HO HO HO and the Santa Clause Clap

phmzee's Avatar
Why is STD called the clap?
The term "the clap" is a slang term for the sexually transmitted disease (STD) gonorrhea. The term's origins are uncertain, but there are several theories:
The French word clapier
The word clapier is an old French term that means "brothel" or "rabbit hutch". The term may have been used to describe an infection of the groin, or clapier bubo, which was contracted after visiting a brothel. The English may have shortened clapier bubo to "the clap".
The Old English word clappan
The Old English word clappan means "to beat" or "to throb", which may have reflected the burning, itching, or pain associated with gonorrhea.
A medieval practice
Some say the term comes from a medieval practice of clapping one's genitals to reduce pain or cure the disease.
The term "the clap" became more commonly associated with STDs contracted by US soldiers during World Wars I and II.
Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It's one of the most common STDs, but it often doesn't cause symptoms, making it easy to spread to others. Gonorrhea can be spread through vaginal fluid, semen, anal sex, oral sex, or sharing sex toys. Untreated gonorrhea can cause long-term health complications.
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Ask Greg: Why is Gonorrhea Called the Clap? - One Medical
Sep 16, 2016 — Another theory holds that the clap is a bastardization of the French word “clapier” which is an old term for “brothel”...

One Medical
Gonorrhea The Clap | STD Check
May 14, 2015 — From the old French word for brothel: “Clapier.” Prostitutes were housed in clapiers (brothels). In Middle French lang...

Gonorrhea: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
What is gonorrhea? Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that comes from a bacteria called Neisseria gonorrho...

Cleveland Clinic
Why Is Gonorrhea Called “The Clap”? Three Theories - Ro
Aug 22, 2019 — It came from an archaic English word. Some etymologists think that “the clap” might have evolved from “clappan,” an Ol...

The Clap and other STI names through the ages - Better2Know
Today, many people know gonorrhoea as “the clap.” But, few people who use this term are actually familiar with the origins of the ...

the clap Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
Aug 21, 2018 — Where does the clap come from? The clap is a very old slang term for a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is said ...
Thanks Phmzee, until this post, I was really in dark about what really happened to that dude, though other post mentioned something about STD, what exactly it was I didn't know.
this is going to be the most viewed post in Dallas Eccie history
Thanks for posting, we gotta look out for each other.
Doug4343's Avatar
Chlamidia dumb dumbs. Pretty much asymptomatic, and I've had it twice this past year thanks to the studios. No idea but I get tested quarterly and it popped twice in the past year.

Gonnorhea, had that years ago thanks to an amp, not a studio. That had major unpleasant symptoms. But Chlamidia really doesn't. My guess is a bunch of those studio girls have it and have no idea.
Looks like you dropped the ball on another review…
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Thanks for posting, we gotta look out for each other. Originally Posted by Metroplexdude
If these bb ladies get something, it's not from eating ShabuShabu. It's from some irresponsible monger that is carrying, and not getting tested regularly. Protect your own health, protect the health of these K-Ladies, and protect the health of fellow mongers. Testing is a no-brainer, unless of course you only think with your little head.

People are texting while doing 80 on the freeways; they have no concern for others on the road. So of course, there are bb mongers that have no concern for anyone else, including the K-Lady that gives them bb. Sad.
If these bb ladies get something, it's not from eating ShabuShabu. It's from some irresponsible monger that is carrying, and not getting tested regularly. Protect your own health, protect the health of these K-Ladies, and protect the health of fellow mongers. Testing is a no-brainer, unless of course you only think with your little head.

People are texting while doing 80 on the freeways; they have no concern for others on the road. So of course, there are bb mongers that have no concern for anyone else, including the K-Lady that gives them bb. Sad. Originally Posted by TexomaCowboy
a gentleman amongst the mongers. i applaud you TexomaCowboy
I've yet to meet a studio girl that didn't at least do BBBJ. You are a damn fool if you partake in the hobby and are not getting tested regularly, ideally quarterly.