis spent Florida taxpayer dollars to fly Venezuelans from Texas to Massachusetts.

Hope y’all are enjoying this.

Under other circumstances, you’d be screaming lock and load.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-19-2022, 09:23 AM
You fucking Trump loons haven't been paying attention.

Those fine folks at MV banned together and helped these migrants that DeSantis flew down for 12 million!

They are going to get the best legal representation of any if the migrants.

Plus this hurts DeSantis with the Venezuelan population in Florida.

Remember how we welcome Cubans and now they are a voting force in Florida. Gonna be the same with these Venezuelans.

So continue on with your celebration of a 12 million dollar chartered flights!
I agree the local people were great but the illegal-phobic rich folks political reps don't want the poor people in their backyard so let's justkeep them in Texas and Arizona in some oversized dog runs. And WTF you know it didn't cost 12 mil
they flew economy class LOL
Cruelty is letting them die in the back of a semi because after all the border is secure I heard KAMALA say so
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-19-2022, 09:48 AM
IF We Build It - They Will Come

Originally Posted by Salty Again
When we shipping all you Aussie's back to your shithole?
If it wasn’t a political stunt they’d announce the busses and flights instead of trying to let it be a surprise dumped in DC, MV and NY. But I suppose giving a heads up and allowing those communities to be prepared to house and feed those people wouldn’t grab headlines or allow demagoguing the issue for the FoxNews crowd.

Since these aren’t illegal border crossers arrested for illegally entering the US but are folks actually already processed as asylum seekers, I’m not sure the republicans are really helping themselves make these people possible future republican voters. But then this is just a play to the FoxNews crowd who’ve been taught that Hispanic=Illegal Alien, because who’d expect them to know the difference.
When anyone finally recognizies that a probem at the border finally exists then maybe something will get accomplished in a postive way but to deny there is a problem is the problem. Have you been to South Texas 1b1? I doubt it based on your comments.
I have my uncle who's ranch is between Rock Springs and Sonora Tx
12 bodies on his place in the last 2 years left by the cartels and coyotes to die. He has fed and offered water to over a hundred that he has seen and guess what he's a republican, go figure and he voted for Trump as the lesser of 2 evils. As an American taxpayer that was his choice. Without some structure of law chaos will always happen, hence the mess at the border. But have no fear the border is secure ask any Democrat. That's why my uncle and aunt sleep with 45's on the nightstand and both have AR-15s. Not for the poor illegals, they say they have never been afraid of them, instead felt compassion but the guy bringing them over that's the problem they worry about. But I digress there is no problem at the border. Repeat after me
A border immigration and whatever else deal was in place to pass congress and to signed by Obama but the nutty right killed it, making any further deals impossible. If the republicans and Trump wanted credit for a deal they coulda passed the same deal offered Obama but they were dead set on demagoguery so they never even tried to pass the deal. My issue with republicans is always the same. They yell loud but don’t ever wanna actually govern. The failure to ever pass legislation contributes greatly to the continued issue worsening rather than getting better.
so you are thinking only democrats have the best ideas?? Maybe we should address term limits 2 terms and you are out so they dont keep lining their pockets when retirement time come. Seems like good people go to Washington and turn into idiaots after a short time, some much shorter than others EX: Cortez & Greene
I would love to have the congressional health care plan and perks
no wonder none of them know what a gal of milk or gas costs we are paying for it. So many problems
berryberry's Avatar
Racist comment. Or ignorant. Either way, buddy boi, tacos are Mexican.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Take it up with Jill Biden - she is the one who called illegals "breakfast tacos"