This is what happens when we allow courts to make law. Viability occurs much earlier now than then, but this is the law. Laws should be made by legislators, not courts.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What about laws that restrict your liberty?
Who should those be made by?
dont want to get into an abortion debate but....
having a set of laws establishing the death penalty that are for all to understand in advance that isnt arbitary or capricious and are applied equally They have not been applied equally. Debunked. have zero to do with protections for the youngest or least able or a baby in the womb. The day after pill is not killing a baby. It is getting rid of cells that could form a baby. having one while detesting the other is quite logical. No it is not, or maybe to you. it takes a mind that is blind to think so or one that wishes to merely spout slogans to obfuscate honest debate. Honest debate, now that is a novel concept around these parts.
while i understand the desire to protect a baby in the womb, what is more at odds with consistency are laws regarding harm done to a foetus on the one hand while allowing abortion on the other.
life beginning at conception is based on science and logic, no it is not, your logic would outlaw birth control or the day after pill. life beginning at birth or some other arbitrary point along the gestation period is based on self's desire and compromise. And people like you have proven over and over that compromise is an evil word
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
WTF is wrong with compromise? The alternative is war. Or enslavement to others world views. JD do you want to tell him to go fuc himself or should I?