People do care

Precious_b's Avatar
I give a fuck. Guess that's the problem with absolutes. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Pot... meet Kettle... Pas Deux

Can't have it both ways.
Ripmany's Avatar
When you say generic terms like Biden crime faimly with out proof it make me want to vote Biden..
lustylad's Avatar
The whole purpose behind the release of the laptop around the election date was to allow innuendo to take root... Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Kinda like the release of that Access Hollywood tape in October 2016, eh Blackman?

Was that innuendo too? Did you keep saying "nobody cares" back then?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
When you say generic terms like Biden crime faimly with out proof it make me want to vote Biden.. Originally Posted by Ripmany
I don't think you understand the term "generic". Let's see, Hunter's laptop implicates Joe as the Big Guy. 20 different LLCs laundering money from overseas. Hundreds of bank issued "suspicious activity" flags filed. Biden admitting that he illegally leveraged a billion dollars to force Ukraine to fire a prosecutor. No real record of taxes paid by most of the Biden family.

Tell us what you consider proof?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Rasmusson put a poll out today that shows the Biden Crime family is a serious concern for many

Voters across the political spectrum believe revelations from House GOP investigators about foreign payments to President Joe Biden's family are a serious scandal, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Thursday.
The telephone and online poll of 982 likely U.S. voters conducted Monday through Wednesday showed 69% of respondents, including 43% of Democrats, 88% of Republicans and 72% of unaffiliated voters believe allegations of foreign influence peddling by Biden during his time as vice president and his family is a serious scandal.[/B]
The poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence." Originally Posted by farmstud60
982 "likely" voters through telephone or online questions? Dude, I believe roughly 155mln people voted in the last election in 2020 (could be wrong, just don't care enough to look). "For Many" is vague. 982 "likely" people out of roughly the sample size of the total voters who will definitely vote sure the fuck is not "many".

What loser actually even takes the time to answer a poll if they remotely even have a life? And look at the discrepancy in the parties who even bothered. Does that even seem like a valid poll to you? Have you ever taken a stats class to say as an absolute that "people do care?" How many people do you think didn't even give a shit enough to even bother with that poll when they received a phone call (and probably hung up) or it randomly popped up on the internet (and they thought it was too fucking stupid to even answer).

Basically, you are just letting me know the percentages of the parties for 982 people who may vote but need more constructive things to do in their lives from Monday through Wednesday (many probably unemployed) than to answer silly ass polls on the phone or online. Nice to know! LOL
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Among your many talents is statistical analysis...I'm impressed. Rasmussen is just not a bunch of idiots. There is a science to getting a large enough sample to get a accurate result. Some samples get you within 2%, some 5%, and some are about 10%. 5% is considered the norm. An average "nationwide" sample is about 1200 participants if they meet the qualifications. The error rate was small enough to show that Biden would have lost the election if the FBI had not put their thumbs on the scales.