Oh Shit, They Have A Tape Recording.

It's fun watching kitties/trumpys run into walls chasing the uncatchable light.

What do I think?
I think Comer and Grassley suffer from premature declaration issues.
If legit recordings come out, they should pounce. For now, they're like kittens chasing light from a laser pointer. It's fun to watch, but that's about it.

Happy Trails
Be Best Originally Posted by cc314
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The object is to beat the Democrats. Trump can’t do it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The prime object is to crush the Demonicrats publicly and permanently. Sorry, you might have missed that memo. They are entirely debased, evil and unAmerican. The upshot is: the Demonicrats will self immolate just by Trump being elected, thus saving us all a lot of work. Work smarter, not harder. We can always hire a fire damage and restoration company to clean up the mess afterwards. Then the hard work begins...
ICU 812's Avatar

Sadly, our politics and society have come to that. I have long time friends from high school and college that I cannot speak to anymore, because they have become so deeply liberal.

I was at a reunion and the subject of deafness and hearing aids came up . A woman I have known since the first grade, had some experience with deaf children and the resistance of their deaf parents to a cochlear implant surgery.

Speaking in support of her comment, I mentioned the similar experience of Rush Limbaugh with that technology and deaf society. She immediately shut down the conversation at the mention of his name. I had to break through her mini-rant to make the non-political point confirming her initial remark about the subject.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Oops, it was breaking news in 2019. Wonder how that didn't make it out of the prime time news regurgitaters faces.
In Case You Missed It: Chanel Rion and One America News Broke Down the Biden Bribery Scandal with Testimony from Ukrainian Officials Back in 2019 (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft Jun. 15, 2023 8:00 am

In 2019 One America News Network investigative journalist Chanel Rion released a three part made for TV series detailing Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s criminal dealings in Ukraine.

The evidence Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani brought forth was enough to start a corruption investigation into Joe Biden.

Chanel traveled to Ukraine with Rudy Giuliani to investigate the money laundering schemes by the Biden Crime Family. What they came back with was a trough of evidence and documents that detailed bribes and payments to Hunter Biden for years and at least one bribe to Joe Biden for $900,000 from Ukrainian officials.

Chanel Rion and Rudy Giuliani interviewed several witnesses who destroyed Adam Schiff’s baseless impeachment case against President Trump. In the three part EXCLUSIVE report, Rudy Giuliani debunked the impeachment hoax and exposed Biden family corruption in Ukraine and Latvia.

In the series Rudy and Chanel expose the numerous media lies told to the American public by the lemming media to protect Joe Biden.
The mainstream media is once again exposed as a very corrupt arm of the Democrat Party. Joe Biden should have been jailed years ago.




Here is background material The Gateway Pundit published back in 2020 before the presidential election. The DOJ ignored this evidence against Joe Biden.

Ukrainian Pariamentarian Andriy Derkach ... held a much publicized press conference last October in Ukraine.
In his press conference Derkach revealed that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.

Derkach even brought charts and images as proof during his presentation.

This is the same organization that paid Hunter Biden over $50,000 a month to sit on their board in an obvious pay-for-play maneuver...
  • cc314
  • 06-15-2023, 02:40 PM
matchingmole's Avatar
If there were recordings...then the news would have reported it.

Probably just another Guilliani hoax
In case you believe it.
One of the best deals that are coming.
Futurama, $.25 Suicide Booths.
Oops, it was breaking news in 2019. Wonder how that didn't make it out of the prime time news regurgitaters faces. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Ducbutter's Avatar
The walls are closing in!
biomed1's Avatar
Even after the attempt to bring the Thread back on topic by a couple of Members - This Thread is off topic again.

Thread Closed