City of Dallas and its Anti-Streetwalkers Ordnance

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-03-2024, 06:25 PM
The hookers are out of control standing and walking around in front of businesses during the day, I seen on the news Karen's having a problem with this, nobody wants that in their neighborhood, but the tricks want a place to find them easily

I've picked up SWs in different major cities like LA, Phoenix, Vegas, Dallas, New Mexico to name a few, they're always posted up where they're easy to find, what's changed over the years is that is that they're much younger and hotter looking.
Location and hotness depends on the city. I do see why businesses and homeowners would complain. I would complain as well.

This really is a chicken and egg thing. Demand does drive up supply. But without supply, demand would have to look elsewhere. They booked 30 or so John’s and zero SW’s. Did they really impact demand? If a SW turns 8 tricks a night, taking 30 of them off the streets for the night would have prevented 240 transactions. More importantly, it would also impact the pimps that survive off the money. Arresting the John only keeps him from coming back for a while. The pimp laughs and continues to make money. I don’t see anything about targeting the pimps or traffickers. It is really easy to identify them when they drop off or pickup the SW’s. Or the fact that many drive around with expired plates on their deeply tinted windows.

Better yet, just legalize it like more than half of the World has already done.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-03-2024, 09:44 PM
If they want to clean up, arrest the hookers like they did in the old days, picking up 30 tricks once or twice a year, isn't going to do anything, what about the other thousands of tricks? LE is only putting up a show, they don't have a solution
KellyKiss's Avatar
Wow, thanks for the intel.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-04-2024, 12:43 PM
I've told this story before if any of the old school guys remember, I've picked up a $400hr Russian eccie hooker on one of the Dallas track back in the day, she sucked me off for $20, I googled her contact number after the fact, she had a bunch of trick reviews talking about how high end she was 😂

Now it's more common for the younger hookers out there to walk the tracks, about a year ago I ran into another on the Figueroa track in LA, this one was $600hr on hobby sites, top notch whore for pennies on the dollar. They're truly undervalued out in LA
Do you think LA is the best bang for the buck, then? I've been watching videos of Seattle Street walkers and they look the hottest of all, but I can't imagine they provide a service that matches their looks for an amenable price...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-09-2024, 07:36 AM
Do you think LA is the best bang for the buck, then? I've been watching videos of Seattle Street walkers and they look the hottest of all, but I can't imagine they provide a service that matches their looks for an amenable price... Originally Posted by Frankthehumanboy
LA is way underpriced for the quality that's out there, keep in mind that the track is in the heart of South Central LA, you need to be street smart to deal with them hookers. Look up Figueroa hookers and you'll see what's out there, what they provide varies just like anywhere else
CG2014's Avatar
Dozens of videos (84 in total) of L.A.'s Figueroa showing hundreds of fine hookers