I prefer my place. Outcall all the way. However, I do agree with the Lobby as being a safer way, plus when the provider is late (it happens) then you can wait in the bar at the nicer hotels with lobby's instead of a red roof inn parking lot
I like the lobby. I just walk through like a hotel guest and never have any trouble. Plus, a hotel with a lobby usually means a better hotel.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
Another vote for the lobby. When I get there I am usually nervous (butterflies?), and need to empty my bladder. Most of the nicer places have restrooms pretty close to the elevators.

I hate to knock on the door and have it opened by a ravishing young beauty then make a beeline to the bathroom after a quick hello.
steverino50's Avatar
I don't think it matters to me....I always look lost.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
It really depends on the place, and the lady I'm seeing. If she's well reviewed, either one is okay. Either way, I act like I know where I'm going. If the lady is coming to my hotel, I make sure she has excellent directions so she wll know where the room is and how to get there.
TinMan's Avatar
Lobby, without a doubt. Never been stopped by anyone at the desk. If they happen to look up at me (which doesn't happen often since most of my dates are during the busy "happy hour" time), I just look them in the eye and say "hi".

As stated above, the nicer hotels have lobbies, and usually enough amenities that draw traffic that a guy like me strolling through is not going to draw attention.
It would be a very rare exception for me to stay at a property with outdoor entrances in real life, and there's no way I would visit a lady in hobby land at that type of property unless I already knew her very well. Too much opportunity for trouble of many kinds.

Being a weekly business traveler, hotel lobby's are normal turf for me. I'm as lost when I'm traveling on business as I am when visiting a lady. Never been questioned in either scenario, and sometimes a kind staff member will inquire if they can help. "Where can I find the elevator?" is an innocuous, and common question.

Busy, upscale hotels with a spacious lobby have so many folks coming and going that a decently dressed, normal acting gent won't draw any attention. It's more a case of the hobbyist simply being paranoid! (Matter of fact, you'd be surprised how many times a passer-by in need a a rest room will swing in to a hotel for that purpose. They come and go with no incident.)

A lady in an upscale property with a lobby indicates she cares about her surroundings, just as an upscale private incall does too. The bar/restaurant on site is a nice perk too, just in case.

ok you guys lobbys have it. from now on if it does'nt have a lobby then you wont find me there. have made one or two outcalls to direct access to motels and always feel like im fixing to be mugged!!! BUT when i go through the lobby its like a ef hutton commercal ever stops talking and looks lol! thanks for the tips. XOXO chelsea
I prefer the lobby of a nice, fairly large hotel. A lobby of a La Quinta is not quite the same.
Two things I have noticed which have happened regularly to me when visiting a lady at a hotel which bug the hell out of me. One, even though I have called just moments before to get the room number, the lady takes an interminably long time to open the door after I knock. Talk about feeling conspicuous, especially if the maid is close by. You know I am coming because I just called--BE READY TO OPEN THE DOOR.
Second, and I guess I get this one--but usually there are two double beds in the room. I guess you are sleeping in one and don't want to play in that bed. But, geez, it's much more fun on a king size bed.
I prefer my place. Outcall all the way. Originally Posted by omaha2dallas
As long as I am bitching. Do these ladies know how to tell time? If we make an appointment for 7 pm, why is it you not arrive until 7:45 or 8 pm. Calling to say you are running late is great, but I might have made the appointment for 7 pm for a reason. GET THERE ON TIME. If you can't do an appointment at 7, tell me.
Barney, AS far as myself goes I always try to be a few min early on occasion I do screw up and arrive late but never more tha 5 min and I always try to make up for being late in actions and by staying over the amount of time I was late. As far as the beds the extra comes in handy for the guys to lay their things on rather than tossing them in the floor
Olesweetie's Avatar
Personally not a big fan of hotels or motels but I guess I would like to just go to the room.
I actually prefer access via a lobby for safety reasons.
Tyler1189's Avatar
I prefer a lobby to outside access. It makes me somewhat leery for the same reasons Rambro so perfectly stated, I'm eyeballing around for pimps, 5.0's, and wack'o SO's. And if its a shady joint "God I hope no one brakes into my car" does roll through my mind a time or two.
In a lobby, I could care less what a "desk clerk" is thinking of me. So paying a little extra for a nicer place, I chalk off as "peace of mind insurance"