China Preparing for War

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
China's main focus is Taiwan. they do want to deny sea lanes to US Navy if an when they try to take Taiwan by force.

they do have a considerable submarine force which was built up ahead of their blue water navy. I think their submarines maybe cause for concern as they can cause 1 can problems. I don't know how good they are, but apparently they were good enough.

One of their subs surfaced undetected in the middle of the U.S. fleet excerises, I think several hundred yards away from the carriers. Scared the bejesus out of the navy brass.

Besides Taiwan, they have internal problems they don't like to admit, corruption is like an epidemic and has led to near uncontrollable riots.
Mr E's Avatar
  • Mr E
  • 12-12-2011, 06:05 PM
China is expanding its influence whether it be militarily or economically. They believe it is once again time for them to be leaders and not followers. I am talking about those in power and the ones in line behind them. China is a very large country and while it does have a large amount of internal strife the government does not have the same tolerance for free speech as we do here. So at least for the near term there is no indication they will collapse from internal strife. They will put down any protests in rather short order now that they don't have to play as nice as they did before the Olympics.

They have been and will continue to creep into more and more areas worldwide. Overtly if need be but they prefer being covert so that by the time most people notice it is to late to do much. Not only are they looking to secure vital supplies and areas for them but to also choke off those supplies and access to vital strategic areas to potential enemies. Yes you can safely assume the U.S. is one of those. At anytime the right circumstances present themselves they will act on taking over Taiwan. They are very patient and plan long term. They are very well set up to keep us at a distance once they decide to start using force rather than threats. Dilbert is right about his area denial comments.

They have a great spy program and end up with a very large amount of American and other countries secrets which they then use. You think big brother is an issue, well they have become one of the big brothers that watch everything. More on the electronic stuff down below.

The rest of this I almost used invisible ink for since its scary, but then...
They already have been waging war with us. All those things we spend money on from them and it turns out that those things either don't work, fall apart, make us sick or out right poison us. You think its just greed behind those things. And back to electronics, stuff from there has back doors written into it so they can spy or when the time comes to shut it down or just plain fry it. No doubt about it, they are looking at, if not taking over, then at least being very controlling.

The "There is nothing too fear but fear itself" folks can keep saying that when China ends up doing what Germany and Japan tried and failed to do because we are much weaker and getting weaker as time goes goes by.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There is one tidbit I accidentally came across. don't know if this might be a factor in how china behaves in the future. in terms of religous freedom, its very limited and very intolerant of any group challenging the Communist Party. Look at how they oppressed the hell out of the Falung Gung. there is another group that is growing rather stealthily, those are ones who follow the christian faith.

There is a similarity between the Roman empire and China over this.
Never ceases to amaze me....

We're probably China's biggest profit maker

They buy significant amount of T-Notes

We have battle ships currently in their would we feel if they had ships
in the Gulf of Mexico

And some of you people are worried about the fact that they want a Navy in their own backyard, LOL

Next thing, will be the thinking that some evil dictator half way across the world has WMD, therefore we should invade them.....oppps
guess we already fell for that one
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
vk we don't have battleships.
Perhaps not, I'll take your word for it....

But we have troops in japan, South Korea, etc etc etc

And at least our battleships are new, lol
I B Hankering's Avatar
Oh, I dunno....he's been running a couple of wars with some success. You disrespect the men and women fighting those wars with these kinds of statements, politically motivated (and misguided) though they may be.

As for the Chinese navy, they've got one old refurbished aircraft carrier that they bought from Russia a few years back. I think it will be a while before they look to stir any shit with the United States Navy. So, the sky isn't falling. Originally Posted by timpage
The Varyag's hull is 20 years old but relatively off-the-shelf new. Everything else, e.g., power plant, etc., was recently - within the last decade - put in place by the Chinese.

Varyag (Russian: Варяг) was to be an Admiral Kuznetsov class multirole aircraft carrier of the Soviet Union. She was known as Riga[1] when her keel was laid down at Shipyard 444 (now Nikolayev South) in Nikolayev December 6, 1985.[2] Design of the carrier was undertaken by the Nevskoye Planning and Design Bureau.[3] She was launched December 4, 1988, but she was renamed Varyag (Varangian) in late 1990, after the famous Russian cruiser.
Construction stopped by 1992, with the ship structurally complete but without electronics. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, ownership was transferred to Ukraine; the ship was laid up, unmaintained, then stripped. In early 1998, she lacked engines, a rudder, and much of her operating systems, and was put up for auction and sold to the Chinese to be used as a casino [another incident of "borrowed technology" WE].(wiki)

In today's news:

China Military Power: Satellite Shows Carrier In Yellow Sea (PHOTO)
Iaintliein's Avatar
Somebody needs to read "The Guns of August". It's already been proven that mutual financial benefits and heavy trade will not prevent War.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
this is illustrative of china's problems despite this open reporting of this riot which is unsual (the report itself).
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Somebody needs to read "The Guns of August". It's already been proven that mutual financial benefits and heavy trade will not prevent War. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
for those who are curious as to what this book is about.

in the context of the book, there were underlying issues that overpowered beneficial trade and finances.