Do you have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Why?

lustylad's Avatar
I support a properly prioritized and administered H-1B program.

But that has nothing to do with your TDS (as manifested in the way you reflexively resist common-sense efforts to secure the border if trump might take credit for it).
HDGristle's Avatar
Then can you criticize how Trump and his allies use them?

Mass deportations isn't securing the border, or a common sense border security approach. So I can't give him credit for that when it's interior enforcement. You can feel free to do so and we can label that as TDS.

Context matters.

You focus on me giving Trump credit like he deserves it. That's his bitch to pick with me. It shouldn't aggrieve you at all... yet, seems to. Bigly
lustylad's Avatar
You're criticizing him before he's even sworn in. That's TDS.

Most people refrain from giving credit or blame until the results start becoming apparent.
HDGristle's Avatar
There's solid facts and reasons why you just glossed over.

I can't call an orange a good apple.

That's not about credit or blame. It's not even about Trump. Mass deportation isn't border security even if Trump says it is. Nothing to take offense to on your part.
Snafu412's Avatar
Na…I just hate the guy. He’s a pompous asshole whose cult makes many uneasy. It’s kinda weird. And that’s his good features.

But surprising note, I voted for him. Policy over personality. Originally Posted by Charley3
Please what policy was it that sold you. Because I heard very little in the way of policy. I heard a tsunami of lies all designed to get fools to vote for him to keep his fat ass from being fitted for a orange onesie. And why did they vote for him? Because he is as biggotted as they. I Heard alot of culture wars you know the bullshit shiny object that they dangled in from of the Maga croud to distract them from the grand theft they are about to experience !
But no surprise, these being the same morons that didn't know the ACA was Obama care!
And now they're singing the blues!
But hey who needs that damn socialism anyhow right?
I seen a lot of hatred about immigrants poisoning the blood of America, ahhh yes thank you Adolf!
And the last I heard about the border wall project was that there was about 50 miles built in four years thereby giving Penndot a run for their money and Mexico telling us to go fuck ourselves when we asked them for a few pesos to defray the cost!
So how's that gonna go this time around?

Ha that TDS shit is a MFer!
I don't envy you!
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-12-2025, 11:58 PM
There's solid facts and reasons why you just glossed over Originally Posted by HDGristle
Present them, please?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-13-2025, 12:01 AM
Please what policy was it that sold
you. Because I heard very little in the way of policy. Heard alot of culture wars the bullshit shiny object they dangled in from of the Maga croud to distract them from the grand theft about to happen to them!
But no surprise, these being the same morons that didn't know the ACA was Obama care!
And now they're singing the blues!
But hey who needs socialism anyhow right?
I seen a lot of hatred about immigrants poisoning the blood of America, ahhh yes thank you Adolf!
By Jove I think I've got it! Donald Trump is deranged and it is contagious by osmosis!
Ha that TDS is a MFer! :_lol: Originally Posted by Snafu412
Welcome to the forums, we speak a form of English here.

Good luck.
HDGristle's Avatar
Present them, please? Originally Posted by Devo
Already did. You should be able to connect the dots unless you choose not to
Snafu412's Avatar
Welcome to the forums, we speak a form of English here.

Good luck. Originally Posted by Devo
Well thanks for wishing me luck, but that is a form of English. Sorry next time I'll try to use smaller words.
Yes I know I should try to consider the
HDGristle's Avatar
Thank you for confirming. Won't answer it at all. That's OT bait.
Please what policy was it that sold you. Because I heard very little in the way of policy. I heard a tsunami of lies all designed to get fools to vote for him to keep his fat ass from being fitted for a orange onesie. And why did they vote for him? Because he is as biggotted as they. I Heard alot of culture wars you know the bullshit shiny object that they dangled in from of the Maga croud to distract them from the grand theft they are about to experience !
But no surprise, these being the same morons that didn't know the ACA was Obama care!
And now they're singing the blues!
But hey who needs that damn socialism anyhow right?
I seen a lot of hatred about immigrants poisoning the blood of America, ahhh yes thank you Adolf!
And the last I heard about the border wall project was that there was about 50 miles built in four years thereby giving Penndot a run for their money and Mexico telling us to go fuck ourselves when we asked them for a few pesos to defray the cost!
So how's that gonna go this time around?

Ha that TDS shit is a MFer!
I don't envy you! Originally Posted by Snafu412
Why did I vote for him? My wallet. Mamala Kamala did a complete bullshit 180 on fracking and I have a vested interest in fracking.
I’m smart enough to know the rest is bullshit. I find this forum and all the whining entertainment.
Snafu412's Avatar
Why did I vote for him? My wallet. Mamala Kamala did a complete bullshit 180 on fracking and I have a vested interest in fracking. Originally Posted by Charley3
Yeah, I get it, fuck the country me first!
Fucking patriots!
Yeah, I get it, fuck the country me first!
Fucking patriots! Originally Posted by Snafu412
Please explain how Kamala was going to make the US a better place for the average citizen?

A couple succinct points would be appreciated.
Snafu412's Avatar
Please explain how Kamala was going to make the US a better place for the average citizen?

A couple succinct points would be appreciated. Originally Posted by Green_Mountain
See post #20
That may not answer your question exactly but:
I'm also reasonably certain she won't commit treason, blow the dictators of the world just to be in their club.
Reasonably certain she won't steal our Social Security, putting the people that can least afford it "the elderly" in the streets or fuck our veterans out of their contract just to give a tax break to an illegal immigrant
billionaire so that he can become a

Here's the facts, and I don't care if you agree or not, he's a treasonous POS and if you support him instead of calling for his arrest we'll what's that say about you? I'm sure you saw the same shit I did!

And you can save the deep thinking MAGA act for someone else. I saw his actions 1/6/20 all of them!
He should have been in prison years ago!
See post #20
That may not answer your question exactly but:
I'm also reasonably certain she won't commit treason, blow the dictators of the world just to be in their club.
Reasonably certain she won't steal our Social Security, putting the people that can least afford it "the elderly" in the streets or fuck our veterans out of their contract just to give a tax break to an illegal immigrant
billionaire so that he can become a

Here's the facts, and I don't care if you agree or not, he's a treasonous POS and if you support him instead of calling for his arrest we'll what's that say about you? I'm sure you saw the same shit I did!

And you can save the deep thinking MAGA act for someone else. I saw his actions 1/6/20 all of them!
He should have been in prison years ago! Originally Posted by Snafu412
Do you see what you did there?

You were asked to explain how Kamala could have made things better for the average US citizen. You didn’t answer the question and only knew “orange man bad”.

You have a severe case of TDS.

Ignore his personality. Give the guy a chance from the policy perspective to improve the lives of the average US citizen.