Mercianna-no call, no show

TheDuck's Avatar
That was my point Duck. You said exactly what I wanted to and I actually had typed it in a reply and realized it was ROS info. Without that, this only becomes a pissing contest. Originally Posted by BigPurdy
yes, you were sharper than me, it never crossed my mind that it wouldn't now be visible...but I DO have a brain the size of a peanut, so it's not surprising. Thanks for pointing it out
BigPurdy's Avatar
On the contrary, this was not a Duck bashing. I originally pointed it out as an "i"m not sure" remark so that if it was the case you could edit the post. I was a mouse click away from doing the exact same thing. No need to "Duck".
KittyLamour's Avatar
I have no clue what was stated in ROS. But I am standing by my statement that this person never made an actual appointment with me. He sent me several pm's I responded to each one to "please call me directly to set an appointment." When he did try to call...I happened to be occupied with family issues and could not take calls. This does not constitute a ncns. If it does that would mean anytime we are not available 24-7 for anyone's whim we can be accused of a ncns. Is it not No Call No Show to a confirmed appointment? If it is then I agree a ncns to a confirmed appointment is both unprofessional and extremely rude. I value my reputation highly as a provider and yes because I do work hard to maintain my reputation I take such accusations very personally. Also this is how I make a living and times are tough enough as it is without the negativity. I would never no call no show a client...I would call and apologize or send a pm if unable to call simply because I have manners. I have much more class than that.
I have stated all I have to say on the subject. As far as I'm concerned the thread should be closed. I've defended myself honestly although I'm sure nay-sayers will continue to sling mud.
TheDuck's Avatar
On the contrary, this was not a Duck bashing. I originally pointed it out as an "i"m not sure" remark so that if it was the case you could edit the post. I was a mouse click away from doing the exact same thing. No need to "Duck". Originally Posted by BigPurdy
I think moving this to "coed" only created more confusion!!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Dudes need to read the sticky's...failing that when a mod moves a NC/NS review the ROS should become isn't rocket science.
You are right, since its not suppose to be a review, ROS should be public. I need to run it up the flag pole first but will do so right away. In the mean time, I will remove the ROS on this one, though I may have to put it back if i am overruled.
Sooooo if the appt was not scheduled, how did he get the hotel and room number?
BigPurdy's Avatar
That was what I was going to originally ask Meg. Unless of course, he's been there before.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I did not have a set appointment with him and for a fact I do not give out my room number period until the client calls and tells me they are in the parking lot. So believe what you will. I am not going to continue to defend myself over something so ridiculous. Yall don't actually believe that he got all the way to my parking lot I gave him the room number then didn't let him in the door? Please use some common sense. But I forgot...some people live for negativity and like nothing better than to drag a fellow human being through the mud. This is a farce. I repeat I did NOT have a set appointment with this person. It was not a NCNS by my definition stated earlier. The information he put in the ROS he received from me when I returned his phone call later that evening. I apologized for not being able to take his phone call...I had a family situation arise that I couldn't get out of and when he accused me of a ncns on the phone I explained to him then, just as I am now....that you cannot call it a ncns when there was no appointment. PERIOD. I then told him that I was foremost a mother and that took precedence over anything else in my life. THERE WAS NO APPOINTMENT. I DID NOT NCNS ANYONE. I never spoke to him on the phone until I returned his call later that day.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Do you expect us to believe he just pulled Room 307 out of thin air? If that's the case he must have some ulterior motive. But I must agree most ladies don't give out their room number until the client gets to the parking lot. That way the lady can be sure one guy won't knock on the door just as another guy is finishing up.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I know he didn't name the exact location, but is it wise to be putting room numbers out there for everyone to see?
KittyLamour's Avatar
I know he didn't name the exact location, but is it wise to be putting room numbers out there for everyone to see? Originally Posted by still-asleep
Thanks for the concern still-asleep...if it was my room number I would be concerned also.