Musk's Gamergate

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Oh, his panties weren't twisted over the boss. He said the boss was too easy. It was his ego in getting rightly called out as a phony instead of a top-tier gamer here.

Fake it till you make it... right?

When he couldn't really lord his power over Charlie or Quin, he went after Asmon like a little bitch and made himself look dumb fumbling over what Asmon's editors do, who controls and directs their work and who pays them.

And Asmon's usually aligned with him so it's even funnier

Funnier still due to Twitter, since Leon got community noted as being known for faking his own achievements. Visionary should seen that coming
HDGristle's Avatar

Deeper dive and longer look at Elmo's gaming claims.

Grimes came out to defend him a bit
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Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your fascination with Musk grows weirder by the day.
HDGristle's Avatar
Your fascination with Musk grows weirder by the day. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
We can start a weird and creepy thread for him, but alas, this one's just about him cheating at gaming and getting asshurt over getting called out on it and abusing his real life power.

Happily, there are no Cybercucks here defending that.
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HDGristle's Avatar

Musk's boosting has prompted some much needed debate among gamers