glen beck

Bartman1963's Avatar
Cheaper that was hilarious. But that mental picture is pretty gross.

No worries.
Keep in mind, this is coming from someone with a political science degree and a STRONG background in political philosophy.

Anyone who dismisses Beck, Limbaugh, etc is either an ignorant fool or exceedingly intellectually dishonest.

As you will note in this thread, most anyone criticizing these people cannot honestly challenge these peoples arguments on their merits. Mostly it is condescension, ad hominem attacks etc.

Occasionally, people will try and challenge Beck's/Limbaugh's/Hannity's arguments but they misrepresent the argument to do so. That is again, an illogical argument called a straw man. Often, the "sources" they will cite are secondary sources and can be traced back to websites like Media Matters; a website notorious for intentionally misrepresenting conservative arguments, taking quotes out of context, and otherwise misleading.

A prime example of the distortions of Beck would be the whole social justice issue. The idea of social justice has a VERY specific meaning that can be traced back to the late 1700's. Beck's take on the concept was dead on accurate. However, people like Stewart berated him and, in the process, misrepresented the concept. While many of these people simply didn't know better and were dismissing Beck, Stewart has read political philosophy and knows better. He was intentionally misleading. However, he gets away with it because it is a "comedy" show (that has way to much sway over the opinions of the younger generation).
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
He's a closet freak
Bartman1963's Avatar
Go ahead and think of Glenn Beck as some kind of deep conservative intellectual. He is not. He is an entertainer, doing an show. He is not preaching the constitutional process he is preaching a version of the Constitution that he believes will sell. He is not an ideologue, he is a prostitute, and not the good kind. Originally Posted by Bartman1963
Can you back this up or are you simply making baseless assertions?

Bill Mahr makes no pretense at being an expert. He also is an entertainer. He states his opinion and argues his point.
No, he states his opinion and smears anyone who disagrees with him...
dirty dog's Avatar
"Bill Mahr makes no pretense at being an expert. He also is an entertainer. He states his opinion and argues his point. Sometimes its funny. Sometimes it's offensive BS. He gets paid for the funny."

Well Bart to be fair here Beck has never claimed to be an expert either, and isn't Beck only stating his opinion and arguing his point as well. He does it with a chalkboard, Mahr does it with a punch line. The bottom line is you don't like his message, I might also take exception to your statement that KO uses well thought out responses and arguments, I personally have found a lot of what he says to be pretty ignorant but I respect his right to say it. Mahr I find a little funny, to be honest I have only seen Beck a couple of times. I guess I don't put a lot of stock in any of them on either side. Whether or not you like them you should at least be fair.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Has Rupert Murdoch has sudden trouble with the IRS? Has Beck? "

Actually I may be mistaken but I believe Beck said somewhere that he got audited. I am not sure if he was taking to Oriely or on his radio show, I sometimes listen to the radio show, but hardly ever watch the chalkboard.
Bartman1963's Avatar
Ender: I previously mentioned GB was in an interview with Esquire. My mistake.

It was Forbes. Please copy and paste the following link into your browser. There is a link in the article to the original article. Hence my point. He's an entertainer with a point of view. I don't have to take him seriously, he doesn't act like he wants to be taken seriously, and the best thing he does is make money, not teach or preach. Good for him. I hope his kids can go to Harvard, graduate and come home to tell him how full of crap he is. HAHA

As to Maher...he is a comedian. One can go to him for political advice at at their peril. You won't hear me quote him unless I think the joke was funny.

Dirty, I guess I like the punch line approach a lot better. If Beck got audited, I never heard a peep about it, so he must have not owed anything, or it would have hit the media. Guess he and Wesley Snipes won't be sharing a cell. I'll leave the picture of what would have occurred if they had shared a cell to the fertile minds that abound here.
Bartman1963's Avatar
In my experience watching Mahr, the smearing goes on during his HBO show. Mostly for comedic effect. When he's a guest on FOX, he holds his own with anybody, and he argues his case. And as I said some of what he says is offensive as hell. Comedian or not.

KO is a pretty smart guy. But he does say things I don't like sometimes as well. People should choose for themselves what to believe. Enjoy it or not, we all still have the liberty to change the channel.
Omahan's Avatar
I knew you couldn't keep this one going in a civil manner. Thread closed.