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R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-27-2023, 11:21 PM
Thank you. I just found it. Originally Posted by Brooke Wilde
Good to know. Thank you 😊
4PawgLovers's Avatar
I like the upgrade. It looks much nicer.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
The available now is on my side.. I'm not liking the new mailbox it takes 5 to 10 mins to load everytime even in desktop mode.. and if ladies go to the reward points section they updated the points used for ads like top 10 featured and gifs.. now top 10 is supposed to be 60 points per month featured is supposed to be 30 yet if you try and redeem it reverts back to old pricing ,KINDA MAKES NO SENSE .. IVE CONTACTED SUPPORT ON THE ISSUE.im nit super excited this basically looks like a tryst layout .. except it's in light mode not dark mode ..except tryst messaging/ inbox is AWHOLE LOT FASTER to load messages..( and I empty my inbox and outbox daily so it's not loading but maybe 5 messages
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I sent a email about messages taking to long to load and they reset my act
and now it's way faster ..
Cendell M's Avatar
My private messages are turned off I can’t figure out how to turn them on, I had to contact support, waiting now!
4PawgLovers's Avatar
The top 10 is 150 points. Featured is 75. I think that's just for Houston which seems unfit to me to charge us more. I could be wrong but from the way it looks that's the way it is and has been.
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
That's just crazy if you go to the tab and hit the reward points they have it clearly marked 60 30 30 then when you click it says the points you said.. that's crazy.. I feel what you charge one you should charge all. Bit it's all good I don't usually use the featured ads that often..
Lovelyxxxo's Avatar
Also ladies be careful and reinvestigate your photos.. they say if they can see any part of pelvic regardless if it a print through your lady unders or your thong isn't fit right they will ban your account.i saw a few ladies in doggy style with clear visibility and they will ban..
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
My private messages are turned off I can’t figure out how to turn them on, I had to contact support, waiting now! Originally Posted by Cendell M
Should be able to go into your settings and click send me emails notice .
Cendell M's Avatar
^^ Yes I finally figured it out, thank you for the help.
4PawgLovers's Avatar
It's down again this am...
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-30-2023, 08:12 AM
It's up for me
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
They prob tweaked the new software.

Basically, software techs and operations folks speak two different languages and a few miscues are always expected.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
^^ Yes I finally figured it out, thank you for the help. Originally Posted by Cendell M
Italia DiBella's Avatar
The Available Now is much different.

I didn't see anything wrong with the other format it was more user friendly but oh well change is welcome.