Why People Become Poor

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The breakdown of the family is a huge contributor. How many programs does the government sponsor to benefit single parents? Why is the government encouraging family breakups?
joe bloe's Avatar
I think that very same somebody also crunched the numbers to determine that if you grow up outside of poverty, you're almost assuredly going to graduate high-school, stay out of jail, not become drug addicted, and refrain from having 5 kids out of wedlock. Originally Posted by Doove
Certain immigrant groups come to America in poverty and very quickly assimilate and prosper. Poverty for them is not a vicious cycle.

The average immigrant from Vietnam came here with very little money and little or no ability to speak English. And yet in many cases they go from dire poverty to wealth in one generation. Houston has thousands of two generation Vietnamese families where the second generation is a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. The same is true for Korean immigrants, Indian immigrants and other so called third world immigrants.

I think the biggest cause of multi generational poverty is a kind of breaking of the will. People become programmed into believing that they have been victimized (usually by racism) and that they can't get out of poverty without the government's help.

Once you buy into the victimization mentality, you are allieviated from any sense of guilt for your lack of hard work or any behavior that might have caused your poverty. You accept the notion that you are basically helpless. Since you believe you didn't cause your problem, it logically follows that you can't solve your problem. The victimization mentality has a kind of paralyzing effect. It keeps people trapped in poverty generation after generation.

Democrats (at least the party leaders) are all too aware of the poverty they are perpetuating with the social welfare state. The Democrats have created what amounts to a permanent underclass of people that depend on welfare. Democrats are similar to a doctor that has built a thriving practice by writing prescriptions for morphine for all his patients . His patients are very loyal and keep coming back year after. The doctor obviously doesn't care about his patients well being, nor do Democrat politicians actually care about what's really best for many of their constituents.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
+1. Well said, Joe.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Sorry Charlie. The video explained something in less than 4 minutes but it had nothing to do with how the dollar is backed or how poor people are "created".

Capitalism doesn't hold them down and the type of banking they do (mostly ATM) doesn't put them it the "poor" catagory.

Most of them are born that way and for many different reasons stay that way. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Not surprised you didn't understand any of this. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I didn't understand the video but now you agree with my conclusion?

Of course fiat money is not the cause of all poverty, Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So now you admit it. but if you check the figures in 1971, the gap between rich and poor was much smaller. It has increased annually ever since then at a much quicker rate. Yeah. So? I think that was what the video was trying to point out. Trying to point out? It flat out said the dollar (and you agreed) had a completely arbitrary value and was the cause of most poor peoples plight. It did a good job. Of making you believe more bullshit.

There are many causes of poverty, No shit, Sherlock! and a stable money supply will better support efforts to end it. In what way?The current "War on Poverty" is almost 50 years old. Let's face it, poverty is winning. We need to change our strategy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Let's face it. We leave children behind, poverty is winning, drugs are winning, hookers are winning, Afghanies are winning, women are winning having control over their own bodies, etc. We need to change a lot of strategies. Like if one of these wars is pointless, that means the others are too.

But you're not winning. You hop on and off band wagons, post total nonsense and know not much about much.

That probably hasn't changed since 1971 either.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL! C'mon Munchie, at least Af-Fuckup calls me "CreepyOldGuy" when he misunderstands or distorts a post of mine. You could at least do that. LOL! The funniest thing is that you think you're smart. Oh, well, submit, comply, conform. You are a model citizen.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
The breakdown of the family is a huge contributor. How many programs does the government sponsor to benefit single parents? Why is the government encouraging family breakups? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You're right again. It puts them in the lap of luxury.

I remember your posts describing how many women you knew who had kids for profit. And how you subsidized them.

I'm glad I'm not in your Kansas, Dorothy.
joe bloe's Avatar
I like the part about "hookers are winning". At least it's not all bad news!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
LOL! C'mon Munchie, at least Af-Fuckup calls me "CreepyOldGuy" when he misunderstands or distorts a post of mine. You could at least do that. LOL! The funniest thing is that you think you're smart. Oh, well, submit, comply, conform. You are a model citizen.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Misunderstand or distort?

I would ask in what way but we all know you'll ignore that.

You'll always just be a douche bag to me.

Think I'm smart? As a matter of fact I do.

Think you lack basic smarts? As a matter of fact I do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm glad I'm not in your Kansas, Dorothy.[/FONT] Originally Posted by Munchmasterman;2301872[FONT=Arial
On behalf of the State of Kansas, and I believe I speak for most of us on this point, we are glad you're not here, too.

joe bloe's Avatar
The breakdown of the family is a huge contributor. How many programs does the government sponsor to benefit single parents? Why is the government encouraging family breakups? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The African-American illegitimacy rate is pushing 70%. Before LBJ cranked up the social welfare state in the 1960's the black illegitimacy rate was 23%. Welfare programs encourage having kids out of wedlock which of course generates even more social welfare spending. Lather rinse repeat.

Imagine how high the black illegitimacy rate would be if most black pregancies weren't aborted. In New York City 59.8% of black pregancies are aborted.

The founder of Planned Parenthood (Margarete Sanger) was motivated primarily by the desire to limit the reproduction of "undesirables" basically non-whites whom she considered to be genetically inferior. It's kind of ironic the way the Democrats have deified her.

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-17-2012, 06:58 PM
The breakdown of the family is a huge contributor. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think the biggest cause of multi generational poverty is a kind of breaking of the will....Once you buy into the victimization mentality, you are allieviated from any sense of guilt for your lack of hard work or any behavior that might have caused your poverty.... You accept the notion that you are basically helpless....It keeps people trapped in poverty generation after generation. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Welfare programs encourage having kids out of wedlock which of course generates even more social welfare spending. Lather rinse repeat. Originally Posted by joe bloe
So we're in agreement, a person's lot in life can be greatly impacted by forces outside of their control.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Duh. That was the original point of this thread. Very perceptive, Doofe.

A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted. Thats how you Become Poor.

Maybe if you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.......

. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What's wrong with a Holiday Inn Express? I stayed many times at one in London with my avatar girl, fond memories. I've stayed a few times at one in Galveston. Once during the beach party, when I had three AA girls in my room (but they all went of to their 'cousins').

What's your problem?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Essence, you don't watch enough TV. It is referencing a commercial.

"You are so very smart!" "Not really, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night."