Rush with an AR15

Gotyour6's Avatar
They should all shut the fuck up about politics and just entertain me.

Any time someone in the entertainment world opens up a pie hole and spews politics needs to shut the fuck up.

I dont care what party they belong to.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There was a guy in Alvin TX that had a .40 bounce off of his chin.
Stray bullet from a rookie policeman.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You know I cant see what ever it is you posted that Ted did but if we were all the same and said the same things life would be pretty dull.
I appreciate a person that speaks his mind even if it isnt the way i would think. Problem is we have way too many people that are little more than parrots squawking the same crap that they hear and do not have an original thought to their credit.
lifer too Jackie ..

I dont like Uncle Ted or have any respect for him on any level, and never have for many reasons other than his recent oral exercise. Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm a life member, too, but have no use for anyone who spews this sort of stuff. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
3 Texans, 3 NRA lifers ..

Shoot low Sheriff, they're ridin' shetlands

Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm a LIBERAL Life Member of the NRA but I think they wrongly accuse ALL Dems of wanting guns banned. I think Wayne La Pierre of the NRA is a lying sack of shit and that he and Ted Nugent are the absolute scum of the earth.
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  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2012, 05:25 PM
well, thats 5 Texans

we have a posse!
well, thats 5 Texans

we have a posse! Originally Posted by CJ7
Well, you know what they say:

"Don't mess with Texas!"
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 04-17-2012, 05:34 PM
I'm a LIBERAL Life Member of the NRA but I think they wrongly accuse ALL Dems of wanting guns banned. I think Wayne La Pierre of the NRA is a lying sack of shit and that he and Ted Nugent are the absolute scum of the earth. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Wayne loves his NRA members who pay his $1m salary. Not too shabby when you're working for a non-profit organization. I've oftened wondered whether he cares more about his lifestyle than the second amendment.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2012, 05:38 PM
Well, you know what they say:

"Don't mess with Texas!" Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Worth every penny too.
In fact he seems underpaid for what he does.
There are some pretty dumbass actors that get paid way more than that and that arent even any godd Can you say Tom Cruz.
Adn dont get me started on them overpaid women uglyass actresses.
What doe sthat turd Bill mahre get paid.
Hey how bout you buddy Jesse adn Al .
What are them dumbasses at Feddie mae and Fannie Mac getting paid to lose billions of dollars.
I wonder what that dud a how you spell it Cylendra what did he make to steal form the tax payer.

Oh then we got that dont build a pipeline and create jobs cause I own the railroad that transports the oil buddy of Obama I don't pay enough taxes but you are not getting the billion in back taxes my companies owe
warren Buffet, oh wait he pays himself a dollar so he can avoid employment taxes, income tax rates and makes his money off of dividends.

You people and your disdain over what people earn. It is disgusting how insanely jealous you are of peoples success. Just amazing.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-17-2012, 08:32 PM
There are some pretty dumbass actors that get paid way more than that and that arent even any godd Can you say Tom Cruz.
Adn dont get me started on them overpaid women uglyass actresses.
What doe sthat turd Bill mahre get paid.
Hey how bout you buddy Jesse adn Al .
What are them dumbasses at Feddie mae and Fannie Mac getting paid to lose billions of dollars.
I wonder what that dud a how you spell it Cylendra what did he make to steal form the tax payer.

Oh then we got that dont build a pipeline and create jobs cause I own the railroad that transports the oil buddy of Obama I don't pay enough taxes but you are not getting the billion in back taxes my companies owe
warren Buffet, oh wait he pays himself a dollar so he can avoid employment taxes, income tax rates and makes his money off of dividends.

You people and your disdain over what people earn. It is disgusting how insanely jealous you are of peoples success. Just amazing. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I don't know how much you make, but that post is absolutely priceless.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Thank you so very much, I am glad you are starting to see the light.
Hey has the snow started to melt up in the great white north?

Oh please excuse my typing, I am legally blind and it is very difficult to proof read and catch all of my typing mistakes. Very tiring on the eyes looking at the monitor from two inches away through a magnifying glass.

Oh it doesnt matter what I make, I can survive. I am thinking about getting on the government tit and start collecting disability just to see have the Democrats live. Sitting around waitn on my gummit check, drinkin me some malt likker yeah man that's the life, SAY ,WHERE'S MY CHECK!

Nah I think I will continue to work, there are enough sucking the life out of the citizens I dont need to be another.

You know I went back and reread that one and you are right it is priceless. It should go in the Hall of Fame. Shit and my little old pea brain said all of that well dayum.

I cant wait till I am rich enough to be a liberal.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-18-2012, 04:14 AM
You know I went back and reread that one and you are right it is priceless. It should go in the Hall of Fame. Shit and my little old pea brain said all of that well dayum. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're oblivious.
Ozombies y'all will not get off that easy.......ijs