wellendowed1911's Avatar
I do not care why Perry wanted to give the HPV shot. I was the right thing to do. Then he backed down from doing it. That shot would have saved lives.

He looked bad overall. He is not used to being questioned as BT pointed out. He needs to fix that or he is sunk. Originally Posted by WTF
I totally agree- also his jobs records is not as great as he hypes it up to be- Texas has the most low paying jobs in the union. Also, the worst is still yet to come- has anyone asked Perry why he accepted the Stimulus money- something the hardcore TEA party members were against???? I don't think any of the candidates called him out and why he took the stimulus money and balanced his budget- I am just waiting for Bachman, Romney or Paul to expose him. Paul was correct- I live in Texas and I don't know where Perry is getting his info about lowering taxes- mine surely has went up.
Perry also has not been called out on cutting teacher jobs- I think you guys are right Perry is the Guliani of 2008.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-13-2011, 10:28 AM
I totally agree- also his jobs records is not as great as he hypes it up to be- Texas has the most low paying jobs in the union. Also, the worst is still yet to come- has anyone asked Perry why he accepted the Stimulus money- something the hardcore TEA party members were against???? I don't think any of the candidates called him out and why he took the stimulus money and balanced his budget- I am just waiting for Bachman, Romney or Paul to expose him. Paul was correct- I live in Texas and I don't know where Perry is getting his info about lowering taxes- mine surely has went up.
Perry also has not been called out on cutting teacher jobs- I think you guys are right Perry is the Guliani of 2008. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The difference in Bush and Perry is huge. I may not have agreed with Bush but he was a likeable guy. Perry is a bully. He will not get elected. The national media will not treat him with kid gloves.

I actually think Bush had some morals too....not so with Perry. Plenty of rumors about his personal life, much like Rudy. He will not make it outta the primary. If the GOP wants to win they will nominate one of the two Mormons, either could win the independents.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Mandating a questionable vaccine for minors by government to line the pockets of Big Pharma is a good idea because it will save lives? Hmmm . . . Outlawing cars, save lives. Outlawing liquor, save lives. Mandate eating broccoli, save lives. Mandate wrapping people in bubble wrap before venturing outside, save lives.

How much control do you want those bastards to have? If that is ok, then what's wrong with mandating that the same women keep any pregnancy they have to term, regardless of consequences?

Government could mandate all kinds of practices in order to "save lives." What will die is "freedom."
CPT Savajo's Avatar
CPT I agree- Paul gave answers what he believe was right- he didn't necessarily give the "politically" correct answers that Perry and Romney gave- Perry looked like a jackass- he wasn't believeable- especially on the issue of the HPV vaccinations- he knows damn well it was all about the $$$$- think bout Merck was the only company making that vaccine- think of the potential millions they were going to make- good job at Bachmann for exposing Perry.
However, Bachmann needs to stand on her own- nearly every comment she made she mentioned something about Obama just to get a rise out of the audience. If you noticed Ron Paul speaks what he has to say without trying to make "Obama" look like the boogey man.
I am sorry, but the GOP tactic of trying to blame Obama for this mess will not work in mainstream America.
Honestly, I would say overall Huntsman and Paul did the best- Paul getting booed for his stance on 9-11 was uncalled for- but keep in mind this was a crowd that "cheered" about the idea of letting a "sick" man die- that truly left a sour taste in my stomach- what has this country come to???? Again, for the last time- if any of these GOP candidates hopes to beat Obama- they are going to need a lot of "Independent" voters and from the response from this crowd- I doubt if independents will be flocking to any of them.
The real winner of the debate was Barack Obama!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Well I wouldn't go on to say that the winner of the debate was Barack Obama. He only stands to "LOSE" votes this time around and there's no doubt that he will lose voters. Besides, he is extremely unpopular right now. Here's an article you should check out when a former black congressman and BIG time MLK supporter witnessed when he went over to Libya. You don't even here a peep out of Obama and didn't he win the Nobel Peace Prize? Didn't he team up with Hillary as a cheerleader and NATO to say we "must" have action in Libya. My question is who are the Democrats going to choose to run against Obama in their own party? Cheney supposedly made a comment the other day that Hillary should run against him, that was a joke. Hillary is just another warmongering wimpocrat who wants to take everyones guns.

Ron Paul is not going to tell voters what they want to hear, he's going to tell them what they need to hear and a lot of people don't want to hear the truth. We come across people like that in our lives all the time. The people in this country are in a deep denial and need to wake up. A lot of these candidates can't even answer a simple yes or no question! They elaborate and twist the question to make them sound good. That cracks me up! Ron Paul was spot on when he mentioned that people wouldn't like it if China treated us, like we treat the whole world as the worlds policemen. Their doing it to us economically via our corporations.

Their are a lot of candidates bashing Obama and I can understand that because it's the opposing party vying for the presidency. They have to paint an ugly picture of Obama and their going to, it's just mudslinging. These politicians know how to work up the mob and tell them what they want to hear. I see Romney calling out Obama more than Bachman but there all doing it except for Ron Paul.

Perry is getting exposed badly and I wouldn't believe any national poll put out right now as him being the leader. Corporate media can fix the numbers with the stroke of a key to sway peoples minds. This is a case where the pen is mightier than the sword with all of the media blackouts and games their playing on Ron Paul. Perry is the guy for the corporations and I wouldn't believe a damn thing he says either. Of course Merck was going to make huge profits, I wasn't buying his crap that he wanted to save 12 year old girls from cancer with forced innoculations. I wonder what kind of kickbacks Perry was going to get.