Iaintliein's Avatar
I seem to recall from a few years back , that the guy who stuffed the ballot box admitted to what he'd done shortly before his death.
I seem to recall from a few years back , that the guy who stuffed the ballot box admitted to what he'd done shortly before his death. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Parr died in 1974 from what seemed to be an apparent suicide. I never heard he owned up to the box 13 fraud. do you recall the source of your memory?

correction 1975 per wikipedia
Iaintliein's Avatar
Parr died in 1974 from what seemed to be an apparent suicide. I never heard he owned up to the box 13 fraud. do you recall the source of your memory? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I think it was back in the day when I listened to talk radio. It stuck with me because I used to drive through that town on a regular basis.

I tried a quick look up to find out but came up empty, I did read one account though that Parr's suicide was to avoid going to prison for tax evasion. To bad so many leading dems don't take a page from him on that, at least.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I tried a quick look up to find out but came up empty, I did read one account though that Parr's suicide was to avoid going to prison for tax evasion. To bad so many leading dems don't take a page from him on that, at least. [/quote]

the dems who get nominated for a cabinet position have the tax fraud thing down pat, they read that page...

oh you mean suicide maybe...
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
george b parr - duke of duval county
george b parr - duke of duval county
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Berham_Parr Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

off your wikipedia post i found this general discussion about "boss rule" in texas

Parr was rotten to the core and did kill himself prior to beginning his prison sentence for tax evasion. Sometimes you can tell the measure of a man by how he treats and respects animals. Parr used to use helicopters to flush deer from the dense South Texas brush country and chase them by air until they collapsed. He would have his pilot land and he would shoot them. They only chased down the "trophies".

In one of his expansive garages on the main Parr compound, there were Boone & Crockett Whitetail shoulder mounts that stretched three deep and filled all three walls. He had several ranches in the heart of the Brush Country in the day that massive whitetail deer attracted hunters from everywhere.

The story of box 13 was part of the folklore of South Texas politics.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It was just announced last week that 3500 SSN were sold in St. Joseph, MO to illegal aliens along with fake drivers licenses.
An election was stolen in Clay County when one candidate last by 7 votes and then it was revealed that 20+ Somalians were taken to the polls to vote for his opponent. The local court said that they should not have voted but it would be impracticle to hold the election again.
A dozen women were found guilty of voter fraud in St. Louis, MO last year. Most of them had ties to ACORN.
The Governor of Washington state lost the election when a judge threw out some ballots that were "found" after the election in an uncontrolled, unsealed ballot box from an unknown location. However, since the fraud had already taken the oath of office the fraud was allowed to stand.
Norm Coleman lost the election for the Minnesota Senators office when ballots were mysteriously found after three recounts which Coleman won. Now we have Senator Al Franken.

This is just a few off the top of my head. Don't even mention the registration fraud in Ohio, Indiana, or Virginia.
A DOZEN? WOW! http://www.blackboxvoting.org/bbv_chapter-2.pdf - try 6,000 to elect a Republican Governor.

And here's double-voting Brian Birdwell, R-TX http://www.texastribune.org/texas-po...cy-questioned/

Move along, nothing here to see. Ha Ha Ha Ha
I B Hankering's Avatar
Each of the following established and maintained their careers by perpetrating voter fraud with thousands of fraudulent votes:

  • Samuel "Boss" Tweed and Tammany Hall,
  • Judge Leander Perez, Senator Huey P. Long and “The Long Machine”
  • LBJ,
  • Mayor Richard Joseph Daley

Less than ten minutes using Goggle revealed these:

Despite What Democrats Claim, Voter Fraud is Real

Peter Roff July 29, 2011

Voter fraud is not imaginary. It’s real and it threatens the franchise held by ever legitimate voter in the country and needs to be addressed if the electoral process is gong to continue to mean anything. Requiring voters to show a photo ID before they can vote just makes sense.



Sowers was convicted of 10 counts of voter fraud and was sentenced to five years for each count. Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster ordered Sowers to serve her terms concurrently with no possibility of parole. She was also ordered to pay restitution and court costs.
The verdict came after the state presented evidence that Sowers committed voter fraud in the weeks leading up to the democratic primary in 2007.
In his opening remarks, prosecutor Bill Gresham said 31 absentee ballots were seized by the Mississipi Bureau of Investigation in 2007 after allegations of misconduct. Those 31 ballots led to 31 counts of voter fraud in the initial indictment against Sowers.


12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

QUITMAN, GA (WALB) - 12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.


Four Wake residents charged with voting twice

WAKE COUNTY (WTVD) -- Authorities have charged four Wake County residents with voter fraud in connection with the last presidential election.

Twenty-six-year-old Kierra Fontae Leache of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, 46-year-old Shelia "Sheilia" Romona Hodges, also of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, and 25-year-old Brandon Earl McLean of Bethune Drive in Raleigh, allegedly cast two ballot votes in 2008.

All three are registered Democrats.


Madison County Officials Arrested for Voter Fraud

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Tallahassee Regional Operations Center and the Tallahassee office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation today arrested eight individuals in connection with multiple voter fraud violations that occurred in Madison County’s District One School Board race last year.


Vote-probe arrests include councilmen

TROY — The City Council president, a councilman and two others were arrested Tuesday and charged with felonies for allegedly forging absentee ballots in the 2009 primary to benefit Democratic candidates.

Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/local/arti...#ixzz1hMZEU6yZ

. . . associated with . . .

Ballot probe names eighth

TROY — Nine Democrats were identified as persons of interest in the investigation. In addition to the four who were indicted, four others have entered guilty pleas, one received immunity for testifying before the grand jury and one agreed to cooperate with the grand jury.


Daytona Beach commissioner, aide arrested in election-fraud investigation

Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested this morning.
October 27, 2010|By Ludmilla Lelis and Gary Taylor, Orlando Sentinel

Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested Wednesday on charges of absentee ballot fraud and voting violations.

Henry, 41, handily won re-election to the non-partisan Zone 5 city commission seat on Aug. 24, but he could soon be suspended from office following an investigation in which he and his campaign manager, Genesis Robinson, 21, admitted to fraudulently ordering dozens of absentee ballots.


Florida Case Puts Focus on Issue of Absentee Ballot Fraud

In 1997 the results of Miami's mayoral election were thrown out and a new election was ordered when it was discovered that thousands of absentee ballots had undermined the electoral process.


Vote-Fraud Ruling Shifts Pennsylvania Senate

Each of the following established and maintained their careers by perpetrating voter fraud with thousands of fraudulent votes:

  • Samuel "Boss" Tweed and Tammany Hall,
  • Judge Leander Perez, Senator Huey P. Long and “The Long Machine”
  • LBJ,
  • Mayor Richard Joseph Daley
Less than ten minutes using Goggle revealed these:

Despite What Democrats Claim, Voter Fraud is Real

Peter Roff July 29, 2011

Voter fraud is not imaginary. It’s real and it threatens the franchise held by ever legitimate voter in the country and needs to be addressed if the electoral process is gong to continue to mean anything. Requiring voters to show a photo ID before they can vote just makes sense.



Sowers was convicted of 10 counts of voter fraud and was sentenced to five years for each count. Circuit Court Judge Charles Webster ordered Sowers to serve her terms concurrently with no possibility of parole. She was also ordered to pay restitution and court costs.
The verdict came after the state presented evidence that Sowers committed voter fraud in the weeks leading up to the democratic primary in 2007.
In his opening remarks, prosecutor Bill Gresham said 31 absentee ballots were seized by the Mississipi Bureau of Investigation in 2007 after allegations of misconduct. Those 31 ballots led to 31 counts of voter fraud in the initial indictment against Sowers.


12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

QUITMAN, GA (WALB) - 12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.


Four Wake residents charged with voting twice

WAKE COUNTY (WTVD) -- Authorities have charged four Wake County residents with voter fraud in connection with the last presidential election.

Twenty-six-year-old Kierra Fontae Leache of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, 46-year-old Shelia "Sheilia" Romona Hodges, also of Pheiffer Drive in Raleigh, and 25-year-old Brandon Earl McLean of Bethune Drive in Raleigh, allegedly cast two ballot votes in 2008.

All three are registered Democrats.


Madison County Officials Arrested for Voter Fraud

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Tallahassee Regional Operations Center and the Tallahassee office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation today arrested eight individuals in connection with multiple voter fraud violations that occurred in Madison County’s District One School Board race last year.


Vote-probe arrests include councilmen

TROY — The City Council president, a councilman and two others were arrested Tuesday and charged with felonies for allegedly forging absentee ballots in the 2009 primary to benefit Democratic candidates.

Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/local/arti...#ixzz1hMZEU6yZ

. . . associated with . . .

Ballot probe names eighth

TROY — Nine Democrats were identified as persons of interest in the investigation. In addition to the four who were indicted, four others have entered guilty pleas, one received immunity for testifying before the grand jury and one agreed to cooperate with the grand jury.


Daytona Beach commissioner, aide arrested in election-fraud investigation

Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested this morning.
October 27, 2010|By Ludmilla Lelis and Gary Taylor, Orlando Sentinel

Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested Wednesday on charges of absentee ballot fraud and voting violations.

Henry, 41, handily won re-election to the non-partisan Zone 5 city commission seat on Aug. 24, but he could soon be suspended from office following an investigation in which he and his campaign manager, Genesis Robinson, 21, admitted to fraudulently ordering dozens of absentee ballots.


Florida Case Puts Focus on Issue of Absentee Ballot Fraud

In 1997 the results of Miami's mayoral election were thrown out and a new election was ordered when it was discovered that thousands of absentee ballots had undermined the electoral process.


Vote-Fraud Ruling Shifts Pennsylvania Senate

http://www.nytimes.com/1994/02/19/us...ia-senate.html Originally Posted by I B Hankering
wonder which is worse.... to have the public distrust elections..or requiring an id to vote
I B Hankering's Avatar
Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Voting In Grayslake

GRAYSLAKE, Ill. (CBS) – Immigration officials have arrested an illegal immigrant from the Philippines living in Grayslake on vote fraud charges.

As WBBM Newsradio 780′s Nancy Harty reports, Maria Azada, 53, allegedly admitted to immigration officials in February 2009 that she had voted in an election.

An investigation began, and revealed that Azada voted nine times in primary, general and consolidated elections between 2003 and 2009, according to a release from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. According to the arrest warrant, she falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen on two Illinois voter registration applications.

Azada now faces 17 felony counts of perjury, mutilation of election materials and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen,



just some of the loretta sanchez saga

the guy signed up people who voted who were "in the process" of applying for citizenship in addition to voting illegally himself