Get out your pitchforks gents

When I look at the condition of a lot of the vehicles I see with Cult 45 type stickers on them, it's no surprise that corporate America is realizing that these folks aren't worth pandering too. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
No doubt. Some of those stickers are worth more than the cars they're affixed to.
Because it normalizes a lifestyle that people find abhorrent, and that they don’t want their families subjected to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Lol. Like so many things the right do unapologetically. I could list them, but would probably get pointed for not staying on topic. Anyway, there are no bigger snowflakes on the planet right now than white, conservative American males. They whine about EVERYTHING.
"Last week, Target was targeted with homophobic attacks for selling pride merchandise, which it has done for several years. The campaign became hostile, with threats levied against Target employees and instances of damaged products and displays in stores. In the end, Target opted to protect employee safety by removing certain items that it said caused the most “volatile” reaction from opponents.
Hurting brands’ sales and reputations was the stated goal of the campaign: “The goal is to make ‘pride’ toxic for brands,” said right-wing commentator Matt Walsh on Twitter. “If they decide to shove this garbage in our face, they should know that they’ll pay a price. It won’t be worth whatever they think they’ll gain.”"

I don't get the anger. How does it hurt anyone to walk by some gay pride merchandise? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
More evidence that today's conservatives don't actually give a flying fuck about "freedom". What they really want is their own brand of authoritarianism foisted upon everyone living in this country. Gone are the days of "live and let live". Conservatives actually hate freedom (unless it's their own personal freedom, of course. Then nobody cries louder about it being taken away).
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Of course they’re not apologetic, that’s the whole point. The left’s seething anger at the other side beginning to realize that their numbers have power is fun to watch.
Of course they’re not apologetic, that’s the whole point. The left’s seething anger at the other side beginning to realize that their numbers have power is fun to watch. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Dude, you just admitted you can't walk past gay pride merchandise at Target without getting triggered. The "seething anger" card isn't really one you're allowed to play here.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I never said that, and can play whatever card I feel is appropriate.
HDGristle's Avatar
Don't make me play the trap card, J
Because it normalizes a lifestyle that people find abhorrent, and that they don’t want their families subjected to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Your words. Your trigger. You have no "seething anger" card to play here. You can't even walk past merchandise meant for someone else without pretending it's harmful to families lol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your words. Your trigger. You have no "seething anger" card to play here. You can't even walk past merchandise meant for someone else without pretending it's harmful to families lol. Originally Posted by tommy156
Please point out where I said (wrote) that.

Edit: It’s interesting that a radical leftist is so bad with pronouns.
Please point out where I said (wrote) that.

Edit: It’s interesting that a radical leftist is so bad with pronouns. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I just did. This thread is only 2 pages right now. Not hard to find these posts.

1p remarked that he didn't get the anger over pride merchandise in Target. You went onto to say that it normalizes behavior that people find abhorrent, and blah blah something about their poor families. You legitimized their anger, meaning you are also triggered by it. Please don't play dumb here. It wastes everybody's time.
In other words, I don't want my family subjected to most things the GOP are doing these days, but I deal with it anyway. Because unlike today's conservatives, I actually value freedom and think it's a good thing when all is said and done.
Because it normalizes a lifestyle that people find abhorrent, and that they don’t want their families subjected to. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, it' is normal for a certain percentage of the population to be gay. Always has been, always will be. I don't get why people would be angry at that. How does acknowledging that some folks are gay and selling a few products that cater to them negatively effect anyone else?
I have friends who are recovering alcoholics. Grocery stores selling beer and wine have a much greater potential to negatively effect them, yet I don't see them getting all bent out of shape over grocery stores selling beer and wine.
Again, today's conservatives actually hate freedom (except for their own personal freedom, of course). What they really want is their own particular brand of authoritarianism to be the law of the land. No gay people, no trannies, no protests, no black or brown people in positions of power, no immigrants... you know... MAGA.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I just did. This thread is only 2 pages right now. Not hard to find these posts. Originally Posted by tommy156
Yet you can’t seem to accomplish it. I’m hoping that you’re being obtuse and don’t actually need a third grade grammar lesson.
Yet you can’t seem to accomplish it. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'm done repeating myself to you. You're triggered by pride merch at Target. Otherwise you wouldn't have tried to justify the anger towards it. Period. The end.