Ms sexy hollywood

CassidyBlue's Avatar
Look, this Venom dude came right out, stuck his dick on the anvil and said "look at me, I'm a dirtbag and I need to be on your DNS list".

That is what GFE refers to when he says "Self posted alert". Someone will not garner points for saying a girl is heavier than he thought she used to be. Was it disrespectful, yep..... degrading, nope. Plus, if it was not clear before, it is now that this guy is simply not worth our time or energy.

Have fun Mr. Lonely.....
atxbrad's Avatar
Hey Venom. As the origional thread starter you can request that the mods delete this post and they will do it.
Guest062010's Avatar
*** Sigh ***.... How many times must I explain self-posted alerts?

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Seems to be a catch22 with the rules. Can't close it because it's not bad enough to close.
Won't close it because it's a self-posted alert, and if it's an alert it has to stay and serve that purpose.

***Catch is, can he indeed close this and do an end run around the whole thing?**

  • Logic
  • 03-28-2010, 12:08 PM
I honestly wasnt trying to be mean. The really funny thing is, the girls who are flaming me have sunk to my low pathetic level... Self posted alerts!!!! I wouldnt remove this for a million bucks. Stay away from these ladies...DRAMA!!

To Hollywood, i still think your pretty..I am truly sorry if i offended you.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I think the complaint for some men is that there is not always truth in advertising. Ms. Hollywood is not hiding anything with her pics. She is too be applauded.

I am no one's WK but I agree with the ladies on this one. The comments made by Venom were out of line. Should be something mentioned in men's lounge if anything.

Congrats Ms. Hollywood. There is no sexier glow on a woman than when she is pregnant. I work with an intern who is too and I think she she is so sexy! Originally Posted by sixxbach
+1 from me.

I think Venom's original post was PWI. IMHO.
I agree with sixxbach. If there is someone doing some false advertising or something else that you don't like, bring it to light in the mens area or the coed. There is a tactful way of doing such things.
I honestly wasnt trying to be mean. The really funny thing is, the girls who are flaming me have sunk to my low pathetic level... Self posted alerts!!!! I wouldnt remove this for a million bucks. Stay away from these ladies...DRAMA!! Originally Posted by Venom

Please Venom, "self posted alerts" me all you want. Myself, I didn't "sink to your low pathetic level," and I don't believe some of the other girls did either. But, you're entitled to your opinion.

I don't mind gentlemen (a word I use loosely around here) discussion how some ladies do the false advertising thing. But, there's a way to word such things so they don't come across as being disrespectful.
Eraserman's Avatar
*** Sigh ***.... How many times must I explain self-posted alerts?

gfe Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I agree with the self-posted alerts philosophy. In another thread (the Rikki "no show" one) a poster made the comment "suicide by post". Pretty much the same thing. Helps us all see those who should and shouldn't be taken seriously or should be avoided based on their own words and attitudes displayed. Please continue with that philosophy.
Being picked apart from head to toe is something that a girl gets used to when she starts working in this industry. I read on a review (the public part, settle down) that I looked bigger in person than pictures that I took only weeks prior by a man who was thee times my size was enough to make my head spin with the but-but-but! rebuttal. But enough of that. It's all part of the game that we sign up to play. You trust us to do honest (to a point) reporting and we trust you to pony up donation.

However, there is a difference between the above event and the one that transpired here. On the one hand, someone pays for your services (companionship, whatever) and THEN reports back in the appropriate review format that he noticed how much weight you had gained over the past several months or posted pictures, so he felt cheated in a sense because he was paying for a package that was different from the one he wanted. On the other hand, some stranger simply opens up a co-ed thread about how much weight you have gained and how he no longer is sexually interested. I mean hell, at least save that sort of thing for the boy's forum.

Either way, he'd be laughed out of the room once everyone realized that she was preggers, but it'd be a less shameful exit if he were to take the gentleman's route from the get-go.
Wow so the ladies stick up for a provider and not tear her down, and now we are some one's DNS list. Geez, tough crowd.
Wow so the ladies stick up for a provider and not tear her down, and now we are some one's DNS list. Geez, tough crowd. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
No, sweetie-- it was only the OP...

I honestly wasnt trying to be mean. The really funny thing is, the girls who are flaming me have sunk to my low pathetic level... Self posted alerts!!!! I wouldnt remove this for a million bucks. Stay away from these ladies...DRAMA!! Originally Posted by Venom
Employing the ol' "when lacking a good defense, go on offense..."

