Is it worth it? What should I do?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar

This traffic stop was kind of like a traffic "sting". They were standing in the median & walking out in front of cars & having us pull over to a side street.

I could NOT believe how many people they got. There were more offenders than they could even handle.

Now to my question: Were all of us that got pulled over during that time, at that spot, given the same court day & time to the courthouse on Lubbock?

Do you think with all these stops, the officers are more than likely to show up to court? I figure if they know 15 of us have all plead "not guilty" & have the same reset day, they would absolutely show up. vs. if there are only one or 2 people, they may be less likely to show up.

I'd love to plead not guilty, but I have no clue which way the outcome will play out.
Michael8219's Avatar
Yep UC is right. You only have one moving violation and if you haven’t taken defensive driving within a year of the ticket and meet the other requirements specified in the link below you can request to the city of Houston municipal court to take defensive driving and just pay the $144 court cost, the cost of the course, and the cost to run a copy of your driving record:

The other ones I would plead not guilty and or bring them into compliance and then ask for probation or reduced fine and or payment plan.

I’m not sure on your question but yes I believe with 95% certainty that they will book all the “fish” caught in the dragnet-on the same day or split into two days on the officer’s court date.

You can reset once or twice and may win by the officer not showing up but I will always pick defensive driving first.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Didn’t think Texas had a point system. Request Defensive driving for the speeding and find attorney for others. I’ve used Sullo&Sullo. Your gonna get crazy amount of fliers in the mail from attorneys. But mine was one ticket. Never saw judge. Attorney saw me and came back and said it’s was dismissed. Don’t remember fee. Was like 5’yrs ago. He just wanted to look at you longer which is why he added on charges. Should have tried to barter. LOL.
RickB_4718's Avatar
A good attorney will know to negotiate throwing out the moving violation if you plead guilty to one or more of the non-moving ones. I had an attorney do this for me a long time back where I had a speeding ticket and failure to change my address within 30 days. I plead guilty to not updating my address and they threw out the speeding violation.
500sl's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thank you for all the feedback. I have decided I am going to hire an attorney.

That seems like the safest way to go while ensuring I don't have to commit too much time to this process.

Hopefully I can get the speeding dismissed. I have already re-registered my car so I'd bet they will dismiss that one.

That leaves no seatbelt & no front LP & there is no way I'm adding a front LP to my car.