Cubans are ruining the Strip Club scene in DFW

The white and black women are still there. Look at bucks wild or men’s club or lodge or ricks. These are more diverse clubs with uglier albeit willing women. They will just charge you twice as much for otc fun…. But, at least they’ll be speaking english Originally Posted by futbolhead
As I already mentioned, The Men's Club and The Lodge have issues of their own. Have gone to TMC for lunch and not seen a single dancer until 2:00 or later many times. The average quality of women at The Lodge has really dived the last couple of years.

Ricks DFW is almost dead. Ricks Cabaret has women but the club management is worse than the dancers at trying to fuck you over.

Same with Spearmint Rhino. Managers and dancers seem more concerned in how to squeeze you for every dime than you having a good time so you will come back.

Have not been to Silver City in a long time. Friends tell me its very hit or miss for gals daytime, any way.

Have not tried the Bucks Wilds in a while. May have to venture out to them again soon. Not a huge fan of BYOB clubs but may have to give them another chance.

A big point of this is, even if you like the cubans, the loss of diversity in more and more clubs means fewer guys going to those clubs. Fewer customers means fewer dancers of all types.

Clubs like BBD survived during the pandemic because they stayed true to their format. They have been top dog for longer than I can remember. For years, what club did everyone recommend? BDD. You could go there and find something you liked. Always had a variety of hot women. Not true anymore. Now, that successful format is changing. BDFW has been an icon in Tarrant county for over 40 years. They stayed true to their format. Now that has changed.

You really think very successful clubs can radically change things and not suffer? There is a fine line between adapting to changing market conditions and throwing away what has worked for years.
Yeah, but you’re asking for fat, ugly women. They are the ones who have been pushed out. Good riddance because if a pretty, sexual women approaches me, I can say adios if she has an aggressive approach.
  • mb60
  • 05-01-2024, 08:49 PM
Not going to lie about 2-3 Cubans have started to win me over at BDFW, Not pushy and extremely cute and fun when drinking a bit. The language barrier is a bit hard using Google translate but never less trying to hook up some otc action with one.
Communists ruin everything. That has been proven over history.


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Communists ruin everything. That has been proven over history.


TRUMP 2024!!!!!

FJB!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
Not going to lie about 2-3 Cubans have started to win me over at BDFW, Not pushy and extremely cute and fun when drinking a bit. The language barrier is a bit hard using Google translate but never less trying to
hook up some otc action with one. Originally Posted by mb60
If one of the three is K**** I'm understand mb. I stopped by yesterday afternoon and K and her two buddies were a fun time.

K speaks pretty good English and had me "out" and stroking it on the first dance. I had on illegal draw string pants so it was easy and I didn't object at all. 2nd dance was even better. Her stroking and grinding and me touching all of her goodies under her bottoms.

I had one other dance with another hott one that I forgot her name. She was OK but not K.

K went on stage and I played with the other two (including the one,dance girl above) at my table feeding them 2-3 tips on occasion. They let me put the tips in their sweet spots.

I dropped a quick 80$ for about an hour of fun and left about 2. I made sure,that K showed me all of her (two) tattoos so I would remember her. Said she had been there 7 months but who knows lol

Two of them were thin and well built. K was a little bigger and,well built
  • mb60
  • 05-02-2024, 09:55 PM
L---a at BDFW at night is one. 23 with tits and ass that are to die for.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Communists ruin everything. That has been proven over history.


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FJB!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
Probably a commie plot to strip is of Our Precious Bodily Fluids.

General Jack D. Ripper: Have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Well, no, I can't say I have.
General Jack D. Ripper: Vodka. That's what they drink, isn't it? Never water.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Well, I believe that's what they drink, Jack. Yes.
General Jack D. Ripper: On no account will a Commie ever drink water and not without good reason.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Yes. I - I doubt quite see what you're getting at, Jack.
General Jack D. Ripper: Water. That's what I'm getting at. Water. Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don't think I do, sir, no.
General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
I'm SO sick of Democrats insisting upon the policies that are in place in majority-WHITE nations. We conservatives seem to be the only people who realize that majority-BLACK nations have it right.

Conservative Africa doesn't have universal healthcare, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have legal abortion, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have legal gay marriage, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have guaranteed paid worker leave, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have government subsidized college and vocational training, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have government subsidized childcare, but liberal Europe does.
Conservative Africa doesn't have green energy initiatives, but liberal Europe does.

And Democrats are always SO quick to call us Republicans "racists," but look which party ALWAYS sides with majority WHITE nations. It's not us. We're on Africa's side EVERY time. Europe has all the communist policies that Democrats support.

Not Africa. And not the USA under Trump. We'll thrive just like the Dark Continent does with Trump back in charge. I mean, who would rather live in London than in Mogadishu? Not me.
Well dang maga that didn't go off topic much.
"Conservative" sex worker enjoyer is a hilarious concept.

People really are out there in the world just being 98.2% dumb and exposing it to everybody willy-nilly.

Anyway, as to the actual topic, yes. They make it difficult to find anything else. It's like what if all the restaurants in town decided they would get rid of everything on the menu and pretty much only sell ice cream, and only every 200th customer at each restaurant can order something that isn't ice cream. All because Blue Bell Ice Cream Company paid off all the restaurant managers.

Ice cream is nice and all, but damn, the restaurants are mostly kind of useless.
I think oldbutstillgoing is on to something. The Cuban influx is all over the States, many in Philadelphia, not just Texas. What else could be the reason, if not Pimps, graft, and money-changers?

Interesting paralell to the US housing market. 30-35% of home sales are to Investors, who have no interest in living in the purchased house, it's about renting and flipping. The Cubans have infiltrated the clubs, and it's all about a certain segment profitting, while destroying a former workable business model.

What kind of customers are the Cubans attracting? I didn't get a good read, just that they are different (and less "attractive").
  • mb60
  • 05-03-2024, 08:33 PM
Well dang maga that didn't go off topic much. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
And because of conservative America it's why this site is the way it is. Lol you can;t teach stupid.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 05-04-2024, 08:22 AM
It is a managment issue and not a Cuban issue. I quite enjoy the Cuban ladies but give them an inch and they will take 7.
Wingman07's Avatar
I kinda have to agree with him here. The Cubans have changed the strip club scene. Years ago it was mostly young American girls making bad decisions and having fun while doing it. This was a phase in alot of these girls lives. Not a lifelong career choice. Now I feel like you have less of these I'd say 18-25 y/o that were there to make money, get fucked up, and have fun all in the same time. Another thing I've noticed some of these clubs have stopped permitting the girls to drink on the floor like bucks wild. Now it's 50% plus Cubans who some are attractive but alot are botched surgery wise. They are all cliqued up together alot have bad attitudes. They are all straight sex workers but make everything feel so transactional. They are not really fun to talk to if you piss one off likely you piss off the whole bunch. From what I gather they are catty as fuck and don't play well with the other strippers. I feel like they are upping the average age too. Before occasionally you'd have that old lifer stripper. It was only one or two and they were far and few in between. Now there's 10 Cubans over 40 at every club basically. They'll be there till they get too old and get a transfer back to a Cuba to suck dick until they die. For me the whole trafficking the Cubans in and their takeover of the strip clubs has made them a place I enjoy so much less than I did 10-15 years ago.