I hope this will be a lesson to all. Why is venom being slammed so hard? Because of the utter lack of civility from so many hobbyists on these boards. (Not if you can stand proudly behind your conduct, then don't get all defensive, please. And thanks to those who are able to consistently be gentlemen here rather than claiming they are so different in person.)

One need not use the traditional slurs to be disrespectful to the providers. Disrespect can be ever so subtle yet equally venomous. All too many fail to even attempt subtlety. The result has been a devolution from civility to a mob mentality. The norms of conduct have sunk perilously low, such as to serve the lowest commom denominator of society. The patient has cancer and it is spreading.

Many providers have stopped kidding themselves that we are a valued part of this community. Prove us wrong. Police your own.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
No, sweetie-- it was only the OP...

Employing the ol' "when lacking a good defense, go on offense..."

I hope this will be a lesson to all. Why is venom being slammed so hard? Because of the utter lack of civility from so many hobbyists on these boards. (Not if you can stand proudly behind your conduct, then don't get all defensive, please. And thanks to those who are able to consistently be gentlemen here rather than claiming they are so different in person.)

One need not use the traditional slurs to be disrespectful to the providers. Disrespect can be ever so subtle yet equally venomous. All too many fail to even attempt subtelty. The result has been a devolution from civility to a mob mentality. The norms of conduct have sunk perilously low, such as to serve the lowest commom denominator of society. The patient has cancer and it is spreading.

Many providers have stopped kidding themselves that we are a valued part of this community. Prove us wrong. Police your own.

Casey Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
I do agree the OP was uncouth, and needed a wake up call, but I am a little concerned that most of the hobbyists are getting painted with one giant swath of the same brush here.

While we had some flame wars in weeks past, there were reasons for a lot of that. And truth about some things came to light. But "police your own"? I think that is going on quite well. Most of the men who replied to this thread agreed that Venom was out of line.

I would like to see proof that women are not valued in participating in RECENT threads on this site. One thread started WEEKS ago by Sophia thanking providers for giving references is STILL alive and well. It has stayed on the front page longer than any thread in recent history.

I looked and there was a thread exposing the lack of TCB for a provider. That is needed so we don't WASTE our hard earned money on someone with no business sense. There was a little back and forth about some provider's age in one thread. But if providers would be truthful about their age then that wouldn't have occured. This board exists for the free exchange of useful information. And hobbyists need it to know where to spend their money. Providers need it to advertise.

It SEEMS like when a hobbyist comes out and is HONEST and TRUTHFULL about something that affects a provider or group of providers, the shit starts flying around here. Rather than cackling like a bunch of hens, change your ways. If your pics are not accurate REPLACE them. (edited, I did say 'FIX' them, but that could translate to photoshop) If your TCB sucks, get better! If you don't provide BBBJ, but you advertise it, don't get mad when the review slams you for it. If business is slow, and you are charging above market, ch.... never mind that won't go over well.

In this thread we have providers telling hobbyists how to act, but who tells providers how to act? LORD knows WE don't or we get labeled as those who harrass etc... The truth is no one polices providers, it can't be done. Only Benjamin Franklin has any effect on the who, what, when, and how.

This is no attack on anyone in particular. But if hobbyists are being told how to behave by providers, then walk a mile in our shoes, and let us tell you a thing or two.

AND the OP had appologized. This thread has become a dogpile on a hobbyist and hobbyists in general.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-28-2010, 06:48 PM
All I know is if every provider dog-piled on me all at once, I'd generate more excitement pee than you'd get from a kennel full of Yorkies.

Proceed at your own risk, ladies.
Rekcasxt, each of us is entitled to our opinion: the ladies if they wish to put us on a dns list and we as hobbyists have the same option, and we tend to vote with our wallets. Venom shot himself in the foot and then proceeded to shoot the other one. This thread should be a primer for "SELF POSTED ALERTS"!!! I don't agree that all of us are being painted with the same brush. I think that some need to vent and Venom has given them prime time to do it.
No, I am not PW. Y'all know me better than that!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Rekcasxt, each of us is entitled to our opinion: the ladies if they wish to put us on a dns list and we as hobbyists have the same option, and we tend to vote with our wallets. Venom shot himself in the foot and then proceeded to shoot the other one. This thread should be a primer for "SELF POSTED ALERTS"!!! I don't agree that all of us are being painted with the same brush. I think that some need to vent and Venom has given them prime time to do it.
No, I am not PW. Y'all know me better than that! Originally Posted by Gentleman
Agreed, to a point. I think it is a little more than venting for some.