When You Win It - Here They Come!

Good point.

The American way is to achieve success through merit and hard work. Not expecting things to be given to you by made up nonsense like “systemic racism”. Originally Posted by Green_Mountain
Another way to "achieve success" is to have your NYC slum lord daddy gift you $400 million. But hey, we can't all be born with that kind of head start.
Another way to "achieve success" is to have your NYC slum lord daddy gift you $400 million. But hey, we can't all be born with that kind of head start. Originally Posted by tommy156
Here’s some other ways to achieve success.

Because of daddy’s name get onto the board at Burisma Holdings owned by Ukrainian oligarch and former politician Mykola Zlochevsky, while adding no value and increasing your wealth. Sell amazing artwork to the tune of 7 figures and change total, and receive a pardon dating from 2014 to present.

LeBron James’ $1.2 billion in today’s money will most likely go to his kids. That might be helpful for them to get ahead.

Or Obama’s net worth of $70 million to his kids.

I still like my philosophy for average guy. Figure out your talent, work hard, and achieve on merit and accomplishments and not that “somebody owes you something”
... Lads, please wander back to me thread topic.
Which was ... uh... something or other about Trump and those
coming to Mar-A-Lago and Trump bring back in charge.

#### Salty
You’re right Salty.

I’m new to posting and need to better understand the rules. Cheers.
... No worrys there, mate. ... You, Tommy and the other lads
had some great opinions there - and that's WHY we're here
- so everybody can give their-own opinion on issues.

... Maybe coming "to kiss Trump's ring" is a bit of exaggeration,
but President Trump seemingly willing to listen to people
from both sides of the aisle - and different walks of life -
is A GOOD THING! ... And GREAT for America!

#### Salty