Anyone could have seen that thread being closed though. It should never have been made. Devo, you were a mod once so you would be able to answer this question. What does a recently banned member have to gain by making a thread like that? A site admin actually posted twice in the thread and it still spiraled downhill. I was a bit at fault for it and am man enough to admit it but let's be honest here, the thread should never have even been made. It was a dig at the mods and they finally had enough and shut it down. Originally Posted by paintedbynumbersTough one man, its really more about the mod himself, I never minded private criticism or private conversations about public issues.
Some consider any form of public opposition or questioning as a sign of disrespect, and, react harshly, that is something I had to learn to tolerate, and it made me a better leader, a good leader should praise far more than punish, its just basic psychology.
One of things we eliminated was single mod bans, it took a triumvirate first, then just two of us after Speed left, and, eventually the decision that bans would only be made for things that threatend the board or its members, threats, etc, and of course "The Verboten" things of which you can never speak.
I didn't go into the banned thread with any particular animus, or hard POV, other than I that I think self policing and dropping the anger/reporting of other members is a preferable way of ending staffs need to police us externally.
RE, the thread itself, it went on too long, I myself would think a discussion to help eliminate the situations that caused the ban would be appropriate, but, it didn't come across that way.
But sometimes, you have to go down roads you don't know, just to see where they end.
Sometimes it ends in a great discovery, sometimes it ends at water, and you drown...
Oh well.
Pun intended.