I don’t understand what has happened?? I have been a provider for many years and have always been reference friendly as long as I have seen them within a year. I have never had a reason not to help out the gentleman who want to see another provider. This is also for the safety of the providers as well!! When I see a providers profile or ad that states they require at least two references but they are not reference friendly it just doesn’t make sense to me??? I prefer now that they send any reference request via a pm and not a text for #’s can change for some, but to not be reference friendly for others just doesn’t make since to me. The providers that check references take a lot of time out of their day to make sure they are meeting someone that is safe same goes for the hobbyist who collect the information to send to us. You could at least respond to us and tell us you are not reference friendly instead of completely ignoring our request. If you are NOT reference friendly, please let the clients know before they see you as well.
Just common courtesy in my opinion.
Stay Safe Always,
Jessica UTR Originally Posted by Ultimate Jessica
It's not about the money or not wanting to share clients, many ladies have realized that solely depending on references has become dangerous, more dangerous because ladies feel like they don't have to do anymore screening outside of that. Not to mention, a client may be perfectly ok with me and completely different to the next. The last girl murdered just two weeks ago screened and had references. Also LE is starting to use references... yes they actually have legit references as used in the Texas sting just last week, while yes some girls are selfish it's not always about the money. I'm not reference friendly because I no longer want to feel responsible for a persons behavior or someone else relying on me for their safety, however I do white list and/or blacklist all clients and update each time they see me. which is my form of referencing.