trump calls Trudeau a "governor", and Canada a "state"

HDGristle's Avatar
It’s trolling. Do you not follow the news? Trump’s as alpha as they come, Trudeau is as beta as they come. Of course he’s going to fuck with him. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Trump's a Beta Cuck who's wife wants to ride Trudeau hard and put him away wet. That's Sigma power.

It's what drives Trump nuts when dealing with younger, taller and fitter men that his wife craves. Why he's being so passive aggressive trying to play the role of Alpha. Lots of posturing but he'll recoil when smacked on the nose and send out mean tweets
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trying out material for a gig at the improv?
HDGristle's Avatar
Spilling the tea, my dude
Canada has 10 provinces. I might be open to giving statehood to some/all of them, depending on their political leanings. Originally Posted by lustylad
Luckily for the rest of the world, nobody will be taking anything trump says about making Canada a state seriously. It's just childish disrespect designed to amuse toddlers. Apparently, that part of it's working.
HDGristle's Avatar
Luckily for the rest of the world, nobody will be taking anything trump says about making Canada a state seriously. It's just childish disrespect designed to amuse toddlers. Apparently, that part of it's working. Originally Posted by tommy156
Adults who act like toddlers
Adults who act like toddlers Originally Posted by HDGristle
That, too.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Luckily for the rest of the world, nobody will be taking anything trump says about making Canada a state seriously. It's just childish disrespect designed to amuse toddlers. Apparently, that part of it's working. Originally Posted by tommy156
Just a guess, but maybe that’s because it’s not serious?
Just a guess, but maybe that’s because it’s not serious? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It's serious disrespect. Nobody needs, or asked for, a POTUS to troll an ally. If he wasn't such a beta cuck, he'd troll our adversaries.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You really think Trump is going to respect that twerp? Of course he isn’t. Trudeau is a walking, talking soyboi meme.
HDGristle's Avatar
And Trump's a blowhard pussy who runs his mouth pretending he's a gigachad when he's really just the pussy clearly visible below his triple chin

Postures like an alpha, tweets like a sissy. That's your leader. Own it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Gigachad. I like that.
lustylad's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Really? Resorting to photo shopped memes?
Hoogely disgraceful to our neighbor and ally.
This all started when trumpfs mail order bride lusted after trudaux .
Trumpf has not forgotten that
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Really? Resorting to photo shopped memes? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yes, and there’s plenty more where that came from.