But it works I swear!

The DEI trend is on the decline.

The new sheriff is giving the ok to stop the madness. Sit back and enjoy as the program that offers no value gets cut more and more.
lustylad's Avatar
Aged great. It's still around aplenty, it's still a feature of most HR policies and while you weren't paying attention rebranding started. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Lol. It's collapsing faster than Napoleon at Waterloo. Nice try.

Why do you defend it? Why was it needed in the first place? What features are being retained?

Oh dear... did I just ask you some substantive questions? Sorry, I know how you hate that.
HDGristle's Avatar
DEI has become IED, I&E, I&D, IAE, IDEA, JEDI and more since last year.

Sorry, guy. You're still wrong.
lustylad's Avatar
A bunch of acronyms isn't substance.

Sorry to see you can't defend it.
Call DEI what you want. Make up new acronyms.

What you are missing is the number of these non value add DEI or pseudo program instructors/program managers is decreasing. I know firsthand. It’s easy cost savings for big business in a slowing economy. The pressure is no longer there by a Dem White House to prop this up.

The rats are jumping off of the ship and there’s nowhere to land.
HDGristle's Avatar
A bunch of acronyms isn't substance.

Sorry to see you can't defend it. Originally Posted by lustylad
The substance hasn't changed.

You also mistake can/can't for feel like it. I got what I wanted
lustylad's Avatar
The substance hasn't changed. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Neither has your inability to explain or defend it.

You also mistake can/can't for feel like it. Originally Posted by HDGristle
If you understood it, you would "feel like" explaining it to others. But I get it. Better to stay mum and pretend to be a DEI virtuoso.
HDGristle's Avatar
Those are mutually exclusive, but if that will help you feel better tonight... run with it.

Appreciate your participation. Makes you feel included, yeah?

lustylad's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
lustylad's Avatar
Those are mutually exclusive... Originally Posted by HDGristle
No they're not. The reason you can't and won't explain or defend DEI is obvious - you don't understand it. Not a topic in which you have any insights or expertise to offer.

Fake it til you make it.
lustylad's Avatar
No wonder Zuckerberg soured on DEI. He was scammed by it.

chizzy's Avatar
Its a simple concept to which people should live by

Job placement should be be based on skill and preformance and merit, not skin color,not gender,not sexual likes or what you want to think you are, period

I wonder who many people who defend these crazy policies would want a surgeon to preform a life threatening operation on them by someone who was hired simply because they are a certain color and ethnic instead of someone who had far more experience and history with that procedure.....
Its a simple concept to which people should live by

Job placement should be be based on skill and preformance and merit, not skin color,not gender,not sexual likes or what you want to think you are, period

I wonder who many people who defend these crazy policies would want a surgeon to preform a life threatening operation on them by someone who was hired simply because they are a certain color and ethnic instead of someone who had far more experience and history with that procedure..... Originally Posted by chizzy
Winner winner chicken dinner.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-15-2025, 04:36 PM
Its a simple concept to which people should live by

Job placement should be be based on skill and preformance and merit, not skin color,not gender,not sexual likes or what you want to think you are, period

I wonder who many people who defend these crazy policies would want a surgeon to preform a life threatening operation on them by someone who was hired simply because they are a certain color and ethnic instead of someone who had far more experience and history with that procedure..... Originally Posted by chizzy
Try being a white guy in his late 50s or 60s in the corporate world, you can't find a job, I finally told my one friend who ISN'T retired to start telling them he was gay, and native american, it would be an in.