Has anyone ever tried the humbler

needingmilking's Avatar
It is a very, very humbling device, and not only messes up your testes, it will give your psyche a nice kick in the yarbles!
This device is for the real experienced, and the young. I had it on for about an hour, with a couple that really got off of me in pain, and I was on my knees, forehead to the ground, ass in the air, then I had to "walk" around, which is impossible! you have to kind of walk like a kangaroo.
My balls were sore for a month, we never tried it again.
Today I could probably use not use it.
I just got that empty feeling in my gut I use to get while being punished. Yikes!! I need to find me a mean, mean lady...
I have a humbler.
It stretches the penis and balls behind the man.
The stretching of the man parts usually feels good.
I can attach e-stim or not depending if he asks for it.
Sophisticated's Avatar
It is true one man's kink is another's vanilla
Tame by my standards ; )

Maitresse Renee
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I love purple balls♥
* I have permission from this person to use his picture.

Removed image that was not in compliance with the ECCIE guidelines. EW
Here is another picture of my humbler.
I also have one with a crusher and penis stretcher.
This one is with leather padded cuffs.

Please do not use this unless you know what you're doing.

Photo removed. EW
Like I said TAME BY MY STANDARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want some real fun......... This is just before I hooked up all the little electrodes : )

Humblers are nothing to this device! I have three humblers but this sends pulses all through the shaft, scrotum and tip. Can be tuned to the music, a remote, lights, I even have it with Bluetooth to my phone HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Like I said..... TAME! LOL

(This picture is posted with permission. It's mine and the boy is well aware of my online exploits LOL)

Photo had to be removed because of the ECCIE guidelines. If anyone is interested in seeing this photo and the ones above, perhaps you could write one of the ladies and ask that they PM or e-mail you. Just a thought! EW
For the record for those of you who are thinking BDSM is only about pain.... THAT IS NOT THE CASE! I've seen boys feel like the are having the best sex of their life from just that little thing above ; )

Have to be playing with someone who knows their toys, the mental aspect of domination and submission and most of all HAS TO KNOW HOW TO TASTEFULLY PUSH BUTTONS! It's no fun being beat on for the hell of it! But being beat on for other reasons when the endorphins are flowing through your veins can be quite INVIGORATING!

Maitresse Renee
The Slut's Avatar
Now this thread is very intriguing. Never had these devices used on me but they do look very intimidating.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Like I said TAME BY MY STANDARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want some real fun......... This is just before I hooked up all the little electrodes : )

Humblers are nothing to this device! I have three humblers but this sends pulses all through the shaft, scrotum and tip. Can be tuned to the music, a remote, lights, I even have it with Bluetooth to my phone HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Like I said..... TAME! LOL

(This picture is posted with permission. It's mine and the boy is well aware of my online exploits LOL) Originally Posted by Maitresse Renee
Lovely image. And I agree with what you've said. So much of this play is mental. It could be a whisper in the ear. A tug. A soft murmur of suggestion.

It's trying to find that spot and that place.

BUT ... for the record, we're not supposed to show private parts on this website. I'm going to leave the above pictures up for awhile so we can enjoy them and also, as a learning tool.

Might I might have to take them down sooner rather than later. In the future, even though I'm easy with this forum, we do all need to follow the ECCIE image guidelines.



P.S. Do love the electrical imagery! Excellent! I have never seen that type of set up even at some of the events that I've attended. Is it part of a tens unit? So curious!
My apologies. Didn't even think about that. I saw some other forums with nipples etc showing so I assumed it was OK as long as no sexual acts were being depicted.

Moderate as you must. No problem.

Maitresse Renee
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Nipples and even vaginal shots with no inner folds showing is alright.

To me, the above pictures are more like a learning tool (grin) and so I asked the powers that be about leaving them.

Why? Because I like examining pictures such as these.

The general rule of thumb with regard to nudity on ECCIE is if it's good enough for Playboy it's fine for us. Penthouse or Hustler type of pictures, no.

And I don't find the above to be erotic photography. So that's another consideration.

Thanks for the note. I removed photos from this topic and one other that didn't follow the image guidelines. But thanks for sharing them anyway. Even here in Another Realm, where we're a bit easier with topics and the such, we still need to follow the main guidelines of this website. Even mods who happen to LIKE pictures like the ones above! EW

Thanks for the heads up, Elizabeth.
Many of us are used to FetLife and we can post almost anything.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks for your thoughtful reply! Yeah. With certain photos, wish that they could fly. Oh well!

Hope that you're having a great week!
